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Research Interests

Cloud  and Edge/Fog computing

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) / Software Defined Networks (SDN)

In-Network Computing

Tactile Internet

Hardware acceleration

Internet of Things (IoT)

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Refereed Journals

o   M Saqib; H Elbiaze; R Glitho; Y Ghamri-Doudane, An Intelligent & Programmable Data Plane for QoS-Aware Packet Processing, IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking (TMLCN), available as Early Access

o   B Shayesteh, C Fu, A Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, Adaptive Feature Selection for Predicting Application Performance Degradation in Edge Cloud Environments, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), available as Early Access

o   M Raeiszadeh, A Ebrahimzadeh, R H. Glitho, J Eker, and R A. F. Mini, Real-Time Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT Environments, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), available as Early Access

o   A Boutouchent, A N.Meridja,Y Kardjadja, A. M. .Maia, Y Ghamri-Doudane, M Koudil, R H Glitho, H Elbiaze, AMANOS: An Intent-Driven Management And Orchestration System For Next-Generation Cloud-Native Networks,  IEEE Communications Magazine, June 2024

o   B Shayesteh; A Ebrahimzadeh; RH Glitho; Machine Learning for Predicting Infrastructure Faults and Job Failures in Clouds: A Survey, IEEE Communications Magazine, available as Early Access

o   S Taghizadeh, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, W Ajib, CASMaT: Characteristic-Aware SFC Mapping for Telesurgery Systems in Cloud-Edge Continuum, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, March 2024

o   A Maia, A Boutouchent, Y Kardjadja, M Gherari, E Gelal Soyak, M Saqib, K Boussekar, I Cilbir, S Habibi, S Ouledsidi Ali, W Ajib, H Elbiaze, O Erçetin, Y Ghamri-Doudane, R Glitho, A survey on integrated computing, caching, and communication in the cloud-to-edge continuum, Computer Communications, Elsevier, March 2024

o   P Bagora, A Ebrahimzadeh, F Wuhib, RH Glitho, Labeling Cloud Metrics Data for Fault Detection in Cloud Using Active Learning With Test Suite, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), June 2024

o   M Saqib, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, Adaptive In-Network Traffic Classifier: Bridging the Gap for Improved QoS By Minimizing Misclassification, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, January 2024

o   N Afrasiabi, A Ebrahimzadeh, N Promwongsa, C Mouradian, W Li, A Recse, R Szabo, R H Glitho, Cost-efficient Cluster Migration of VNFs for Virtualized Network Function Forwarding Graph Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), February 2024

Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   H Sedighi; F Wuhib; R Glitho, Efficient Task Scheduling and Allocation of GPU Resources in Clouds, 5th International Conference on Network of the Future, NoF, October, 2024

o   M Raeiszadeh, F Estrada-Solano, RH Glitho, J Eker, RAF Mini, A Data-Driven Approach for Adaptive Real-Time Log Parsing in Cloud Environments, 2024 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), July 2024

o   S Sabour, A Ebrahimzadeh, F Wuhib, M Soualhia, R Glitho, Service Graphs Generation in Intent – Based Networks, IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), January 2024


Refereed Journals

o   M Dieye, W Jaafar, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, DRL-based Green Resource Provisioning for 5G and Beyond Networks, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN), December 2023

o   V M Raee, A Ebrahimzadeh, R H. Glitho, M El Barachi, F Belqasmi, E2DNE: Energy Efficient Dynamic Network Embedding in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Green Networking and Communications (TGCN), September 2023

o   S Malektaji, M Rayani, A Ebrahimzadeh, VM Raee, H Elbiaze, RH Glitho, Dynamic Joint VNF Forwarding Graph Composition and Embedding: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), December 2023

o   F Aghaaliakbari, Z A Hmitti, M Rayani, M Gherari, R H. Glitho, H Elbiaze, and W Ajib, An Architecture for Provisioning In-Network Computing Enabled Slices for Holographic Applications in Next-Generation Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2023

o   Á Recse, N Promwongsa, A Ebrahimzadeh, S N Afrasiabi, C Mouradian, W Li, R Szabó, R H Glitho, Look-ahead VNF-FG Embedding Framework for Latency-sensitive Network Services, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), September 2023

o   SN Afrasiabi, A Ebrahimzadeh, C Mouradian, S Malektaji, RH Glitho, Reinforcement Learning-based Optimization Framework for Application Component Migration in NFV Cloud-Fog Environments, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), June 2023

Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   A Azdari, A Ebrahimzadeh, N Afrasiabi, R Szabo, W Li, R Glitho, Context Aware Topological Decomposition, IEEE Globecom Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023

o   N Afrasiabi, A Ebrahimzadeh, A Azdari, R Szabo, C Mouradian, R Glitho, Joint VNF Decomposition and Migration for Cost Efficient VNF Forwarding Graph Embedding, IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023

o   S Rahji, H Elbiaze, S Gambs, R Glitho. Leveraging In-Network Computing for Privacy Aware Real Time Surveillance mHealth Application, IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023

o   A. Ebrahimzadeh, M. Maier, and R. H. Glitho, “Joint Task Decomposition and Allocation in Tactile Internet FiWi Enhanced Mobile Networks,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PiCom), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 0277-0283

o   M Raeiszadeh, A Ebrahimzadeh, A Saleem, R Glitho; J Eker; R.A. F. Mini, Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using Distributed Tracing in Microservice Cloud Applications. IEEE Cloudnet, October 2023, New Jersey, US (Runner up paper award)

o   P Bagora, A Ebrahimzadeh, F Wuhib, RH Glitho, Data Labeling for Fault Detection in Cloud: A Test Suite-Based Active Learning Approach,  IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), June 2023 

o   B Shayesteh; C Fu; A Ebrahimzadeh and R Glitho, Causal-Temporal Analysis-based Feature Selection for Predicting Application Performance Degradation in Edge Clouds, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2023

o   M Saqib; H Elbiaze; R Glitho, A Profit-aware Adaptive Approach for In-Network Traffic Classification, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2023

o   A Saleem, M Raeiszadeh, A Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, J Eker, R Mini, A Deep Learning Approach for Root Cause Analysis of Application Anomalies for Real-Time IIoT, Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), May 2023

o   M Hammami, C Chaieb, W Ajib, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, UAV-Assisted Wireless Networks for Stringent Applications: Resource Allocation and Positioning, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2023

o   M Raeiszadeh, A Saleem, A Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, J Eker, R Mini, A Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time Application-Level Anomaly Detection in IoT Data Streaming, IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), January 2023


Refereed Journals

o   N. Promwongsa, A. Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, N Crespi, Joint VNF Placement and Scheduling for Latency-sensitive Services, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), Vol 4, July – August 2022

o   B Shayesteh, C Fu, A Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, Automated Concept Drift Handling for Fault Prediction in Edge Clouds using Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), June 2022, Vol 19, Issue 2

o   M. Rayani, A. Ebrahimzadeh, R. Glitho, H Elbiaze, Ensuring Profit and QoS when Dynamically Embedding Delay-Constrained ICN and IP Slices for Content Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), Vol 9, Issue 2, March-April 2022

o   V Maleki Raee, A. Ebrahimzadeh, R Glitho, H Elbiaze, Ensuring Energy Efficiency When Dynamically Assigning Tasks in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Green Networking and Communications (TGCN), Vol.6, Issue 1, pages 613-628, March 2022

o   Y. Jebbar, N. Promwongsa, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, A Case Study on the Deployment of a Tactile Internet Application in a Hybrid Cloud, Edge and Mobile Ad Hoc Cloud Environment, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 16, Issue 1, March 2022

Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   Muhammad Saqib, Zakaria Ait Hmitti, Halima Elbiaze, Roch H. Glitho, An Accurate & Efficient Approach for Traffic Classification Inside Programmable Data Plane, IEEE Globecom, December 2022

o   Soukaina Ouledsidi Ali, Halima Elbiaze, Roch Glitho, Wessam Ajib, CaMP-INC: Components-aware Microservices Placement for In-Network Computing Cloud-Edge Continuum, IEEE Globecom, December 2022

o   Aya Ahmed, Cirine Chaieb, Wessam Ajib, Halima Elbiaze and Roch Glitho, Resource Allocation and UAVs Placement in Cell-free Wireless Networks, IEEE Globecom, December 2022

o   A Hentati, A Ebrahimzadeh, RH Glitho, F Belqasmi, R Mizouni, Remote Robotic Surgery: Joint Placement and Scheduling of VNF-FGs, 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), October 2022

o   Razieh Abbasi Ghalehtaki, Amin Ebrahimzadeh, Roch H Glitho, Context-Aware Feature Selection using Denoising Auto-Encoder for Fault Detection in Cloud Environments, IEEE Cloud Summit, October 2022

o   H Sedighi, D Gehberger and R Glitho, Workload-aware Dynamic GPU Resource Management in Component-based Applications, 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), September 2022

o   JK Ahluwalia, C Mouradian, MN Alam, R Glitho, Cloud Infrastructure as a Service for an Efficient Usage of Sensing and Actuation Capabilities in Internet of Things, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), April 2022

o   RA Ghalehtaki, A Ebrahimzadeh, F Wuhib, RH Glitho, An Unsupervised Machine Learning-based Method for Detection and Explanation of Anomalies in Cloud Environments, 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), March 2022

o   VM Raee, A Ebrahimzadeh, M Rayani, R H. Glitho, M El Barachi, F Belqasmi, Energy Efficient Virtual Network Embedding in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), January 2022


Refereed Journals

o   S. Kianpisheh and R. Glitho, Joint Admission Control and Resource Allocation with Parallel VNF Processing for Time-Constrained Chains of Virtual Network Functions, IEEE Access, November 2021, Vol 9, pages 162553-162571

o   F. Boabang; A. Ebrahimzadeh, R.  Glitho, H. Elbiaze, M. Maier, F Belqasmi, A Machine Learning Framework for Handling Delayed/Lost Packets in Tactile Internet Remote Robotic Surgery, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), December 2021, Vol 18, Issue 4

o   S. MalekTaji, A. Ebrahimzadeh, H. Elbiaze, R. Glitho, S. Kianpisheh, An Optimization Framework for Content Migration in Edge-based Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol 18, Issue 3, September 2021

o   E Ahvar; S Ahvar; Z Á Mann; N Crespi; R Glitho; J Garcia-Alfaro, DECA: a Dynamic Energy cost and Carbon emission-efficient Application placement method for Edge Clouds, IEEE Access, April 2021

o   A Mseddi, MA Salahuddin, MF Zhani, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, Efficient Replica Migration Scheme for Distributed Cloud Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), Vol 9, Issue 1, January – March 2021

o   N. Promwongsa, A. Ebrahimzadeh, D. Naboulsi, S. Kianpisheh, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, O. Alfandi, A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet: State-of-the-art and Research Directions,  IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, First Quarter 2021


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   A Ebrahimzadeh, N Promwongsa, S N Afrasiabi, C Mouradian, W Li, A Recse, R Szabo and R Glitho, h-Horizon Sequential Look-ahead Greedy Algorithm for VNF-FG Embedding, 2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 9–11 November 2021, Virtual

o   A Ebrahimzadeh, M Maier, R Glitho, Trace-Driven Haptic Traffic Characterization for Tactile Internet Performance Evaluation, 7th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies, 27-28 OCTOBER 2021, Virtual

o   B Shayesteth, A Ebrahimzadeh, C Fu, R Glitho, Auto-adaptive Fault Prediction System for Edge Cloud Environments in the Presence of Concept Drift, 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), October 4th-8th, 2021,  Virtual

o   F Rasouli, A Ebrahimzadeh, S Kianpisheh, N Promwongsa, F Belqasmi, R, Glitho, Predictive Framework for Haptic Enabled VR-based Remote Phobia Treatment in Cloud/Fog Environment, 2021 24th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN) 1-4 March 2021, Virtual


Refereed Journals

o   N Promwongsa, M Abu-Lebdeh, S Kianpisheh, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, H Elbiaze, N Crespi, O Alfandi, Ensuring Reliability and Low Cost when using a Parallel VNF Processing to Embed Delay-Constrained Slices, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vole 17, issue 4, October 2020

o   M. Dieye, W Jaafar, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, Market Driven Multi-domain Network Service Orchestration in 5G Networks, Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC),  Volume: 38 , Issue 7,  July 2020

o   C. Mouradian, F. Ebrahimnezhad, Y. Jebbar, J. Ahluwalia, N.S Afrasiabi, R. Glitho, A. Moghe, An IoT Platfrom-as-a-Service for NFV Based –Hybrid Cloud / Fog  Systems,   Special Issue on Edge-Cloud Interplay Based on SDN & NFV for Next Generation IoT Applications,  IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  Volume: 7 , Issue 7,  July 2020


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   M Rayani, R Glitho, E Elbiaze, ETSI Multi-Access Edge Computing for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming in Information Centric Networks, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), December, 2020

o   F Boabang, R Glitho, H. Elbiaze, F Belqasmi, O. Alfandi, A Framework for Predicting Haptic Feedback in Needle Insertion in Remote Robotic Surgery, The 17th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2020),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2020


Refereed Journals

o   C Mouradian, S Kianpisheh, M Abu-Lebdeh, F Ebrahimnezhad, N T Jahromi, R Glitho, Application Component Placement in NFV-based Hybrid Cloud/Fog Systems with Mobile Fog Nodes, Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 37 (5), 1130 – 1143,  May 2019

o   A Soltanian, D Naboulsi, R Glitho, H Elbiaze, Resource Allocation Mechanism for Media Handling Services in Multimedia Conferencing, Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 37 (5), 1167 – 1181,  May 2019


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   Y. Jebbar, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, O. Alfandi, A Fog Based – Architecture for Remote Phobia Treatment, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom), Sydney, Australia, December, 2019

o   SN Afrasiabi, S Kianpisheh, C Mouradian, RH Glitho, A Moghe, Application Components Migration in NFV-based Hybrid Cloud/Fog Systems,  IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Paris, France, July 2019

o   P Rezende, S Kianpisheh, R Glitho, E Madeira, An SDN Based Framework for Routing Multi-Streams Transport Traffic Over Multi Multipath Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), NGNI Symposium, May 2019, Shanghai, China

o   R A Ghalehtaki, S Kiampiesh and R Glitho, A Bee Colony Based Algorithm for Micro Cache Placement Close to End Users in Fog Based Content Delivery Networks, The 16th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2019),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2019

o   S Malektaji, D Naboulsi, R Glitho, A Polyantsev, A E Essaili, C Iskander and R Brunner, Video Sessions KPIs Clustering Frameworks in DNs, The 16th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2019),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2019

o   S kiampisheh, and R Glitho, Cost Efficient Server Provisioning for Deadline – Constrained VNF Chains: A Parallel VNF Processing Approach, The 16th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2019),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2019


Refereed Journals

o   C. Mouradian, N. Tahghigh, R. Glitho, NFV and SDN based – Distributed IoT Gateway for Large-Scale Disaster Management, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, October 2018, Vol 5, pp 4119-4131

o   M. Dieye, S. Ahvar, J Sahoo, E Ahvar, R Glitho, H. Elbiaze, N. Crespi, CPVNF: Cost-efficient Proactive VNF Placement and Chaining for Value-Added Services in Content Delivery Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Services Manangement (TNSM),  June 2018, Volume 15, Issue: 2, pp 774-786

o   A Soltanian; F Belqasmi; S Yangui; M A. Salahuddin; R Glitho; H Elbiaze,  A Cloud-based Architecture for Multimedia Conferencing Service Provisioning, IEEE Access Journal, Year 2018, Volume 6, available at:

o   MA Salahuddin, J Sahoo, R Glitho, H Elbiaze,W Ajib,  A Survey on Content Placement Algorithms for Cloud – Based Content Delivery Network, IEEE Access Journal, Year 2018, Volume 6

Available at

o   C Mouradian, D Naboulsi, S Yangui, R Glitho, M J Morrow, P A Polakos, A Comprehensive Survey on Fog Computing: State-of-the-art and Research Challenges,   , IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Volume 20. Issue 1, Firstquarter, 2018 available at:


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   N. Alam and R. Glitho, An Infrastructure as a Service for the Internet of Things, IEEE CloudNet 2018, October 2018, Tokyo, Japan

o   S. Malektaji, S. Kianpieheh and R Glitho, Purging Aware Content Placement in Fog Based – Content Delivery Networks, IEEE CloudNet 2018,  October 2018, Tokyo, Japan

o   S Ahvar, J Sahoo, E Ahvar, M Dieye, R Glitho, H Elbiaze, N Crespi,, PCPV: Pattern-based Cost-efficient Proactive VNF Placement and Chaining for
Value-Added Services in Content Delivery Networks, , IEEE Netsoft, June 2018, Montreal, Canada

o   S Ahvar, M Mirzaei, J Leguay, E Ahvar, A  Medhat, N Crespi, R Glitho, SET: a Simple and Effective Technique to improve cost efficiency of VNF Placement and Chaining Algorithms for Network Service Provisioning, IEEE Netsoft, June 2018, Montreal, Canada

o    N. Jahromi, S. Kianpisheh, R. Glitho, Online VNF Placement and Chaining for Value added Services in Content Delivery Networks, IEEE LANMAN, June 2018, Washington DC, US

o    C. Mouradian,  S. Kianpisheh, R. Glitho, Application Component Placement in NFV-based Hybrid Cloud/Fog Systems, IEEE LANMAN, June 2018, Washington DC, US

o    V M Raee, D Naboulsi, R Glitho, Energy Efficient Task Assignment in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC), June 2018,  Natal, Brazil

o    M. Rayani, D. Naboulsi, R. Glitho, Slicing Virtualized EPC-based 5G Core Network for Content Delivery, IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC), June 2018,  Natal, Brazil

o   N Taghigh;; R Glitho; A Larabi, R Brunner, An NFV and Microservices Based Architecture for On-the-Fly Component Provisioning in Content Delivery Networks, The 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2018),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2018

o   A Soltanian, D Naboulsi; M A Salahuddin,  R Glitho; H Elbiaze; CW Tchouati, ADS: Adaptive and Dynamic Scaling Mechanism for Multimedia Conferencing Services in the Cloud, The 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2018),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2018

o   C Mouradian, S Yangui, R Glitho, Robots as-a-Service in Cloud Computing: Search and Rescue in Large-scale Disasters Case Study, The 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2018),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2018

o   M Aloui, S Yangui, H Elbiaze, R Glitho, Analytics as a Service Architecture for Cloud-based CDN: Case of Video Popularity Prediction, The 15th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2018),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2018


Refereed Journals


o   M. Abu-Ledeh, D. Naboulsi, R. Glitho, CW  Tchouati, On the Placement  of VNF Managers in Large-Scale and Distributed NFV Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network and Services Manangement (TNSM), Special issue on Advances in Management of Softwarized Networks, December 2017

o   J Sahoo, M A Salahuddin, R Glitho, H Elbize, W Ajib, A Survey on Replica Server Placement Algorithms for Content Delivery Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,  Third Quarter, 2017


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   M. Salahuddin, A. Mseddi, H. Elbiaze, R. Glitho, Popularity and Correlation-aware Content Placement for Hierarchical Surrogates in cloud based – CDNs,  Technical Symposium on Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications, IEEE Globecom, December 2017, Singapore

o   M. Abu-Lebdeh, D. Naboulsi, R. Glitho, CW Tchouati, NFV orchestrator placement for geo-distributed systems, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2017), Cambridge, MA, USA, 30 October – 1 November 2017

o   S Ahvar,  H P Phyu, S M Buddhacharya, E Ahvar,  R Glitho, N Crespi, CCVP: Cost efficient Centrality-based VNF Placement and Chaining Algorithm for Network Service Provisioning, 3rd IEEE Coference on Network Softwarization  (NetSoft 2017). July 2017, Bologna, Italy

o   C Mouradian, J Sahoo; R Glitho; M Morrow ; P Polakos, A Coalition Formation Algorithm for Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Large-Scale Natural Disasters, 13th IWCMC 2017 conference, Valencia, June 2017

o   N Taghigh; S Yangui; A Larabi; D Smith; M A Salahuddin; R Glitho; R Brunner; H Elbiaze, NFV and SDN-based Cost-efficient and Agile Value-added Video Services Provisioning in Content Delivery Networks, The 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017),  Las Vegas, USA, January 2017


Refereed Journals

o   M. Abu-Lebdeh, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho,  An Architecture for QoS-Enabled Mobile Video Surveillance Applications in a 4G EPC and M2M Environment,  IEEE Access Journal, July 2016

o   S. Yangui, R Glitho, CW Tchouati, , Approaches to End-User Applications Portability in the Cloud: A Survey,  IEEE Communications Magazine, Network and Service Management series, July 2016

o   C. Mouradian, S. Tonmoy, J. Sahoo, M. Abu-Lebdeh, R. Glitho, M.  Morrow, P. Polakos, Network Functions Virtualization Architecture for Gateways for Virtualized Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks, IEEE Network, May/June 2016

o   I Khan, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, M. Morrow, P. Polakos, Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization: A Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, First Quarter 2016

o   M Abu-Lebdeh, J Sahoo, R Glitho, CW Tchouati, Cloudifying the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem for 4G and Beyond: A Survey,  IEEE Communications Magazine, Network and Service Management series, January  2016

o   SN Han, I Khan, GM Lee, N Crespi, RH Glitho, Service Composition for IP Smart Object Using Real time Web protocols: Concept and Research Challenges, Elsevier Computer Standards & Interfaces 43, 2016, pp 79-90, 2016


Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   E. Ben abdelkrim_, M.  A. Salahuddin_z, H.  Elbiaze,  and R. Glitho, A Hybrid Regression Model for Video Popularity-based Cache Replacement in Content Delivery Networks, Technical Symposium on Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications, IEEE Globecom, December 2016, Washington, DC, USA

o   S Chauhan, S Yangui,, R Glitho, A Case Study for a Presence Service in the Cloud,  7th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF 2016), Buzios, Brazil, November 2016

o   M Abu-Lebdeh, S Yangui, D Naboulsi, R Glitho, C Wette Tchouati,  A Virtual Network PaaS for 3GPP 4G and Beyond Core Network Services,  IEEE Cloudnet, Pisa, Italy, October 2016

o   E. Ahvar,  Z. Mann, N, Crespi, J. Garcia-Alfaro, R. Glitho, a Cost and Carbon Emission-Efficient Virtual Machine Placement  Method for Green Distributed Clouds, 13th IEEE International Symposium on Service Computing, SCC 2016, July 2016, San Francisco, USA

o   S Yangui, P Ravindran,  O Bibani, R Glitho, N B Hadj Alouane,  M Morrow, P Polakos,  A Platform as-a-Service for Hybrid Cloud/Fog Environments, The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, IEEE LANMAN 2016,  June 2016, Rome, Italy

o   FA Bin Alam, A Soltanian, S. Yangui, MA Salahuddin, , R Glitho,  H Elbiaze, A Cloud Platform-as-a-Service for   Multimedia Conferencing Service Provisioning, 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications IEEE ISCC 2016, June 2016, Messina, Italy

o   J sahoo, R. glitho, Greedy Heuristic for Replica Server Placement in Cloud Based Content Delivery Networks, 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications IEEE ISCC 2016, June 2016, Messina, Italy

o   R. Jafrin, I. Khan, J. Sahoo, R. Glitho, A Framework for Ontology Provisioning in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, 21st IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications IEEE ISCC 2016, June 2016, Messina, Italy

o   S. Yangui, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, M. Morrow, P. Polakos, IoT End-User Applications Provisioning in the Cloud: State of the Art, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) 2016,  April 2016, Berlin, Germany

o   I Khan, R Jafrin, J sahoo, S. Han R. Glitho, A genetic algorithm-based solution for efficient in-network sensor data annotation in virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Series, IEEE CCNC 2016, January 2016, Las Vegas, USA



Refereed Journals

o   I Khan, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, M. Morrow, P. Polakos, Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization: Early Architecture and Research Perspectives,  IEEE Network , May / June 2015



Refereed Conferences / Workshops

o   MA Salahuddin, H. Elbiaze, W. Ajib, R. Glitho, Social Network Analysis Inspired Content Placement with QoS in Cloud-based Content Delivery Networks, Technical Symposium on Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications, IEEE Globecom, December 2015, San Diego, CA, USA

o   A. Soltanian, MH Salahuddin, H. Elbiaze, R Glitho, A Resource Allocation Mechanism for Video Mixing as a Cloud Computing Service in Multimedia Conferencing Applications, 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), November 2015, Barcelona, Spain

o   H. Alipour, F. Belqasmi, M. Abulebdeh, R Glitho, Towards HSS as a Virtualized Service for 5G, 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), November 2015, Barcelona, Spain

o   A. Meseddi, MA Salahuddin, F. Zhani, H. Elbiaze, R. Glitho, On Optimizing Replica Migration in Distributed Cloud Storage Systems, 4th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet 2015), October 2015, Niagara Falls, Canada

o   AK Bhowmik, F Khendek, M. Hormati, R Glitho, An Architecture for M2M Enabled Social Networks, 14th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET) 2015, July 2015, Coimbra, Portugal

o   I. Khan, F.Z. Errounda, S. Yangui, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, Getting Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks’ IaaS ready for PaaS, IEEE DCOSS 2015, IoTIP-15 workshop, Fortaleza, Brazil, Jube 2015

o   C. Mouradian, T Saha, J  Sahoo, R Glitho, M. Morrow, P. Polakos, NFV Based Gateways for Virtualized Wireless Sensors Networks: A Case Study,  Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2015, London, UK

o   I. Khan, R. Jafrin, F. Errounda, R. Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos, A Data Annotation Architecture for Semantic Applications in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks, IFIP/IEE International Symposium on Integrated Management (IM 2015), May 2015, Ottawa, Canada 



Refereed Journals

o   F. Belqasmi, C. Azar, , R. Glitho, M. Soualhia, N. Kara, A Case Study on IVR Applications Provisioning as Cloud Computing Services, IEEE Network, January/February 2014

Refereed Conferences

o   Flora Taheri, Roch Glitho, Jerry George,  Fatna Belqasmi, Nadjia Kara, A Cloud Infrastructure for Scalable and Elastic Multimedia Conferencing Applications, 10th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - November 17-21, 2014

o   Ahmed Abouzeid, Mohammadmajid Hormati,  Roch Glitho, Ferhat Khendek, Quality of Experience-Enabled Social Networks, The 10th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, Q2SWinet 2014 ,  September 21st – 22nd, 2014

o   M Hormati, F Khendek, R Glitho, F Belqasmi,  Differentiated QoS for overlay-based disaster response systems, IEEE  International Communications Conference (ICC), Workshop on Advances in Public Safety and Emergency Communications (APSEC), June 14, Sydney, Australia

o   R Glitho, Cloudifying the IP Multimedia Subsystem: Why and How?, 6th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), March 30 – April 2, 2014,  Dubai

o   C. Mouradian, F. Errounda, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, An Infrastructure for Robotic Applications as Cloud Computing . Services, IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE   WF-IOT), March 6 – 8, 2014. Seoul, South Korea

o   Razieh Safaripour, Ferhat Khendek, Roch Glitho, Fatna Belqasmi, A RESTful architecture for enabling rapid development and deployment of companion robot applications, International Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC),  February 2014, Hawai


 Refereed Journals

o   A. Islam, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, The Design and Implementation of OMA RESTful Location Services in Wireless Sensor Environment, IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2013

o   S Bah,  R Glitho, R Dssouli, A SIP Servlets-based Framework for Service Provisionning in Stand Alone Manets, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Vol 36, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 147 – 155

Refereed Conferences

o   G. Kounou, C. Akpona, H. Ahouantchede, R. Gohoue, F. Belqasmi and R. Glitho, A Social Network Based Architecture for Onlie RoSCAs in the Developing World, ACM Fourth Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (ACMDev), December 6-7, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa

o   F. Belqasmi, H. Alipour, M. El Ferjani, R. Glitho, An Architecture for QoS Enabled Video Telephony in 3GPP 4G Evolved Packet Core Environment, 19th Brazilian Symposium on Multimeida and the Web (Webmedia 2013), November 5-8, 2013, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

o   F. Errounda, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, Towards Cloud Based Architectures for Robotic Applications Provisioning, 4th International Conference on Network of the Future (NOF 2013), October 23-25, 2013, Pohang, South Korea

o   M. Hormati, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, A DNS Protocol Based – Service Discovery Architecture for Disaster Response Systems, The Eightteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2013), July 7 – 10, 2013, Split, Croatia

o   J. Georges, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, N. Kara, A Substrate Description Framework and RDF Repository for Publication and Discovery in Cloud Based Conferencing, 4th Canadian Semantic Web Symposium, (CSWS 2013), July 10, 2013, Montreal

o   M Aloqaily, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, A Hammad, Multiparty / Multimedia Conferencing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Improving Communications between Firefighters, 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), May 2013, Fes/Ifrane, Morocco

o   Khan, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, A Multi-Layer Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network Virtualization,  6th Joint Wireless & Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2013), April 2013, Dubai

o   R. Glitho, M. Morrow, P. Polakos, A Cloud – Based Architecture for Cost Efficient Applications and Services Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks, ,  6th Joint Wireless & Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2013), April 2013, Dubai


      Refereed Journals   

o   F. Belqasmi, J. Singh, S. Bani Melhem, and R. Glitho, SOAP Based Web Services vs. RESTful Web Services: A Case Study for Multimedia Conferencing Applications, IEEE Internet Computing, July/August 2012

o   F. Belqasmi, C. Fu, Z. Zhu, R. Glitho, Subscriber Data and Semantic Web for Provisioning Novel End-User Services in Telecommunication Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2012

o   N. Laga, E. Bertin, R. Glitho, N. Crespi, Widgets and Mechansims for Service Creation by Ordinary Users, IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2012

o   R. Karunamurthy, F. Khendek, R. Glitho, A Novel Architecture for Web Service Composition, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Application (JNCA), Vol 35, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 787 – 802


     Refereed Conferences

o   M Abu-Lebdeh, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, A 3GPP 4G Evolved Packet Core Based – Architecture for QoS Enabled Mobile Video Surveillance Application, Third International Conference on the Network of the Future, November 2012, November 2012, Tunis, Tunisia

o   H. Ahouantchede, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, SNS4D: An Online  Social Network System for Development, Fourth International IEEE EAI Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, Africomm 2012, November 2012, Cameroon

o   Asadul, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Implementing OMA RESTful Location Services in Wireless Sensor Environments, IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC),  July 1 – 4, 2012, Cappadocia, Turkey

o   K. Sehoubo, F. Belqasmi and R. Glitho, PervCal4D:A Pervasive On-Line Calendar System for Developing Countries, International Conference on Multmedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS’12, May 10-12, 2012, Tangier - Morocco





Refereed Journals         

o   F. Belqasmi, C. Fu, R. Glitho, RESTful Web Services for Service Provisioning in Next Generation Networks: A Survey, IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2011, Vol. 49, No12

o   H Rucheng, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, The Design and Implementation of Architectural Components for the Integration of IP Multimedia Subsystem and Wireless Actuators, IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2011, Vol. 49, No12

o   F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, An Overlay Network for Autonomous Information Discovery in the Post Composition Registries of Ambient Networks, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 34, Issue 2,  March 2011,  pp.697 – 707

o   M. El Barachi, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, Control Level Call Differentiation in IMS-Based 3G Core Networks, IEEE Network, January/February 2011, Vol. 25, No1


  Refereed Conferences

o   F. Belqasmi, C. Azar, M. Soualhia, N. Kara,  R. Glitho, A Virtualized Infrastructure For IVR Applications as Services, ITU Kaleidoscope 2011, Cape Town, South Africa, December 12-14, 2011

o   R. Glitho, Application Architectures for Macine to Machine Communications: Research Agenda vs. State of the Art, Position paper, 6th International Conference on Broadband Communications & Biomedical Applications (IB2COM 2011), Internet of Things Workshop, Melbourne Australia, November 2011

o   P. Houngue, E. Damiani, R. Glitho, Overcoming NAT Traversal Issue for SIP – based Communications in P2P Networks, 4th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2011, Toulouse, France, October 2011

o   R. Glitho, Cloud Based – Multimedia Conferencing: Business Model, Research Agenda and State of the Art, Position paper, International Workshop on Cloud for Enterprises, (C4E) 2011, Luxembourg, September 2011

o   F Belqasmi, N Kara, R. Glitho, A Novel Virtualized Presence Service for Future Internet, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2011,  Workshop T2, Future Network, Kyoto, Japan, June  2011



Refereed Journals         


o   C. Fu, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, RESTful Web Services for Bridging Presence Service across Technologies and Domains: An Early Feasibility Prototype, IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2010, Vol. 48, No12.

o   Z. Zhu, F. Belqasmi, C. Fu, R. Glitho, A Case Study of a Presence Based End-User Lookup Service for the Dynamic Discovery of Entities Across Technologies and Domains, IEEE Communications Magazine, November 2010, Vol. 48, No11, pp. 82-89

o   M. El Barachi, A. Kadiwal, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, R. Dssouli,. The Design and Implementation of Architectural Components for the Integration of IP Multimedia Subsystem and Wireless Sensors Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2010, Vol. 48, No4, pp. 42 - 50

o   R. Karanumurthy, F. Khendek, R. Glitho, A Formal Description Framework and a Matching Technique for Web Service Composition, International Journal of Web Information Systems, Emerald publishing, Volume 6, No.1, 2010


Refereed Conferences

o   P. Houngue, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, E. Damiani, Proxy Topology Building and Routing in P2P SIP, 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST 2010), Teheran, Iran, December 4 – 6, 2010

o   S. Hamedi, M. Hormati, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for an Enhanced End-User Experience, ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010, Pune, India, December 13 – 15, 2010

o   F Belqasmi, C Anaimbossou, R Glitho, Leveraging SMS Infrastructure for Internet Access in Developing Countries: Scenarios, Architectures and Research Directions, 2nd International ICST Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries, Africomm 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2010

o   H. Rucheng, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, M. Mehmet-Ali, Integrating Wireless Actuation Capabilities with the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem for Enhanced Multimedia Services, IEEE PIRMC 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010

o   C. Fu, F. Beqasmi, M. Shasvelayati, H. Khlifi, R. Glitho, A Peer to Peer Architecture for Enabling Universal Presence Service, Next Generation Mobile applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2010), 26 – 29 July 2010, Amman, Jordan

o   M. Velez, R. Glitho, A. Quintero, An Overlay Gateway for the Integration of IP Mulitmedia Subsystem and Mobile Sink Based – Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2010-Fall), Ottawa, Canada, 6 – 9 Septembre 2010

o   P. Houngue, R. Glitho, E. Damiani, A Novel Architecture for Peer to Peer SIP, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), June 22 – 25, 2010, Riccione, Italy

o   M. El Barachi,, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, A Case Study on Multiparty Calls Differentiation in the IP Multimedia Subsystem, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2010-Spring), 16-19 May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan

o   M. El Barachi,, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, A Case Study on Multiparty Context-Aware Emergency Session Support in the IP Multimedia Sub-system, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2010 (WCNC' 010), 18-21 April 2010, Sydney, Australia



Refereed Journals         

o   F. Belqasmi, C. Fu, M. Alrubaye, R. Glitho, Design and Implementation of Advanced Multimedia Conferencing Applications  in the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem, IEEE Communications Magazine, November 2009, Vol.47, No11, pp. 156 – 163

o   C. Fu, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Signaling for Multimedia Conferencing in Stand Alone Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 8, No7, July 2009, pp. 991 – 1005

o   D. Ben Khedher, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli , Media Handling for Multimedia Conferencing in Multihop Cellular Networks, IEEE Network, March/April 2009, Vol.23, No2, pp. 35-42

o   M. Qiao, F. Khendek, A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, R. Glitho, An Architecture for Automatic QoS Adaptation for Composite Web Services, International Journal of Web Service Practices, Web Services Research Foundation, Vol.4, No1, 2009, pp. 18-27

o   A. Benharref, R. Dssouli, M. Serhani and R. Glitho, Efficient Traces Collection Mechanisms for Passive Testing of Web Services, Elsevier Information and Software Technology 51 (2009), 362 – 374

Refereed Conferences

o   Z. Zhu, F. Belqasmi, C. Fu, R. Glitho, A Novel Look Up Service Enabler for Presence Based – Applications and its Architecture in the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem, IFIP New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NMTS 2009), December 20-23, Cairo, Egypt

o   C. Fu, F. Belqasmi, M. Alrubaye, R. Karunamurthy, R. Glitho, A Case Study on Multiparty Multimedia Game Development in the IP Multimedia Subsystem, International Conference on Intelligence in Networks (ICIN 2009), Forthcoming, October 26 – 29, 2009

o   R.  Karunamurthy, F. Khendek, R. Glitho, “Describing Different Characteristics of Web Services: State of the Art Analysis and a Proposal”, Proceedings of NOTERE’2009, Montreal, June 2009

o   M. El Barachi, A. Kadiwal, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, R. Dssouli, The Design and Implementation of a Gateway for IP Multimedia Subsystem / Wireless Sensors Networks Interworking, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2009-Spring), April 26-29, Barcelona, Spain

o   F. Belqasmi, M. Al Rubaye, C. Fu, R. Glitho, A Novel Architecture for Floor Control in the IP Multimedia Subsystem of 3G Networks,  IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2009-Spring), April 26-29, Barcelona, Spain



Refereed Journals

o   C. Fu, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, A Cross Layer Architecture for Signaling in Multihop Cellular Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, September 2008, pp. 174 – 182

o   F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, Ambient Network Composition, IEEE Network, July/August 2008, pp. 6-12

Refereed Conferences

o   S. Bah, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, An overlay Network for a SIP Servlet – Based service Execution Environment in Stand Alone MANETs, New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NMTS), Nov. 5-7, 2008

o   Slimane Bah, Basel Ahmad, Roch Glitho, Ferhat Khendek and Rachida Dssouli, A SIP servlet Framework for Provisioning Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligence in Network (ICIN 2008), October 20-23, 2008, Bordeaux,, France

o   I. Al-Oqily, A. Karmouch and R. Glitho, Ontology-Based Context Level Agreements and Negotiation Protocol, 5th International Workshop on Next Generation Middleware, IEEE/IFIP MANWEEK 2008, September 22-26 2008, Samos Islands, Greece

o   May El Barachi, Roch Glitho and Rachida Dssouli, Charging for Multigrade Services in the IP Multimedia Systems, To appear in the Proceedings of  the second IEEE Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2008), September 16-19 2008, Cardif, Wales, UK

o   I. Al-Oqily, A. Karmouch and R. Glitho, An Autonomic Service Architecture for Service Specific Overlay Networks, IFIP Conference on Wireless Sensors and Actors Networks, July 14-15, 2008, Ottawa,  Canada

o   May El Barachi, Arif Kadiwal, Roch Glitho, Ferhat Khendek,and Rachida Dssouli, An Architecture for the Provision of Context-Aware Emergency Services in the IP Multimedia Subsystem,  Proceedings of IEEE 67th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2008-Spring), May 11 - 14, 2008, Marina Bay, Singapore.

o   May El Barachi, Arif Kadiwal, Roch Glitho, Ferhat Khendek,and Rachida Dssouli, A Presence-based Architecture for the Integration of the Sensing Capabilities of Wireless Sensor Networks in the IP Multimedia Subsystem, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (WCNC' 08), March 31 - April 3, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

o   Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho and Rachida Dssouli, Data Interworking Aspects of Network Cooperation in 4G: The Case of Registry Composition in Ambient Networks, IEEE Broadband Convergence Networks Workshop (BCN 08), April 2008, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

o   Slimane Bah, Roch Glitho and Rachida Dssouli, Provisioning  Services in Multihop Cellular Networks When the End-Users are in the Ad Hoc Network Portion, IEEE Broadband Convergence Networks Workshop 2008 (BcN 08), April 5 , 2008, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

o   May El Barachi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, Enhancing the QoS and Resource Management Aspects of the 3GPP IMS Emergency Service Architecture, In the Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (CCNC?08), January 10 - January 12, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

o   Slimane Bah, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, SIP Servlets for Service Provisioning in Multihop Cellular Networks: High Level Architectural Alternatives, In the proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (CCNC?08), January 10 - January 12, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

o   May El Barachi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, Enhancing the QoS and Resource Management Aspects of the 3GPP IMS Emergency Service Architecture, Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (CCNC?08), January 10 - January 12, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

o   Slimane Bah, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, SIP Servlets for Service Provisioning in Multihop Cellular Networks: High Level Architectural Alternatives, Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008 (CCNC?08), January 10 - January 12, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


2007 and before

      Refereed Journals

o   Rajesh Karunamurthy, Ferhat Khendek, and Roch H. Glitho, A Business Model for Composing Telecommunication Web Services, IEEE Communications Magazine, July 2007, pp.36 - 43

o   R. Karunamurthy, F. Khendek and R. Glitho, Using Web Services for Presence-Based Application Development, International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Vol.2, No2, 2006, pp. 167-197

o   C. Fu, F. Khendek and R. Glitho, Signaling  for Multimedia Conferencing in 4G: The Case of Integrated MANETs / 4G, IEEE Communications Magazine, August 2006, pp. 90-99  

o   D. Ben Kheder, R. Glitho, and R. Dssouli, Media Handling Aspects of Conferencing in Broadband Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Network, March/April 2006, pp. 42-49.  

o   M. El Barachi, R. Glitho, and R. Dssouli, Developing Applications for Internet Telephony: A Case Study on the Use of Web Services for Conferencing in SIP Networks, The International Journal of Web Information Systems, Vol.1, No.3, September 2005, pp. 147-159. 

o    G. Allee, S. Pierre,  R.H. Glitho, and A. El Rhazi, An improved itinerary recording protocol for securing distributed architectures based on mobile    agents, Journal of Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press, Vol. 1, No 2,  2005, pp. 129-147

o   F-K Sato, S. Pierre and R.H. Glitho, Retrieving Information from the Invisible Web Using Mobile Agents, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Vol.1, Issue 2,  2005,  pp. 283-289

o   R.H. Glitho and K. Sylla, Developing Applications for Internet Telephony: A Case Study on the Use of Parlay Call Control APIs in SIP Networks, IEEE Network, May/June 2004, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 48 – 55

o   R. H. Glitho, F. Khendek and A. DeMarco, Creating Value Added Services in Internet Telephony: An Overview and a Case Study on a High Level Service Creation Environment, IEEE Transactions on Man, Cybernetics and Systems, Part C, Vol.33, No4, 2003, pp. 445 - 457

o   B. Emako, R.H. Glitho and S. Pierre, A Mobile Agent based Advanced Service Architecture for  Wireless Internet Telephony: Design, Implementation and Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Computers,  Vol. 52, No. 6, June 2003

        Refereed Conferences                                 

o     R. Glitho, P. Houngue, B. Gagnon, M. Dembele, Cellular Telephony as an Enabler for Anywhere, Anytime On-Line Address Books: An Open Architecture, IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology (ICAST 2007), December 2007, Accra, Ghana

o   Dhafer Ben Kheder, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, A Novel Overlay-Based Failure Detection Architecture for MANET Applications, In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007), Adelaide, South Australia, 19th - 21st November 2007.

o   Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, An IETF NSIS-Based Signaling Framework for Negotiating Registry Composition in Ambient Networks, In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007), Adelaide, South Australia, and 19th - 21st November 2007.

o   Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, Validation of a Negotiation Protocol For Registry Composition in Ambient Networks, In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS'07), Marrakech, Morocco, 2nd - 6th July 2007.

o   Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, A Negotiation Framework for the Composition of Registries in Ambient Network,  Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'07), Aveiro, Portugal, 1st - 4th July 2007

o   Nuru Yakub Othman, Roch Glitho, and Ferhat Khendek, The Design and Implementation of a Web Service Framework for Individual Nodes in Sinkless Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'07), Aveiro, Portugal, 1st - 4th July 2007

o   May El Barachi, Roch Glitho, and Rachida Dssouli, Context-aware Signaling for Call Differentiation in IMS-based 3G Networks, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'07), Aveiro, Portugal, 1st - 4th July 2007.

o   Chunyan Fu, Roch Glitho, and Ferhat khendek, A Novel Session Recovery Mechanism for Cluster-based Signaling Architecture for Conferencing in MANETs, Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (WWASN 2007), June 25, Toronto.

o   A. Benharref, R. Dssouli, M. A. Serhani, A. En-Nouaary, and R. Glitho, New approach for EFSM-based Passive Testing of Web Services, TestCom'2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Tallin, Estonia, 2007.

o   A. De Marco, F. Khendek, and R. Glitho, Interacting with Composite Web Services from Mobile Phones: A Case Study, Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'07), Marrakech, Maroc, June 2007

o   A. Benharref, M. A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. En-Nouaary, and R. Glitho, Traverse Parallèle pour l Acceleration du Test Passif des Services Web Bas? sur les MEFE, Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'07), Marrakech, Maroc, June 2007

o   D. Ben Kheder, R. Glitho, and R. Dssouli, An enhanced workload-balancing scheme for conferencing in ad-hoc peer-to-peer networks, Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'07), Marrakech, Maroc, June 2007.

o   C. Fu, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Cross-Layer Design for Optimizing the Performance of Clusters-Based Application Layer Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2007 (IEEE CCNC 07), Las Vegas, January 11-13, 2007

o     F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, An Overlay Architecture for Information Publication and Discovery after the Composition of Registries in Ambient Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2007 (IEEE CCNC 07), Las Vegas, January 11-13, 2007

o   F. Belqasmi, J. Mattam, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, and F. Khendek, An Architecture for Composing Registries when Ambient Networks Compose, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2007 (IEEE CCNC 07), Las Vegas, January 11-13, 2007

o    N. Othman, S. Chebbine, R. Glitho, F. Khendek, A Web Services Based-Architecture for the Interactions between End-User Applications and Sink-less Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2007 (IEEE CCNC 07), Las Vegas, January 11-13, 2007

o   D.B. Khedher, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, A Megaco Based-Architecture for Controlling Media Mixers When Conferencing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2007 (IEEE CCNC 07), Las Vegas, January 11-13, 2007

o   Rajesh Karunamurthy, Ferhat Khendek, and Roch H. Glitho, A Novel Business Model for Web Service Composition, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006), September 18th-22nd, Chicago, USA.

o   A Benharref, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Utilisation des Agents Mobiles pour la Vérification de la Qualité? de Service des Services Web,
 Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'06), Toulouse, France, June 2006

o   C. Fu, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Signalling for Conferencing in Integrated 3G / Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC?06), June 26-29, Sardinia, Italy

o   T. Ta, N. Othman, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Using Web Services for Bridging End-User Applications and Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC?06), June 26-29, Sardinia, Italy

o   B. Slimane, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, A Business Model with a LINDA -- Based Broker for Service Provisioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 10th International Conference on Intelligence in Networks (ICIN 06), 29 May28- 1 June, 2006, Bordeaux, France

o   Q. Fan, R. Glitho and A. Khoumsi, Creation of internet-telephony services using Siplet technology. Advanced Intern. Conf. on Telecomm. (AICT), Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, February 2006

o   A. Benharref, M. Serhani, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Towards the Testing of Web Services in 3rd Generation Networks, IFIP International Conference on Testing Communicating Systems (TestCom?06), May 16-18, 2006, New York

o   A Benharref, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Mobile Agents for Testing Web Services in Next Generation Networks, 2nd  International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, (MATA 2005), Montreal , Canada, October 2005

o   D.  Balakrishnan, M.  El Barachi, A.  Karmouch, and R.  Glitho, Challenges in Modelling and Disseminating Context Information in Ambient Networks, 2nd  International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, (MATA 2005), Montreal , Canada, October 2005

o   J. Da Silva, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, Providing Security as a Web Service: Example and Analysis,  Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'05), Gatineau, Canada, August 2005

o   A Benharref, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Une architecture Multi-Observateur pour l’observation des Services Web Composés, Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'05), Gatineau, Canada, August 2005

o   R. Karunamurthy, R. H. Glitho, and F. Khendek  A Novel Web Service for Presence and Its Implementation in an IETF SIMPLE Protocol Environment, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS?05), Orlando, USA, July 2005

o    D. Ben Kheder, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Media Handling for Multiparty Sessions in  Ad Hoc Peer to Peer Networks: A Novel Distributed Approach,  IEEE International Symposium on Computer Communications (ISCC?05), Cartagena, Spain, June 2005

o   A. Benharref, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, A Web Services Based Architecture for Detecting Faults in Web Services, 9th IFRIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2005), Nice, France, May 2005

o   C. Fu, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, A Novel Signaling System for Multiparty Sessions in Peer-to-Peer Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2005), New Orleans, March 2005

o   A. Karmouch, M. Khedr, N. Samaan,  A. Galis, A. Tan, R. Giaffreda, J. Dang, Th. Kanter, A. Jonsson, A.M. Karlsson, L. Heimo, R. Glitho, M. El Barachi, M. Smirnov, M. Kleis, C.  Reichert, Context Aware Research Challenges in Ambient Networks, 1st International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, (MATA 2004), Florianopolis, Brazil, October 2004

o   J. Dasilva, K. Hassan, R. Glitho and F. Khendek, WEB Services for Conferencing in 3G Networks : A Parlay Based Implementation, 9th International Conference on Intelligence in Service Delivery Networks (ICIN'04), Bordeaux, France, October 2004

o   F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho and R. Dssouli, Using Web Services in Telecommunications Networks: An Architecture for the Common Functions, Les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition (NOTERE'04), Oujda, Morocco, June 2004

o   R. Glitho, S. Methot and S. Pierre, An Architectural Framework for Adapting Mobile Agents to Host Variation, 5th international workshop on mobile agents for telecommunications applications (MATA03), Marrakech, Morroco, October 2003

o   A. Chaman., S. Pierre, R. Glitho,  "A Multi Mobile Agent-based Architecture for Price Retrieval in Electronic Commerce", IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'2003, 4-7 May, 2003, Montreal, Canada

o   Y. Zaki, S. Pierre, S., R. Glitho, "Architecture Multi-agents Mobile pour la Planification Electronique d'Evenements", IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE'2003, 4-7 May, 2003, Montreal, Canada

o   S.. Hawwa, F, Khendek and R. Glitho, A Novel Architecture for Conference Floor Control in SIP Environment, accepted for presentation at the 8th Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), Bordeaux, France, April 2003

o   R. Glitho, C. Muhugusa, A. Poulin, S. Haawa, J-C Beaudin, Experimenting with Web Services in 3G Networks: Early Results, 2002 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom 2002), Croatia/Italy, October 2002

o   E. Olougouna, S. Pierre and R.H. Glitho, An Extensible Mobile Agent Based Framework for Coordinating Distributed Information Retrieval Applications, 4th international workshop on mobile agents for telecommunications applications (MATA02), Barcelona, October 2002

o   E. Olougouna,  R. Glitho, S. Pierre, "A Novel Mobile Agent-Based Framework for Coordinating Distributed Scheduling of Multiparty Events," 21st Biennal Symposium on Communications, June 2 - 5, 2002, Kingston, Canada, pp. 529-533

o   C. Muhugusa, R.H. Glitho, C-R. Soh, Ph. Renaud, E. Chapelle, and J. Palardy, An Early Report on the Implementation of a SIMPLE based presence server, 2002 International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, May 2002

o   R. H. Glitho, A. Poulin and F. Khendek, A High Level Service Creation Environment for PARLAY, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC2002), New York, April 2002

o   Th. Bah, S. Pierre, and R.H. Glitho, Schemes for Updating Mobile Agents in Virtual Home Environment, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC2002), New York, April 2002

o   R. Glitho, A. Poulin, K. Sylla and O. Cherkaoui, Using PARLAY for Centralized Conferences in SIP Environment, 7th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN 2001), Bordeaux, July 2001

o   S. Goutet, S. Pierre and R. Glitho, Multiagent Architecture for Intelligent Mobile Agents, Third International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications (MATA), Montreal,  August 2001

o   R. Glitho, R. Hamadi and R. Huie, An Architectural Framework for Using Java Servlet in a SIP environment, ICN 2001, July 2001, Colmar, France

o   R. H. Glitho, B. Lenou, and S. Pierre, Handling Subscription in a mobile agent based service environment for Internet telephony: Swapping Agents, Second International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications (MATA'02), Paris,  September 2000

o   S. Desrochers, R. H. Glitho and K. Sylla, Experimenting with PARLAY in a SIP environment: Early Results, IPTelecommunications Services (IPTS) conference, Atlanta, September 2000

o   R. Glitho and  A.Wang, A Mobile Agent Based - Service Architecture for Internet Telephony,  International Switching Symposium (ISS), Birmingham, UK, May 2000

o    B. Pagurek, J. Tang, T. White and R. H. Glitho, Management of Advanced Services in H.323 Internet Telephony Protocol, IEEE Infocom conference,  Tel Aviv, March 2000

o   J. Tang, T. White, B. Pagurek and R. H. Glitho, Advanced service architecture for H.323 Internet Telephony Protocol, First International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications (MATA), Ottawa, October 1999


Others (Book chapters, edited books, guest edited special issues)

o   C. Fu, F. Khendek, R. Glitho “Signaling for Multimedia Conferencing in 4G: Architecture, Evaluation and Issues”, Chapter in the book “Next Generation Communication Networks: User Services, Wireless Edge Access and Photonic Data Transport”, Krzysztof Iniewski (ed.), Wiley, 2010. [52 pages]

o   R. Glitho, A. Karmouch and S. Pierre, editors, Intelligence in Communication Systems, Proceedings, The 2005 IFIP  International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems, Intellcomm 2005, Springer, October 2005

o   E. Horlait, Th. magedanz and R. Glitho, editors, Mobile Agent for Telecommunication Applications, Proceedings, Fifth International Workshop, MATA03, Springer, LNCS 2871, October 2003

o   R. H. Glitho and Th. Magedanz, Guest editors, Applicability of Mobile Agents to Telecommunications, IEEE Network, May-June 2002

o   S. Pierre and R. Glitho, editors, Mobile Agent for Telecommunication Applications, Proceedings, Third International Workshop, MATA01, Springer, LNCS 2164, August

o   R. H. Glitho and Th. Magedanz, Guest editors, Intelligent Networks in the New Millennium, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue, June 2000, Vol38, No6

o   T.M. Chen, R.H. Glitho, M. Yoshida, Guest editors, Recent Advances in Network Management, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue, May 2000, Vol.18, No.5

o   Th. Magedanz and R.  H. Glitho, Guest editors, Mobile Agent Based Network and Service Management, Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), Kluwer academic / Plenum publishers,  Special Issue, September 1999, Vol. 7, No.3.

o   R. H. Glitho, Guest editor, Selected Topics in Network Management, IEEE Network, Special Issue, September/October 1998, Vol 12, No5

o   R. H. Glitho, Guest editor, Management of Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue, March 1998 Vol 36, No

o   R. H. Glitho, Routing in Telecommunications Networks, Chapter in the Froehlich/Kent Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, Dekker Inc., October 1997, NY, Vol. 15, pp. 205-221

o   R. H. Glitho and S.  Hayes, Guest editors, Making TMN a Reality, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue, September 1996, Vol.34, No.9

o   R. H. Glitho and S.  Hayes, Guest editors, Enter the World of TMN, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue, March 1995, Vol.33 No.3 


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 Granted Patents 

o   M Abu Lebdeh, R Glitho, C Tchouati, Orchestrator for a Virtual Platform as a Service (VNPAAS),  US Patent No 10944621, 2021

o   M Abu Lebdeh, D Naboulsi, R Glitho, C Wette, Method for VNF managers placement in large-scale and distributed NFV systems, US Patent No 11032135, 2021

o   R. Dssouli, C. Fu, and R. Glitho, Methods for Cluster-Based Multi-Party Conferencing in Ad Hoc Networks, Patent No US 7,460, 508B2, December 2008

o   R. Glitho and C. Gourraud, System and Method for Providing Access to Service Nodes from Entities Disposed in an Integrated Telecommunications Network, Patent No US 6,940,847 B1, September 6, 2005

o   J. Tang, A. White, B. Pagurek and R. Glitho, System and Method of Creating Subscriber Services in an IP Based Telecommunications Networks, Patent No US 6,711,157 B1, March 23, 2004

o   R.H. Glitho and C. Gourraud, System and Method for Providing device Aware Services in an Integrated Telecommunications Network, United States Patent No US 6,687,356 B1, February 3, 2004

o   R.H. Glitho, C. Gourraud and E. Evloguieva, System and Apparatus for Providing Value Added Services (VAS) in an Integrated Telecommunications Network Using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Patent No US 6,625,141 B1, September 23, 2003

o   R. H. Glitho and C. Gourraud, System and Method for Providing Supplementary Services (SS) in an Integrated Telecommunications Network, Patent No US 6,614,784 B1, September 2, 2003

o   R. H. Glitho and B. Svensson, Operation and Maintenance Control Point and Method  for Managing a Self Engineering Telecommunications Network, Patent No US 6,233,449 B1, May 15, 2001  

o   R..H. Glitho and C. Gourraud, Subscriber Creation and Deletion Interface between a Customer Administrative   System and Database Network Elements of a Communications Network, Patent No US 6,226,643 B1, May 1, 2001  

o   R..H. Glitho and C. Gourraud, Meta Service Activating Interface between a Customer Administrative System and Database Network Elements of a Communications Network, United States Patent, No6,199,066 B1, March 6, 2001  

o   R. H. Glitho, Mapping Function and Method of Transmitting Signalling System 7 (SS7) Telecommunications Messages over Data Networks, United States Patent No 178,181 B1, January 2001  

o     R. H. Glitho, F. Leduc, T. Crowe and C. Mazzi, Query Supporting Interface Between A Customer Administrative System and Data Base Network Elements in A Telecommunications System, US Patent No 6,134,544, October 2000  

o   M. Coulombe, J. Bugnon, B. Coulombe, R. Glitho and D. Sugitharaj, Migration of Subscriber Data Between Home Location Registers of a Telecommunications System, US Patent No 6,115,463, September 2000  

o   R. H. Glitho, Customer Administrative System Management of Redundant Database Network Elements in a Telecommunications System, United States Patent, Patent Number 6,094,660, July 2000.  

o    R. H. Glitho, Implementing Counters in a System with Limited Primary Memory, United States Patent, Patent  Number: 6,065,130, May 2000  

o   R. H. Glitho and M. Banville, Implementation of Notification Capabilities in Relational Data Base, United States Patent, Patent Number: 6,041,327, March 2000

o   R. H. Glitho, F. Leduc, Th. Crowe and L. Hagberg, Use of Web Technology for Subscriber Management Activities, Patent Number: 5,999,973, December 1999

o   R. H. Glitho and P. Funnell, Decoupling Service Creation Environment from Service Logic Execution Environment, US Patent No 5,991,803, November 1999

o   R. H. Glitho and S. Hayes, Transport Mechanism for Accounting Within a Telecommunication System, United States Patent, Patent No5,875,238, February 1999

o   R. H. Glitho, Telecommunications Management Network Connected to a Common Channel Signalling Network, United States Patent, Patent Number: 5,870,565, February 1999

o     R. Brunner and R.  H. Glitho, Use of ISDN to Provide Wireless Office Environment Connection to the Public Land Mobile Network, United States Patent, Patent No: 5,771,275, June 1998

o   R. H. Glitho, Distributed Load Minimizing Method for Periodical Routing Verification Tests Scheduling, United States Patent, Patent Number: 5,638,357, July 1997

o   R. H. Glitho, Methods For Verification of Routing Table Information, United States Patent, Patent Number: 5,583,848, December 1996

o   R. H. Glitho, Centralized Load Minimizing Method for Periodical Routing Verification Tests Scheduling, United States Patent, Patent Number: 5,553,058, September 1996

o   R. H. Glitho, Methods For Determining the Load Induced by a Routing Verification Test on a Network, United States Patent, Patent Number: 5,544,154, August1996  

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