COMP 499 Introduction to Data Analytics

Summer 2019 Semester 1

Data Sets

PISA Tests Results

Pisa Overview PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. Every three years it tests 15-year-old students from all over the world in reading, mathematics and science.

Look at the Data tab for access to all the data.

Canada Census 2016

Census Look at data products link. Look at the Data tab for access to all the data.

Economic Data

Costa Rico Household Poverty

Predict Future sales

Kaggle US Housing

House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques for Ames, Iowa.

Zillow's Home Value Prediction
Insightful & Vast USA Statistics Income, Age, Marriage, Mortgage, Home Equity Loan & Demographics

Kaggle Sports Analytics

FIFA 19 Data

International football results from 1872 to 2018
NCAA Basketball
Predict NHL Player Salaries
NHL Player Stats 2004 - 2018
Professional Hockey Database

Kaggle Stock Market

New York Stock Exchange S&P 500 companies historical prices with fundamental data
S&P 500 stock data
South Africa Stock Market Data Price, financials and economic data
Huge Stock Market Dataset Historical daily prices and volumes of all U.S. stocks and ETFs


Predict Titanic Survival Rate

Health Insurance Marketplace Explore health and dental plans data in the US Health Insurance Marketplace
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics State of human health across the world
Health Analytics 26 health indicators (642 variables) from 9 states and 284 districts of India
GapMinder data on status of people around the world.

Last modified on 16 May 2019 by