Test: Internet Indexing Systems vs List of Known URLs

(c)Bipin C. Desai Department of Computer Science Concordia University 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West Montreal, QC Canada H3G 1M8 Email: bcdesai@alcor.concordia.ca

Please click herefor a more recent set of tests.

Between June 3, 1995 and June 15, 1995 the following index systems, on the Internet, were tested to find URLs containing the target search string(s): Bipin (AND) Desai.

EINet Galaxy,
GNA Meta-Library,
World Wide Web Catalog,

The results obtained are given below giving the number of hits, mis-hits and misses.
The tests were done by Bipin C. Desai.

The following is a list of URLs, known to contain the string Bipin (AND) Desai.

These URLs existed well before the date of the tests. .

1.  Dr. Bipin C. DESAI 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/      Dr. Bipin C. Desai
2.  Who's Who in the Department of Computer Science, Concordia University 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/people/People.html    Desai, Bipin C (on leave) 
3.  A System for Seamless Search of Distributed Information Sources   
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/w3-paper.html    Bipin C. Desai
4.  Cover page aka Semantic Header     
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/bcd/semantic-header.html     (c)Bipin C. Desai
5.  WWW Workshop: Navigation Issues
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/bcd/navigate.html   Bipin C. DESAI 
6.  WWW Workshop: Priorities 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/bcd/priority.html     Bipin C. DESAI 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/expert-search.html  Bipin C. Desai
8.  Research Information - Department of Computer Science
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/research/Research.html    B.C. Desai 
9.  Graphical Development Environment for Postgres Object Oriented Database
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/gdep.html        Bipin C. DESAI
10.  Cindi System
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/cindi-system-1.0.html    Bipin C. Desai
11.  Report of the Metadata Workshop, Dublin, OH:  Bipin C. DESAI 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/metadata/metadata-workshop-report.html   Bipin C. DESAI 
12.  Appendix A:Metadata Workshop
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/metadata/Appendix-A.html    Bipin C. Desai
13.  Appendix B: Metadata Workshop:  Bipin C. DESAI 
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/metadata/Appendix-B.html    Bipin C. DESAI 
14.  BCD's Notes:Metadata Workshop
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/metadata/metadata-notes.html   Bipin C. DESAI
15.  WWW95 Indexing Workshop Details  
16.  WWW'95: Workshop A
http://www.igd.fhg.de/www/www95/workshops/work-a.html     Bipin C. Desai
17.  WWW'95: Workshop A
http://www.igd.fhg.de/www/www95/workshops/ref-a.html    Dr. Bipin C. Desai
18.  WWW'95: Workshop A:  Summary of positions/views
http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~bcdesai/www3-wrkA/summary.html  Bipin C. Desai
19.  Announcing   WebJournal: Bipin C. Desai  
20.  Metadata Workshop Mailing List Archive by thread 
http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/www/metadata-workshop/         Dr. Bipin C. DESAI 
21.  Metadata Workshop Mailing List Archive: Call for Metadata Element Lists
http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/www/metadata-workshop/0039.html   Bipin C. DESAI 
22.  Metadata Workshop Mailing List Archive: Info about Semantic Header etc.
http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/www/metadata-workshop/0007.html   Bipin C. DESAI 
23.  Metadata Workshop Mailing List Archive: WHO is BCD? 
http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/www/metadata-workshop/0003.html   Bipin C. DESAI
24.  Universal Resource Characteristics
http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HyperNews/get/www/URCs.html      Bipin C. Desai

Others:  cgi-based URLs

Registration List 
http://www.oclc.org:5046/conferences/metadata/registered.pl.cgi    Dr. Bipin C. DESAI
Metadata Workshop: Stake-holder
http://www.oclc.org:5046/conferences/metadata/stake_holders.sh.cgi  Bipin C. DESAI

The results* obtained are:

     | Search       | Number of| Number of | Number of| Number  |
     | System       | Hits     | Duplicates| Mis-hits | missed  |
     | Aliweb       |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | DA-CLOD      |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | EINet        |     6    |     0     |     4    |    22   |
     | GNA Meta Lib.|  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | Harvest      |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | InfoSeek     |     7    |     0     |     0    |    17   |
     | Lycos        |   231    |     2     |   222    |    17   |
     | Nikos        |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | RBSE         |     8    |     -     |     8    |    24   |
     | W3 Catalog   |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |
     | WebCrawler   |     7    |     3     |     0    |    20   |
     | WWWW         |     2    |     0     |     0    |    22   |
     | Yahoo        |  none    |     -     |     -    |    24   |

    Search statistics for using search the term Bipin (AND) Desai

* Note: The misses in the result for the manual systems, some of which depends on registering the resources, indicates that the resources have not been registered. Results may not be identical if the tests are repeated. This would be due to the possible discovery or registering of the missing documents. All documents in the list above existed well before the test date.

(c)Bipin C. Desai