Select Timer Program

3 line Timer, yellow on black 1 line Timer, yellow on black
3 line Timer, black on yellow 1 line Timer, black on yellow
3 line Timer, white on black 1 line Timer, white on black
3 line Timer, black on white 1 line Timer, black on white
3 line Timer, red on black 1 line Timer, red on black

I developed this timer for use when students write an exam. It relies on the clock of the computer being accurate to give Time Now. The user is asked to supply ending time, HH:MM. First enter ending hours, HH, using 24 hour clock, then ending minutes, MM. When ending time is reached there is no audible alarm, only a message Time remaining: none.

1. From an ergonomic point of view, the best colour combination is yellow (text) on black (background).

2. Show the browser in full-screen mode and use the browser controls to increase the size of the text.

Last updated: Gerard J Gouw, 18 April 2018