Dr. Gerard J. Gouw, Eng.
Department of Mechanical, Industrial     
      & Aerospace Engineering 

514-848-2424 ext. 4197

I will be teaching the following courses during 2024-2025:
 Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
 ENGR 7011/2 UU
 9:00 - 10:00

 Human Factors Engineering
 INDU 412/2 X  Tue-Thu   14:45-16:00   
 Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
 ENGR 7011/4 WW
 8:45 - 9:45

 Human Factors Engineering
 INDU 6411/4 W

To find out the enrollment in any of the above courses go to the Class Schedule and select as Term: ALL TERMS, specify as Select Subject ENGR or INDU, specify as Course Number 7011, 412 or 6411, then click on Search. In the search results, a green circle indicates that there is space in that course Section. Click on the course Section to find further details about class availability. Priority registration for both courses is INDU students. If there is space in INDU 6411 AERO or MECH students on the waiting list should be enrolled once the registration block for non-INDU students is removed, shortly before the term starts. If you are a student from another university processing of your request takes time and may not be completed before the term begins. Students from other universities who applied to register in INDU 6411 should send me an email such that I can inform them where course information can be found prior to the completion of their registration process.

Detailed course information
Course outlines, notes, assignments, etc. will be made available on the web, starting the end of August for Fall term courses and the end of December for Winter term courses. However, access to this information is restricted to students registered in the course. It is available on Moodle, which can be accessed via the mobile app available here or via the Student Hub by logging in to your account and selecting the appropriate course from the "My Moodle Courses" list. For help on how to get started with Moodle see here. If you have a question about a particular course, please send me an email with the course number somewhere in the subject line, as I use that to filter my messages and direct them to the appropriate mailbox.

Calendar descriptions of above courses (as listed in the Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars)

ENGR 7011 Graduate Seminar in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (1 credit)

INDU 412 Human Factors Engineering (3.5 credits)
Prerequisite: ENGR 371. Elements of anatomy, physiology, and psychology; engineering anthropometry; human capacities and limitations; manual material handling; design of workplaces; human-machines system design; design of controls and displays; shift work. Applications to a manufacturing environment. Lectures: three hours per week. Laboratory: two hours per week, alternate weeks.

INDU 6411 Human Factors Engineering (4 credits)
Elements of anatomy, physiology and psychology; auditory and visual display engineering; engineering anthropometry; human capabilities and limitations; manual material handling: design of work places, human-machine system design; shift work and jet lag; acquisition and retention of skill; toxicity and hazard; human reliability. Project on a current topic.

Last updated: 10 July 2024