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Structures Laboratory of Concordia University



Load Testing of a Cantilever Slab with a Thermal-B Thermal Break Connection

Test Video: Load Testing of a Cantilever Slab with a Thermal-B Thermal Break Connection



Fatigue tests on concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars

Test Video: Fatigue tests on concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars



Diagonal tension tests on concrete masonry wallets

Test Video: Testing of grouted concrete masonry wallet





Compression tests on concrete masonry prisms

Test Video: Testing of grouted concrete masonry prism





Flexural and serviceability behaviour of one-way steel-GFRP reinforced concrete slabs

Test Video: Testing steel-GFRP hybrid reinforced one-way concrete slab





PGRMWS - Flanged wall photo 1

PGRMWS - Flanged wall photo 2

Experimental Investigation of the In-plane Cyclic Response of Flanged Partially Grouted Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls Failing in Flexure.

Test video: Testing Flanged Wall 1





Experimental Investigation of the In-plane Cyclic Response of Partially Grouted Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls with Boundary Elements.

Test video: Testing Wall 1






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Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete-Masonry Shear Wall Boundary Elements [J83, J89]

Test Video: Testing a rectangular reinforced masonry boundary element under axial cyclic compression load





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In-plane cyclic response of high-rise reinforced concrete masonry shear walls with masonry boundary elements [J76, J79]

Test video: Quasi-static cyclic testing of a high-rise reinforced masonry shear wall with masonry boundary elements







In-plane shear behaviour of fully grouted reinforced masonry shear walls [J58, J70, J73]

Test Video: Testing Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: Wall 1 and Wall 6






Compression Stress-Strain of Fully Grouted Confined Concrete Block Masonry Boundary Elements [J63, J67, J75]

Test Video: Axial compression test on reinforced masonry boundary elements







Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete shear walls using CFRP composites [J30]

Test Video: Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete shear walls using CFRP composites






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Enhancing the seismic performance of reinforced masonry columns using CFRP and GFRP wraps [C22, C25, J23]





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Mechanical characteristics of new thermoplastic CFRP rebars for reinforcing concrete elements [C30]







Flexural strengthening of steel beams with CFRP materials [C26]







Flexure performance of GFRP-reinforced concrete masonry block beams [J21]








Out-of-plane flexure performance of GFRP-reinforced full-scale (3m high) concrete masonry block walls [C21, J16]





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Strengthening RC T-beams in flexure and shear using unbonded mechanically anchored CFRP sheets and dry CF sheets [C16, J13, J17]





Strengthening of non-ductile inverted-T bentcap bridge girders using anchored CFRP sheets [C10, C11, J7]




Full-scale 6mx2.8m masonry walls with openings subjected to out-of-plane air pressure (from airbag) strengthened with CFRP strips [C5, J3]





Fixed-fixed RC squat columns rehabilitated with FRP subjected to constant axial load and cyclic lateral displacements [C4, J1, J4]





Fixed-fixed RC Girder and Box Girder Bridges with haunches subjected to flexure and torsional loads [C1, C2, C3, J11]