COMP 354

Winter 2020 Section PP

Total Marks -- Revised

I screwed up a significant copy-and-paste from Quiz 2 into the final calculation.

Sorry. And many thanks are due to the sharp-eyed student who caught my mistake.

Here are the revised final marks using method (1) below.

I also did method (2), and took the better of the two grades.

Unfortunately it will mean many changes to grade.

ID		Q1/100	Q2/100	P/100	Total/100
24491017	81.29	58.23	73.42	71.48
26000037	83.53	69.22	48.61	63.31
26242219	58.82	45.04	69.87	60.37
26258840	63.32	60.43	37.98	50.63
26322298	74.55	75.82	76.96	76.02
26341381	85.78	78.02	43.30	63.73
26745954	58.82	64.82	73.42	67.28
27006284	63.32	64.82	73.42	68.47
27010486	52.08	51.63	66.33	58.67
27017839	56.58	47.23	55.70	53.69
27477023	58.82	58.23	46.84	53.03
27549814	65.56	67.02	69.87	67.98
27558783	58.82	75.82	82.27	74.36
27722710	56.58	56.03	48.61	52.68
27738986	56.58	62.63	48.61	54.43
27873557	56.58	56.03	85.82	70.19
29794840	61.07	64.82	69.87	66.21
40001890	61.07	31.84	73.42	59.14
40004286	56.58	75.82	85.82	75.43
40008121	65.56	38.44	82.27	66.25
40009257	76.79	91.21	43.30	64.85
40009533	56.58	45.04	69.87	59.78
40010464	76.79	93.41	80.50	82.94
40016575	67.81	62.63	69.87	67.41
40021856	70.05	78.02	39.75	57.90
40022514	61.07	95.61	69.87	74.35
40022992	85.78	84.61	78.73	82.15
40023157	56.58	60.43	59.24	58.85
40024145	63.32	67.02	46.84	56.54
40026736	45.35	58.23	52.16	51.96
40026889	72.30	69.22	76.96	73.68
40029473	47.59	80.21	43.30	54.21
40029816	76.79	86.81	73.42	77.86
40033124	76.79	69.22	85.82	79.04
40035761	70.05	58.23	66.33	65.17
40036565	52.08	47.23	52.16	50.83
40040952	38.61	82.41	69.87	64.92
40042144	97.01	71.42	59.24	72.46
40042768	61.07	73.62	52.16	60.20
40043261	56.58	49.43	48.61	50.94
40044346	49.84	58.23	73.42	63.15
40044651	56.58	51.63	43.30	49.02
40044867	45.35	67.02	69.87	62.63
40046039	72.30	62.63	76.96	71.93
40047366	63.32	56.03	48.61	54.47
40049253	76.79	73.62	46.84	61.86
40050276	79.04	73.62	66.33	71.62
40050437	58.82	71.42	62.79	64.02
40056138	52.08	45.04	69.87	58.59
40056360	52.08	51.63	85.82	67.84
40057157	79.04	73.62	53.93	65.79
40058393	72.30	69.22	59.24	65.34
40060593	67.81	80.21	59.24	67.06
40060764	72.30	56.03	66.33	65.18
40061402	74.55	60.43	55.70	61.94
40061450	56.58	58.23	69.87	63.27
40063578	72.30	73.62	43.30	59.00
40064115	83.53	78.02	62.79	72.31
40065815	88.02	53.83	52.16	62.09
40068605	56.58	82.41	69.87	69.67
40071581	67.81	58.23	59.24	61.24
40072605	63.32	73.62	85.82	76.63
40073402	56.58	62.63	80.50	69.44
40074762	72.30	53.83	73.42	67.94
40074807	81.29	67.02	76.96	75.47
40078192	63.32	49.43	85.82	70.23
40079109	88.02	75.82	80.50	81.25
40082976	49.84	60.43	78.73	66.24
40087039	70.05	51.63	62.79	61.76
40088104	88.02	95.61	66.33	79.82
40093089	61.07	56.03	69.87	63.88
40100554	56.58	53.83	73.42	63.77

Total Marks

Since Iteration 3 was canceled the marks were calculated in two ways:
(1) as shown here, the Iteration 3 mark (out of 15) is ignored, and the Total is calculated as 22.5*Q1+22.5*Q2+40*P to give a total out of 85, and then converted to a percentage.
(2) I also calculated a project mark where Iteration 3 was the average of Iteration 1 and 2. The project mark was 15*It1+15*It2+15*It3+10*Diary to give a mark ot of 55. This was then scaled to an average of 65.0 and a sd of 13.5.

Your grade was based on the best of method (1) and method (2).

ID		Q1/100	Q2/100	P/100	Tot/85	Total/100
26322298	74.55	95.61	76.96	69.07	81.26
40033124	76.79	75.82	85.82	68.66	80.78
40079109	88.02	62.63	80.50	66.10	77.76
40056360	52.08	86.81	85.82	65.58	77.15
40072605	63.32	73.62	85.82	65.14	76.63
40026889	72.30	78.02	76.96	64.60	76.01
40074807	81.29	67.02	76.96	64.15	75.47
40088104	88.02	78.02	66.33	63.89	75.17
40029816	76.79	75.82	73.42	63.70	74.95
40016575	67.81	73.62	78.73	63.31	74.49
40074762	72.30	78.02	73.42	63.19	74.34
40008121	65.56	64.82	82.27	62.25	73.23
40064115	83.53	80.21	62.79	61.96	72.89
40087039	70.05	93.41	62.79	61.89	72.82
40004286	56.58	62.63	85.82	61.15	71.94
24491017	81.29	58.23	73.42	60.76	71.48
40073402	56.58	69.22	80.50	60.51	71.18
27873557	56.58	58.23	85.82	60.16	70.77
40022992	85.78	56.03	69.87	59.86	70.42
27558783	58.82	60.43	82.27	59.74	70.28
40078192	63.32	49.43	85.82	59.70	70.23
40001890	61.07	73.62	73.42	59.67	70.20
40010464	76.79	45.04	80.50	59.61	70.13
40061402	74.55	91.21	55.70	59.57	70.09
40060764	72.30	73.62	66.33	59.36	69.84
40093089	61.07	73.62	69.87	58.25	68.53
40046039	72.30	49.43	76.96	58.17	68.44
40042144	97.01	53.83	59.24	57.64	67.81
40060593	67.81	82.41	59.24	57.50	67.64
40035761	70.05	67.02	66.33	57.37	67.50
40061450	56.58	69.22	69.87	56.25	66.18
40100554	56.58	62.63	73.42	56.19	66.10
40044346	49.84	69.22	73.42	56.15	66.06
40082976	49.84	58.23	78.73	55.81	65.66
40057157	79.04	71.42	53.93	55.42	65.20
26000037	83.53	75.82	48.61	55.30	65.06
40068605	56.58	64.82	69.87	55.26	65.02
27010486	52.08	73.62	66.33	54.81	64.49
29794840	61.07	58.23	69.87	54.79	64.46
40065815	88.02	62.63	52.16	54.76	64.42
40056138	52.08	67.02	69.87	54.75	64.41
27549814	65.56	51.63	69.87	54.32	63.90
40022514	61.07	56.03	69.87	54.30	63.88
40009533	56.58	60.43	69.87	54.27	63.85
26745954	58.82	51.63	73.42	54.22	63.79
40021856	70.05	95.61	39.75	53.18	62.56
40058393	72.30	58.23	59.24	53.07	62.43
40043261	56.58	60.43	66.33	52.86	62.18
27006284	63.32	38.44	73.42	52.26	61.48
40071581	67.81	56.03	59.24	51.56	60.66
26242219	58.82	45.04	69.87	51.32	60.37
27477023	58.82	84.61	46.84	51.01	60.01
40009257	76.79	71.42	43.30	50.67	59.61
40036565	52.08	80.21	52.16	50.63	59.56
40049253	76.79	64.82	46.84	50.60	59.53
40040952	38.61	58.23	69.87	49.74	58.51
40042768	61.07	67.02	52.16	49.68	58.45
26341381	85.78	56.03	43.30	49.23	57.91
40023157	56.58	56.03	59.24	49.03	57.69
40050437	58.82	47.23	62.79	48.98	57.62
40050276	79.04	51.63	48.61	48.85	57.47
40044651	56.58	82.41	43.30	48.59	57.17
40024145	63.32	69.22	46.84	48.56	57.13
40044867	45.35	45.04	69.87	48.28	56.81
40063578	72.30	58.23	43.30	46.69	54.93
27017839	56.58	51.63	55.70	46.63	54.85
26258840	63.32	75.82	37.98	46.50	54.70
27738986	56.58	60.43	48.61	45.77	53.85
40047366	63.32	47.23	48.61	44.32	52.14
27722710	56.58	53.83	48.61	44.29	52.10
40029473	47.59	53.83	43.30	40.14	47.22
40026736	45.35	31.84	52.16	38.23	44.98

Quiz 2 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

SID		Q2.1/30	Q2.2/10	Q2.3/10	Q2.4/5	Q2.5/5	Q2/60	Q2 scaled/100
24491017	22	3	5	0	2	32	58.23
26000037	20	6	7	3	1	37	69.22
26242219	16	2	6	2	0	26	45.04
26258840	19	6	5	1	2	33	60.43
26322298	26	6	6	0	2	40	75.82
26341381	25	7	6	1	2	41	78.02
26745954	23	2	4	4	2	35	64.82
27006284	19	7	8	1	0	35	64.82
27010486	20	0	7	0	2	29	51.63
27017839	18	1	6	1	1	27	47.23
27477023	18	3	6	1	4	32	58.23
27549814	22	2	6	5	1	36	67.02
27558783	22	6	7	4	1	40	75.82
27722710	20	4	4	1	2	31	56.03
27738986	20	2	5	3	4	34	62.63
27873557	18	4	6	3	0	31	56.03
29794840	18	6	7	2	2	35	64.82
40001890	19	1	0	0	0	20	31.84
40004286	21	8	9	1	1	40	75.82
40008121	17	1	2	1	2	23	38.44
40009257	23	7	10	2	5	47	91.21
40009533	18	3	3	2	0	26	45.04
40010464	25	7	9	2	5	48	93.41
40016575	22	3	4	1	4	34	62.63
40021856	23	3	7	3	5	41	78.02
40022514	25	8	8	3	5	49	95.61
40022992	22	7	9	1	5	44	84.61
40023157	22	1	6	1	3	33	60.43
40024145	22	2	3	4	5	36	67.02
40026736	20	3	6	1	2	32	58.23
40026889	20	4	8	3	2	37	69.22
40029473	21	6	8	2	5	42	80.21
40029816	22	10	7	3	3	45	86.81
40033124	23	3	7	1	3	37	69.22
40035761	21	2	6	0	3	32	58.23
40036565	18	1	7	1	0	27	47.23
40040952	20	9	6	5	3	43	82.41
40042144	20	2	8	5	3	38	71.42
40042768	22	6	8	0	3	39	73.62
40043261	22	1	3	0	2	28	49.43
40044346	21	3	6	1	1	32	58.23
40044651	22	3	4	0	0	29	51.63
40044867	20	1	8	3	4	36	67.02
40046039	23	5	4	2	0	34	62.63
40047366	23	1	4	3	0	31	56.03
40049253	20	5	10	3	1	39	73.62
40050276	24	2	7	3	3	39	73.62
40050437	23	3	7	2	3	38	71.42
40056138	20	3	3	0	0	26	45.04
40056360	20	1	4	4	0	29	51.63
40057157	20	8	6	0	5	39	73.62
40058393	21	4	6	3	3	37	69.22
40060593	21	7	8	2	4	42	80.21
40060764	21	4	3	2	1	31	56.03
40061402	21	3	7	1	1	33	60.43
40061450	23	2	4	3	0	32	58.23
40063578	17	4	10	3	5	39	73.62
40064115	21	4	8	4	4	41	78.02
40065815	19	1	2	4	4	30	53.83
40068605	21	6	9	3	4	43	82.41
40071581	22	2	7	1	0	32	58.23
40072605	20	6	7	4	2	39	73.62
40073402	22	6	6	0	0	34	62.63
40074762	23	3	3	1	0	30	53.83
40074807	20	6	3	2	5	36	67.02
40078192	19	4	4	0	1	28	49.43
40079109	21	6	5	3	5	40	75.82
40082976	20	4	4	4	1	33	60.43
40087039	17	2	4	3	3	29	51.63
40088104	24	8	9	4	4	49	95.61
40093089	21	3	4	2	1	31	56.03
40100554	22	3	3	2	0	30	53.83

Project Marks

Marks are in the order:
Iteration 1 /15
Iteration 2 /15
Diary /10
Total /40
Total (scaled) /100
Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

ID		It1/15	It2/15	D/10	Tot/40	Total-scaled/100
40082976	14	12.5	5	31.5	78.73
40024145	8	8.5	6	22.5	46.84
40044867	13	10	6	29	69.87
40009533	12.5	10.5	6	29	69.87
40029816	11.5	11.5	7	30	73.42
40088104	11.5	13.5	3	28	66.33
40068605	13	10	6	29	69.87
40008121	14	12.5	6	32.5	82.27
27017839	10.5	7.5	7	25	55.70
40047366	8.5	13.5	1	23	48.61
40063578	8	8.5	5	21.5	43.30
40035761	13	10	5	28	66.33
26000037	10.5	7.5	5	23	48.61
26341381	8	8.5	5	21.5	43.30
40100554	13	10	7	30	73.42
40071581	9.5	11.5	5	26	59.24
40049253	8	8.5	6	22.5	46.84
40026736	10.5	7.5	6	24	52.16
40033124	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
27006284	11.5	11.5	7	30	73.42
40061402	9.5	11.5	4	25	55.70
26242219	13	10	6	29	69.87
40087039	8.5	13.5	5	27	62.79
40004286	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
40026889	12.5	10.5	8	31	76.96
26322298	11.5	13.5	6	31	76.96
27477023	8	8.5	6	22.5	46.84
27738986	10.5	7.5	5	23	48.61
40074807	11.5	13.5	6	31	76.96
24491017	8.5	13.5	8	30	73.42
40073402	11.5	11.5	9	32	80.50
40064115	9.5	11.5	6	27	62.79
40056360	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
40044346	11.5	11.5	7	30	73.42
27873557	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
40050437	11.5	11.5	4	27	62.79
40060593	9.5	11.5	5	26	59.24
40009257	8	8.5	5	21.5	43.30
40072605	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
40046039	11.5	13.5	6	31	76.96
29794840	11.5	11.5	6	29	69.87
26745954	12.5	10.5	7	30	73.42
40042768	9.5	11.5	3	24	52.16
40065815	10.5	7.5	6	24	52.16
40016575	8.5	13.5	7	29	69.87
40022992	14	12.5	5	31.5	78.73
40093089	12.5	10.5	6	29	69.87
40057157	8	8.5	8	24.5	53.93
40010464	11.5	13.5	7	32	80.50
27549814	11.5	11.5	6	29	69.87
40060764	8.5	13.5	6	28	66.33
40061450	11.5	11.5	6	29	69.87
40036565	10.5	7.5	6	24	52.16
40022514	11.5	13.5	4	29	69.87
27558783	14	12.5	6	32.5	82.27
40040952	8.5	13.5	7	29	69.87
27010486	13	10	5	28	66.33
40074762	11.5	11.5	7	30	73.42
27722710	10.5	7.5	5	23	48.61
40044651	8	8.5	5	21.5	43.30
40058393	9.5	11.5	5	26	59.24
40001890	12.5	10.5	7	30	73.42
40079109	11.5	13.5	7	32	80.50
40042144	8.5	13.5	4	26	59.24
40056138	12.5	10.5	6	29	69.87
40078192	14	12.5	7	33.5	85.82
26258840	10.5	7.5	2	20	37.98
40050276	8.5	13.5	6	28	66.33
40043261	9.5	11.5	2	23	48.61
40021856	8	8.5	4	20.5	39.75
40023157	8.5	13.5	4	26	59.24
40029473	8	8.5	5	21.5	43.30

Increment 2 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2)
Clarity of explanatory text (2)
Completeness of document (2)
Overall consistency of document (2)
Structure of code (2)
Code documentation (2)
Clarity of code(2)
Clarity of test code(2)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Team                                                                    		Total/15
PI-a	1	1	1	1	1	2	1	2	1	1	8.5
PI-b	2	1	1	1	1	1	2	2	2	1	19.0
PI-c	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	7.5
PJ-a	2	1	1	1	1	2	2	2	1	1	10.5
PJ-b	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	13.5
PJ-c	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	13.5
PK-a	2	1	2	2	1	2	2	2	2	1	12.5
PK-b	2	2	1	1	2	2	1	2	1	1	11.5
PK-c	2	1	1	2	1	2	2	2	2	1	11.5

Quiz 1 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

For Quection 1, several people scored very low, eg 12 or less, indicating they do not know the material.

For Questions 2 and 3, a mark of 4/20 indicated that you have some grasp of the material, but a bare minimum.
On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent.
If you consistently scored below 4 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course; or putting in much more effort to learn the material.

Many of you did not understand Iteration 1 material on domain model, use cases, scenarios, and the formats to describe use cases.

You must understand terminology, such as model, abstraction, and specification.

Agile and TDD are not the same, although TDD is often used as part of agile process.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

SID		Q1.1/20	Q1.2/20	Q1.3/20	Q1/60	Q1 scaled/100
24491017	19	8	3	30	81.29
26000037	17	10	4	31	83.53
26242219	17	2	1	20	58.82
26258840	15	5	2	22	63.32
26322298	14	9	4	27	74.55
26341381	16	9	7	32	85.78
26745954	13	5	2	20	58.82
27006284	13	7	2	22	63.32
27010486	13	2	2	17	52.08
27017839	13	4	2	19	56.58
27477023	14	4	2	20	58.82
27549814	16	4	3	23	65.56
27558783	13	5	2	20	58.82
27722710	16	1	2	19	56.58
27738986	13	4	2	19	56.58
27873557	15	2	2	19	56.58
29794840	16	3	2	21	61.07
40001890	16	3	2	21	61.07
40004286	14	2	3	19	56.58
40008121	15	7	1	23	65.56
40009257	17	6	5	28	76.79
40009533	11	4	4	19	56.58
40010464	19	6	3	28	76.79
40016575	19	2	3	24	67.81
40021856	15	4	6	25	70.05
40022514	14	4	3	21	61.07
40022992	19	7	6	32	85.78
40023157	15	2	2	19	56.58
40024145	14	5	3	22	63.32
40026736	12	0	2	14	45.35
40026889	15	6	5	26	72.30
40029473	10	4	1	15	47.59
40029816	19	6	3	28	76.79
40033124	17	9	2	28	76.79
40035761	18	4	3	25	70.05
40036565	11	5	1	17	52.08
40040952	9	2	0	11	38.61
40042144	19	10	8	37	97.01
40042768	15	5	1	21	61.07
40043261	13	2	4	19	56.58
40044346	15	1	0	16	49.84
40044651	18	0	1	19	56.58
40044867	12	2	0	14	45.35
40046039	13	8	5	26	72.30
40047366	18	3	1	22	63.32
40049253	17	9	2	28	76.79
40050276	17	9	3	29	79.04
40050437	14	4	2	20	58.82
40056138	12	3	2	17	52.08
40056360	13	2	2	17	52.08
40057157	15	7	7	29	79.04
40058393	16	4	6	26	72.30
40060593	15	7	2	24	67.81
40060764	17	5	4	26	72.30
40061402	19	5	3	27	74.55
40061450	14	3	2	19	56.58
40063578	18	6	2	26	72.30
40064115	16	9	6	31	83.53
40065815	18	6	9	33	88.02
40068605	13	4	2	19	56.58
40071581	14	6	4	24	67.81
40072605	14	6	2	22	63.32
40073402	17	1	1	19	56.58
40074762	18	3	5	26	72.30
40074807	16	8	6	30	81.29
40078192	17	4	1	22	63.32
40079109	19	7	7	33	88.02
40082976	13	2	1	16	49.84
40087039	19	4	2	25	70.05
40088104	15	8	10	33	88.02
40093089	15	4	2	21	61.07
40100554	12	4	3	19	56.58

Increment 1 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2)
Clarity of explanatory text (2)
Completeness of document (2)
Overall consistency of document (2)
Structure of code (2)
Code documentation (2)
Clarity of code(2)
Clarity of test code(2)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2)

Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).

Revised 2020-03-11 for PI-a and PK-a

Team                                                                    		Total/15
PI-a	0	1	1	1	1	2	1	2	1	2	8.0
PI-b	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	1	0	13.0
PI-c	1	2	2	1	2	2	0	2	1	0	10.5
PJ-a	2	1	1	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	12.5
PJ-b	1	1	1	2	2	2	1	2	2	2	11.5
PJ-c	1	1	1	1	1	2	1	2	2	0	8.5
PK-a	2	2	2	2	2	2	1	2	1	2	14.0
PK-b	2	1	1	2	2	1	2	1	2	1	11.0
PK-c	0	2	1	1	1	2	2	2	1	2	9.5

Last modified on 2 March 2020 by