COMP 333 Introduction to Data Analytics

Summer 2020 Semester 1: Lectures

Lecture Schedule

Tentative, Work in Progress - very much subject to change.

READ the things marked READ.
The other material is supplementary to the lecture, if you need it. And some is still To-COME.

  1. Tuesday 05 May 2020: Introduction
    Welcome READ
    Data Analytics in a Nutshell READ
    Course Outline READ
    Guide to COMP 333 READ
  2. Thursday 07 May 2020: Examples
    Welcome READ
    Example 1 - Restaurant Tipping READ slides wikipedia
    Example 2 - OECD International Student Assessment READ video
    Example 3 - Titanic Survival READ article Jupyter notebook video
    Recap READ
  3. Tuesday 12 May 2020: Descriptive Data Analysis
    Welcome READ
    scipy Descriptive Statistics READ article
    Types of Data READ article
    Basic Plotting READ article
    Descriptive Data Analysis READ slides
    Recap READ
  4. Thursday 14 May 2020: Descriptive Data Analysis: Data
    Welcome READ
    Numerical Data READ slides slides
    Structured and Unstructured Data READ
    Metadata, Self-Descriptive Data, Data Formats READ
    pandas Dataframes READ slides notes
    Tidy Data READ article
    Recap READ
  5. Tuesday 19 May 2020: Data Warehousing
    Welcome READ READ (Introduction to Data Warehousing, Chapter 1 of Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies, 2009, by Matteo Golfarelli and Stefano Rizzi)
    Databases, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, Dashboards READ video
    ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) READ
    Data Cubes and OLAP READ
    Business Intelligence (BI) READ video-BI article-Walmart article-Walmart article-Amazon
    Recap READ
    Tuesday 19 May 2020 from 15:15 to 15:45: Timed Quiz Test-Run (Moodle)
  6. Thursday 21 May 2020: Data Wrangling
    Welcome READ
    Data Wrangling Example READ video
    Data Wrangling Process READ
    Thursday 21 May 2020 from 15:15 to 15:45: Timed Quiz No.1 (Moodle) - DDA
  7. Tuesday 26 May 2020: Data Wrangling: Data Cleaning
    Welcome READ
    Data Cleaning READ article
    Missing Values READ
    Unification READ
    Entity Resolution READ slides article
    OpenRefine Examples READ video 1 video 2 video 3
    Recap READ
  8. Thursday 28 May 2020: Exploratory Data Analysis
    Welcome READ A Gentle Introduction to EDA
    EDA Process READ slides
    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) article
    Clustering article article
    Thursday 28 May 2020 from 15:15 to 15:45: Timed Quiz No.2 (Moodle) - Wrangling including Cleaning
  9. Tuesday 02 June 2020: Exploratory Data Analysis
    Welcome READ
    Feature Engineering READ article video
    Models: Regression, Classification, Prediction, Simulation READ article video
    Regression article
    Classification article
    Prediction article
    Simulation article article
    Recap READ
  10. Thursday 04 June 2020: Introduction to Machine Learning
    Welcome READ
    ML Example 1: Decision Tree READ article
    ML Example 2: Process and Evaluation READ article
    Machine Learning Introduction READ article
    Thursday 04 June 2020 from 15:15 to 15:45: Timed Quiz No.3 (Moodle) - EDA
  11. Tuesday 09 June 2020: Introduction to Machine Learning
    Welcome READ
    Machine Learning Process READ article
    Some ML Algorithms READ article
    Guidelines cheatsheet cheatsheet
    Recap READ
  12. Thursday 11 June 2020: Story Telling and Visualization
    Welcome READ
    Story Telling slides-READ article article video
    Visualization slides-READ article article video
    Thursday 11 June 2020 from 15:15 to 15:45: Timed Quiz No.4 (Moodle) - Week 1 to 11 inclusive
  13. Tuesday 16 June 2020: Other
    Welcome READ
    Correlation is not Causation article article
    Confounding Variables article+video
    Threats to Validity article
    Deployment and Big Data Infrastructure article
    Recap READ article+video

Last modified on 05 May 2020 by