COMP 333 Introduction to Data Analytics

Fall 2021: Lectures

Lecture Schedule

Tentative, Work in Progress - very much subject to change.

READ the things marked READ.
The other material is supplementary to the lecture, if you need it. And some is still To-COME.

  1. Week 1: Introduction
    Welcome READ
    Data Analytics in a Nutshell READ
    Course Outline READ
    Guide to COMP 333 READ
  2. Week 2: Examples
    Welcome READ
    Example 1 - Restaurant Tipping READ slides wikipedia
    Example 2 - OECD International Student Assessment READ video
    Example 3 - Titanic Survival READ article Jupyter notebook video
    Recap READ
  3. ccccc
  4. Week 3: Descriptive Data Analysis
    Welcome READ
    scipy Descriptive Statistics READ article
    Types of Data READ article
    Basic Plotting READ article
    Descriptive Data Analysis READ slides
    Recap READ
  5. Week 4: Descriptive Data Analysis: Data
    Welcome READ
    Numerical Data READ slides slides
    Structured and Unstructured Data READ
    Metadata, Self-Descriptive Data, Data Formats READ
    pandas Dataframes READ slides notes
    Tidy Data READ article
    Recap READ
  6. Week 5: Data Warehousing
    Welcome READ READ (Introduction to Data Warehousing, Chapter 1 of Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies, 2009, by Matteo Golfarelli and Stefano Rizzi)
    Databases, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, Dashboards READ video
    ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) READ
    Data Cubes and OLAP READ
    Business Intelligence (BI) READ video-BI article-Walmart article-Walmart article-Amazon
    Recap READ
  7. Week 6: Data Wrangling
    Welcome READ
    Data Wrangling Example READ video
    Data Wrangling Process READ
  8. Week 7: Data Wrangling: Data Cleaning
    Welcome READ
    Data Cleaning READ article
    Missing Values READ
    Unification READ
    Entity Resolution READ slides article
    OpenRefine Examples READ video 1 video 2 video 3
    Recap READ
  9. Week 8: Exploratory Data Analysis
    Welcome READ A Gentle Introduction to EDA
    EDA Process READ slides
    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) article video (SVD) video (PCA) video (PCA-Python)
    Clustering READ (Skiena Lecture 20 3-6) article article
  10. Week 9: Exploratory Data Analysis
    Welcome READ
    Feature Engineering READ slides article video
    Models: Regression, Classification, Prediction, Simulation READ slides article video
    Regression article
    Classification article
    Prediction article
    Simulation article article
    Recap READ video (00:00-33:30)
  11. Week 10: Introduction to Machine Learning
    Welcome READ slides
    ML Example 1: Decision Tree READ article
    ML Example 2: Process and Evaluation READ article
    Machine Learning Introduction READ video What is ML(21:30-35:20) Workflow (62:50-70:45) article
  12. Week 11: Introduction to Machine Learning
    Welcome READ
    Machine Learning Process READ article article (cross-validation)
    Some ML Algorithms READ article
    Guidelines cheatsheet cheatsheet
    Recap READ
  13. Week 12: Story Telling and Visualization
    Welcome READ
    Story Telling slides-READ article article video
    Link changes:
    McNulty article
    Visualization slides-READ article article video
  14. Week 13: Other
    Welcome READ
    Correlation is not Causation article article
    Confounding Variables article+video
    Threats to Validity article article
    Deployment and Big Data Infrastructure article
    Recap READ article+video

Last modified on 07 September 2021 by