Graphical Development Environment for Postgres Object Oriented Database

Graphical Development Environment for Postgres Object Oriented Database (GDEP)

GDEP provides Postgres users the ability to create, edit, view, import and export classes to and from the Database without knowing the syntax of Postquel, which is the query language for Postgres. Also, GDEP provides developers with a Command Line Interface window allowing them to issue direct Postquel commands. GDEP provides a number of tools to help Postgres developers be more efficient and more productive.

The GDEP report discusses the functionalities of GDEP and how to use it, as well as the two enhancements GDEP adds to Postgres: propagating, or adding a new attribute to all instances of a class, and changing the parent class of an existing class. In addition, GDEP has the ability to show class' properties as a flat class as well as a regular class with inheritance properties. These features are not supported by any available Postgres tools.

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees as to the accuracy, currency, quality, or usefulness of the report or the associated programs or any information that is provided by using it. Furthermore, there is no assumption of responsibility for any loss or damage which may be caused by their use.

GDEP was implemented by Khaled A. Jababo at Concordia University, Montreal, CANADA.

Forward comments or questions about the GDEP report or the system to:

The postscript version of the entire document is available from: in /pub/bcdesai/gdep/ The software is available from: in /pub/bcdesai/gdep/gdep.tar.gz

Bipin C. DESAI
Concordia Univesity
Montreal, QC H4B 1R6