Gösta (Gus) Grahne


Department of Computer Science
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada


email: grahne@cs.concordia.ca
Office Phone - (514) 848-2424 ext. 3027
Fax - (514) 848-2830


Ph.D., University of Helsinki
Department of Computer Science, 1989

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Department of Computer Science, 1990-1992

Academic genealogy (ancestors and cousins)

The Mathematics Genealogy Project Academic genealogy at MathSciNet (ancestors, cousins, and descendants)

Research Areas


Papers online

Papers @ DBLP

Papers @ Google Scholar

Citations @ Google Scholar

[Concordia University] . [Faculty of ENCS] . [Department of CS] . [Concordia Database Systems Research Group ] .
Last modified June 1, 2014 by <grahnenojunk@cs.nospamconcordia.ca>(remove the "nojunk" and "nospam" from the address)