COMP 354

Winter 2019 Section PP

Final Marks


ID		Q/100	P/45	D/10	Total/100
25883199	62.16	27	7	61.97
26337430	64.49	33	7	69.02
26546986	70.79	29	6	66.85
26558038	64.04	28	5	61.82
26588840	71.75	29	6	67.29
26632157	78.86	29	5	69.48
26701531	53.07	28	6	57.88
26776515	64.54	29	8	66.04
26776809	68.30	27	8	65.74
26975852	78.96	33	8	76.53
27037155	61.24	30	5	62.56
27041195	59.32	30	4	60.69
27055838	80.78	30	7	73.35
27067380	75.05	33	8	74.77
27187661	56.93	29	6	60.62
27206151	69.82	32	7	70.42
27416288	62.66	33	5	66.20
27646666	73.68	28	2	63.16
29206388	90.83	32	8	80.88
40000797	59.21	32	6	64.65
40002747	55.10	30	8	62.80
40003377	54.90	32	7	63.71
40004558	63.12	33	7	68.41
40004591	48.76	30	8	59.94
40004941	68.76	28	6	64.94
40005344	60.79	29	7	63.35
40006235	53.94	29	6	59.27
40008505	68.30	30	6	66.74
40009083	61.20	27	4	58.54
40009242	75.96	30	7	71.18
40011864	56.83	33	0	58.57
40013408	65.96	32	5	66.68
40014822	75.10	33	7	73.79
40016567	55.91	28	6	59.16
40017231	68.86	33	8	71.99
40017812	66.07	32	7	68.73
40020755	56.32	27	8	60.34
40024975	71.70	33	7	72.26
40025085	67.89	29	8	67.55
40027203	68.45	28	6	64.80
40027204	58.81	29	7	62.46
40031326	75.55	28	7	69.00
40031628	67.84	33	7	70.53
40031689	74.59	27	7	67.57
40032171	59.82	27	8	61.92
40034572	73.07	32	7	71.88
40038453	57.90	28	7	61.05
40041756	74.54	29	7	69.54
40043570	61.30	33	8	68.58
40046084	86.98	29	7	75.14
40046280	52.62	28	2	53.68
40046319	72.21	27	7	66.49
40053948	60.79	33	7	67.35
40054110	56.37	33	7	65.37
40055149	93.63	33	7	82.13
40058722	66.88	27	7	64.09
40061003	64.54	33	3	65.04
40062544	55.51	33	8	65.98
40073133	42.45	32	0	51.10
40077524	76.06	27	7	68.23
40085020	62.56	28	7	63.15
40105094	74.49	32	7	72.52

Individual Diary Marks

ID		Mark/10
25883199	7
26337430	7
26546986	6
26558038	5
26588840	6
26632157	5
26701531	6
26776515	8
26776809	8
26975852	8
27037155	5
27041195	4
27055838	7
27067380	8
27187661	6
27206151	7
27416288	5
27646666	2
29206388	8
40000797	6
40002747	8
40003377	7
40004558	7
40004591	8
40004941	6
40005344	7
40006235	6
40008505	6
40009083	4
40009242	7
40011864	0
40013408	5
40014822	7
40016567	6
40017231	8
40017812	7
40020755	8
40024975	7
40025085	8
40027203	6
40027204	7
40031326	7
40031628	7
40031689	7
40032171	8
40034572	7
40038453	7
40041756	7
40043570	8
40046084	7
40046280	2
40046319	7
40053948	7
40054110	7
40055149	7
40058722	7
40061003	3
40062544	8
40073133	0
40077524	7
40085020	7
40105094	7

Final project marks

Overall marks for the three iteartions, both raw, and scaled to an average of 65.0% out of 45.

Team	Raw/45	Scaled/45
PI-a	37.0	27
PI-b	40.0	33
PI-c	38.5	30
PJ-a	37.5	28
PJ-b	39.5	32
PK-a	38.0	29
PK-b	40.0	33

Increment 3 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2)
Clarity of explanatory text (2)
Completeness of document (2)
Overall consistency of document (2)
Structure of code (2)
code documentation (2)
Clarity of code(2)
Clarity of test code(2)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    		Total/15
PI-a	2	1	2	1	2	1	2	2	2	2	12.5
PI-b	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	14.0
PI-c	1	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	13.0
PJ-a	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	14.0
PJ-b	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	14.5
PK-a	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	14.5
PK-b	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	14.5

Quiz 2 Marks

You can see your exams 2pm-3pm Friday 12 April and 4pm-5pm Monday 15 April 2019 by sending me email saying at what time you will show up in my office.

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

Question 1, because of the penalty marking, had low marks.

Question 2 had marks more typical of T/F and fill-in-the-blank.

Question 3 had a number of issues.
(a) Many of you threw around terms like modularity, cohesion and coupling, said they were good because the addressed change and complexity, but never provided reasons as to how they addressed change or complexity. The question asked "how".

(b) There is a great difference between the Strategy design pattern, and a Strategy class or object. Nobody actually described the "design pattern". Many of you seemed not to actually know how the Strategy pattern worked, even though it is central to your project.

(c) Almost nobody displayed an understanding of the GRASP patterns: they provide guidelines on how to assign a responsibility.
Again, much confusion between the GRASP Information Expert pattern, and an object that is an IE, amongst other examples.
Simply because a class creates objects, does not make it an example of GRASP Creator.
And the MVC Controller is not an example of GRASP Controller. GRASP Controller provides guidelines for the responsibility of receiving a system operation, to a class below the level of UI, ie at domain level.
Your examples needed to include a class c, a responsibility r, and how the guidelines of the GRASP pattern leads to assigning r to c.

(d) Too many of you described an MVC where the Controller acted as middleman, that not only sent requests to the Model, but also received updates from the Model to pass to the View. The original MVC has communication directly between Model and View using the Observer pattern.

Many of you were very imprecise about terminology, so make sure that you know the definitions of all words in the course, and the different ways that the same term is used.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

SID		Q2.1/20	Q2.2/20	Q2.3/20	Q2/60	Q2 scaled/100
26337430	0	15	3	18	61.14
26546986	6	16	4	26	76.57
26558038	4	14	1	19	63.07
26588840	8	16	3	27	78.50
26632157	2	16	9	27	78.50
26701531	8	5	2	15	55.36
26776515	0	18	3	21	66.93
26776809	8	10	1	19	63.07
26975852	10	17	6	33	90.07
27037155	4	15	3	22	68.86
27055838	10	15	4	29	82.36
27067380	10	15	1	26	76.57
27187661	2	16	1	19	63.07
27206151	6	15	4	25	74.64
27416288	4	14	4	22	68.86
27646666	8	17	4	29	82.36
29206388	10	18	7	35	93.93
40000797	0	11	3	14	53.43
40002747	10	13	0	23	70.79
40003377	2	7	2	11	47.64
40004558	6	12	3	21	66.93
40004591	0	11	1	12	49.57
40004941	6	12	0	18	61.14
40005344	6	16	1	23	70.79
40006235	2	7	1	10	45.71
40008505	2	15	2	19	63.07
40009083	6	10	3	19	63.07
40009242	4	16	4	24	72.71
40011864	0	12	1	13	51.50
40013408	6	14	1	21	66.93
40014822	8	18	3	29	82.36
40016567	4	10	1	15	55.36
40017231	8	14	2	24	72.71
40017812	6	17	4	27	78.50
40020755	0	11	0	11	47.64
40024975	6	15	3	24	72.71
40025085	6	13	4	23	70.79
40027203	12	13	3	28	80.43
40027204	2	13	3	18	61.14
40031326	8	18	2	28	80.43
40031628	0	17	3	20	65.00
40031689	6	16	5	27	78.50
40032171	0	15	7	22	68.86
40034572	2	16	3	21	66.93
40038453	4	15	1	20	65.00
40041756	6	14	4	24	72.71
40043570	6	17	2	25	74.64
40046084	8	18	5	31	86.21
40046280	6	9	1	16	57.29
40046319	4	17	5	26	76.57
40053948	8	13	2	23	70.79
40054110	0	12	2	14	53.43
40055149	8	18	6	32	88.14
40058722	8	10	1	19	63.07
40061003	6	13	2	21	66.93
40062544	10	9	0	19	63.07
40077524	8	16	6	30	84.29
40085020	4	10	2	16	57.29
40105094	0	18	3	21	66.93

Increment 2 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2)
Clarity of explanatory text (2)
Completeness of document (2)
Overall consistency of document (2)
Structure of code (2)
code documentation (2)
Clarity of code(2)
Clarity of test code(2)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    		Total/15
PI-a	2	1	1	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	12.5
PI-b	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	13.5
PI-c	2	1	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	13.5
PJ-a	2	0	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	12.0
PJ-b	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	13.5
PK-a	2	1	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	13.0
PK-b	2	1	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	13.5

Quiz 1 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

For Quection 1, several people scored very low, eg 12 or less, indicating they do not know the material.

For Questions 2 and 3, a mark of 4/20 indicated that you have some grasp of the material, but a bare minimum.
On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent.
If you consistently scored below 4 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course; or putting in much more effort to learn the material.

Many of you were very imprecise about terminology, so make sure that you know the definitions of all words in the course, and the different ways that the same term is used.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

SID		Q1.1/20	Q1.2/20	Q1.3/20	Q1/60	Q1 scaled/100
25883199	16	3	2	21	62.16
26337430	13	7	3	23	67.84
26546986	16	3	3	22	65.00
26558038	17	3	2	22	65.00
26588840	13	6	3	22	65.00
26632157	17	6	4	27	79.21
26701531	12	4	1	17	50.79
26776515	14	4	3	21	62.16
26776809	17	4	4	25	73.53
26789331	7	3	0	10	30.89
26975852	17	4	2	23	67.84
27037155	14	2	2	18	53.63
27041195	12	6	2	20	59.32
27055838	16	5	6	27	79.21
27067380	17	4	4	25	73.53
27187661	13	2	2	17	50.79
27206151	17	4	1	22	65.00
27416288	11	5	3	19	56.47
27646666	15	5	2	22	65.00
29206388	14	10	6	30	87.74
40000797	14	6	2	22	65.00
40002747	10	3	0	13	39.42
40003377	14	4	3	21	62.16
40004558	13	3	4	20	59.32
40004591	12	3	1	16	47.95
40004941	16	7	3	26	76.37
40005344	12	1	4	17	50.79
40006235	15	3	3	21	62.16
40008505	18	5	2	25	73.53
40009083	14	5	1	20	59.32
40009242	16	7	4	27	79.21
40011864	13	7	1	21	62.16
40013408	16	3	3	22	65.00
40014822	17	4	2	23	67.84
40016567	12	5	2	19	56.47
40017231	14	4	4	22	65.00
40017812	12	3	3	18	53.63
40020755	14	6	2	22	65.00
40024975	16	3	5	24	70.68
40025085	16	3	3	22	65.00
40027203	15	2	2	19	56.47
40027204	11	5	3	19	56.47
40031326	16	3	5	24	70.68
40031628	14	5	5	24	70.68
40031689	15	6	3	24	70.68
40032171	13	3	1	17	50.79
40034572	18	5	4	27	79.21
40038453	14	2	1	17	50.79
40041756	16	6	4	26	76.37
40043570	8	3	5	16	47.95
40046084	13	7	10	30	87.74
40046280	11	4	1	16	47.95
40046319	14	5	4	23	67.84
40053948	11	3	3	17	50.79
40054110	14	4	2	20	59.32
40055149	20	6	8	34	99.11
40058722	15	5	4	24	70.68
40061003	16	4	1	21	62.16
40062544	12	2	2	16	47.95
40073133	17	8	4	29	84.89
40077524	14	5	4	23	67.84
40085020	16	5	2	23	67.84
40105094	13	11	4	28	82.05

Increment 1 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2)
Clarity of explanatory text (2)
Completeness of document (2)
Overall consistency of document (2)
Structure of code (2)
code documentation (2)
Clarity of code(2)
Clarity of test code(2)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    		Total/15
PI-a	1	2	2	1	2	2	1	1	1	1	12.0
PI-b	1	2	1	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	12.5
PI-c	1	2	2	1	2	1	2	2	2	1	12.0
PJ-a	2	1	2	1	2	1	1	2	1	2	11.5
PJ-b	1	1	2	1	2	1	1	2	2	2	11.0
PK-a	1	1	2	1	1	2	2	2	1	2	10.5
PK-b	2	1	2	1	2	1	1	2	2	2	12.0

Last modified on 7 March 2019 by