COMP 354

Winter 2016 Section PP

Final Marks

And revised again at 10:38; Revised 2016-04-19 at 10:15: there were still some SIDs screwed up.

Revised 2016-04-18 at 17:29 (as I had the SID's mixed up somehow before).

Qz is quiz mark /45
Proj is project mark /45
Dy is Diary mark /10
Total is the total mark out of 100

ID		Qz/45	Proj/45	Dy/10	Total/100
26800459	28.69	40.25	6	74.94
29787992	36.84	38.00	7.5	82.34
26456251	23.42	39.50	7	69.92
26979270	27.51	41.00	6	74.51
27463162	34.48	41.25	7	82.73
26344143	26.94	38.00	7.5	72.44
27024037	26.90	40.25	6	73.15
25244404	24.01	41.25	7	72.26
26685056	33.34	41.25	8	82.59
27699727	36.85	39.50	6	82.35
26922287	24.02	41.00	6	71.02
27734719	28.70	41.25	7.5	77.45
27390467	22.22	40.25	6	68.47
27481268	31.00	38.00	6	75.00
27083181	24.59	39.50	6	70.09
27513585	31.58	41.00	6	78.58
26980104	29.89	41.25	6	77.14
26638422	29.30	39.50	6	74.80
26507549	30.38	41.25	6	77.63
27091125	26.94	40.25	6	73.19
27396708	29.23	38.00	5	72.23
29492348	28.08	41.25	6	75.33
27684762	29.83	41.25	7	78.08
23080021	22.28	41.00	5	68.28
26996930	29.27	41.25	6.5	77.02
27396422	28.11	40.25	6	74.36
26412696	32.24	38.00	0	70.24
27423993	25.72	39.50	6	71.22
26769268	29.82	41.00	5	75.82
22026643	33.93	41.00	7	81.93
26310877	28.66	41.25	6.5	76.41
27391587	40.38	40.25	6	86.63
27759517	29.26	38.00	6	73.26
26543731	28.05	41.00	6	75.05
26978185	34.52	39.50	6.5	80.52
27010699	26.89	39.50	6.5	72.89
27292260	21.65	38.00	7.5	67.15
26655785	29.82	41.25	6	77.07
26189318	33.36	38.00	8	79.36
27028288	26.38	40.25	6	72.63
22657988	30.41	41.25	7	78.66
26414249	26.33	39.50	7.5	73.33
26976549	35.13	41.00	6	82.13
27517203	42.67	41.25	6.5	90.42

Increment 3 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2.5)
Template (Diagram) clarity and correctness (2.5)
Clarity of explanatory text (2.5)
Completeness of document (2.5)
Structure of code (2.5)
Clarity of code(2.5)
code documentation (2.5)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2.5)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    Total/15
S	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.5	13
T	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	12.75
U	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	13.25
V	2.0	2.0	1.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	12.75
W	2.5	2.0	2.5	1.5	2.0	2.0	2.5	2.0	12.75
Z	2.0	1.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	13.25

Quiz 2 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 5 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

SID		Q2.1/20	Q2.2/20	Q2.3/20	Q2/60	Q2 scaled/100
26800459	11	3	5	19	66.86
29787992	11	6	7	24	79.97
26456251	10	1	3	14	53.75
26979270	13	2	2	17	61.62
27463162	9	4	7	20	69.48
26344143	14	2	2	18	64.24
25244404	12	3	0	15	56.38
27024037	9	3	3	15	56.38
26685056	16	1	4	21	72.10
27699727	10	5	10	25	82.59
26922287	13	1	2	16	59.00
27734719	9	6	5	20	69.48
27390467	7	2	1	10	43.27
27481268	15	2	2	19	66.86
27083181	10	2	3	15	56.38
27513585	12	2	5	19	66.86
26980104	14	4	5	23	77.35
26638422	13	2	7	22	74.73
26507549	13	0	2	15	56.38
27091125	13	2	3	18	64.24
27396708	12	1	3	16	59.00
29492348	12	2	3	17	61.62
23080021	11	2	2	15	56.38
27684762	14	2	2	18	64.24
26996930	13	1	6	20	69.48
27396422	16	1	2	19	66.86
26412696	13	5	8	26	85.21
27423993	11	1	1	13	51.13
26769268	13	2	2	17	61.62
22026643	14	2	6	22	74.73
26310877	12	3	2	17	61.62
27391587	15	10	5	30	95.70
27759517	7	2	10	19	66.86
26543731	11	3	0	14	53.75
26978185	13	3	7	23	77.35
27292260	10	0	1	11	45.89
26655785	14	1	2	17	61.62
27010699	9	0	5	14	53.75
26189318	13	6	4	23	77.35
27028288	11	4	5	20	69.48
22657988	11	2	5	18	64.24
26414249	12	0	3	15	56.38
26976549	15	2	9	26	85.21
27517203	16	6	6	28	90.45

Increment 2 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2.5)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2.5)
Clarity of explanatory text (2.5)
Completeness of document (2.5)
Structure of code (2.5)
Clarity of code(2.5)
code documentation (2.5)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2.5)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    Total/15
S	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	14.25
T	2.5	2.25	2.0	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.0	13.25
U	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.25	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	13.75
V	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.0	13
W	2.5	2.5	2.25	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	14
Z	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	14.25

Quiz 1 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 5 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

SID		Q1.1/20	Q1.2/20	Q1.3/20	Q1/60	Q1 scaled/100
22026643	16	9	3	28	76.06
22657988	16	2	8	26	70.91
23080021	11	2	2	15	42.63
24727231	12	3	4	19	52.91
25244404	15	1	2	18	50.34
26189318	14	4	8	26	70.91
26310877	15	3	6	24	65.77
26344143	13	2	5	20	55.49
26412696	13	3	5	21	58.06
26414249	19	2	1	22	60.63
26456251	12	2	4	18	50.34
26507549	16	6	7	29	78.63
26543731	15	4	7	26	70.91
26638422	14	1	5	20	55.49
26655785	17	3	6	26	70.91
26685056	17	6	5	28	76.06
26769268	16	4	6	26	70.91
26800459	13	3	6	22	60.63
26922287	11	2	4	17	47.77
26976549	16	3	7	26	70.91
26978185	16	8	4	28	76.06
26979270	15	2	5	22	60.63
26980104	13	2	5	20	55.49
26996930	14	3	5	22	60.63
27010699	16	2	6	24	65.77
27024037	16	3	4	23	63.20
27028288	12	1	4	17	47.77
27083181	15	3	1	19	52.91
27091125	16	2	2	20	55.49
27292260	12	2	4	18	50.34
27390467	14	2	4	20	55.49
27391587	14	6	11	31	83.77
27396422	15	3	3	21	58.06
27396708	17	6	3	26	70.91
27423993	17	0	6	23	63.20
27463162	15	4	12	31	83.77
27481268	14	6	6	26	70.91
27513585	17	6	4	27	73.49
27517203	17	12	8	37	99.20
27684762	16	2	7	25	68.34
27699727	16	7	7	30	81.20
27734719	15	0	6	21	58.06
27759517	16	4	3	23	63.20
29492348	13	4	6	23	63.20
29787992	15	3	13	31	83.77

Increment 1 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2.5)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2.5)
Clarity of explanatory text (2.5)
Completeness of document (2.5)
Structure of code (2.5)
Clarity of code(2.5)
code documentation (2.5)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2.5)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    Total/15
S	2.25	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	13.75
T	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.0	13.5
U	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.0	14.25
V	1.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	2.0	1.5	2.0	11.75
W	2.5	2.25	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	13.5
Z	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.5	2.5	2.0	2.0	2.0	13.75

Last modified on 2 March 2016 by