COMP 499

Summer 2019 Section AA

Final Total Marks

Combining scaled practical marks and scaled marks for midterm and final exams.

Scaled practical mark (out of 100)
Scaled midterm mark (out of 100)
Scaled final exam mark (out of 100)

ID 		Pract	MT	Final	Total
25991714	69.85	78.12	73.47	72.36
26250580	82.46	78.12	79.98	80.94
26498159	80.89	49.67	62.09	69.62
27067380	79.31	68.64	79.98	77.94
27206151	53.81	40.18	50.70	50.68
27223064	43.82	87.61	71.85	60.20
27485395	71.16	55.99	58.84	64.57
27739443	44.35	62.31	65.34	54.39
27755473	52.24	65.47	83.23	65.07
29113401	64.85	55.99	47.45	57.43
40000060	73.26	52.83	53.96	63.44
40000797	55.65	59.15	53.96	55.58
40003112	45.66	46.50	68.59	53.82
40009336	56.44	78.12	50.70	57.68
40018692	70.90	59.15	47.45	60.93
40020755	90.09	59.15	55.58	73.37
40022595	64.85	74.96	86.49	73.94
40030603	65.64	71.80	58.84	64.18
40032864	69.85	90.77	86.49	78.81

Final Exam Marks

Total exam marks were scaled to mean of 65.0 and sd of 13.5

Mark for each question (out of 20)
Raw mark (out of 100)
Scaled mark (out of 100)

ID		Q1/20	Q2/20	Q3/20	Q4/20	Q5/20	Raw	Scaled
25991714	18	10	9	10	13	60	73.47
26250580	16	17	8	10	13	64	79.98
26498159	13	11	6	8	15	53	62.09
27067380	18	12	9	10	15	64	79.98
27206151	10	10	6	6	14	46	50.70
27223064	13	6	12	13	15	59	71.85
27485395	10	8	8	11	14	51	58.84
27739443	13	11	9	8	14	55	65.34
27755473	17	14	11	9	15	66	83.23
29113401	11	9	6	7	11	44	47.45
40000060	10	7	9	9	13	48	53.96
40000797	16	6	6	6	14	48	53.96
40003112	12	12	11	8	14	57	68.59
40009336	15	7	9	2	13	46	50.70
40018692	11	7	8	5	13	44	47.45
40020755	14	6	10	5	14	49	55.58
40022595	20	9	13	12	14	68	86.49
40030603	9	12	12	5	13	51	58.84
40032864	15	11	15	10	17	68	86.49

Practical Marks Scaled

Total practical marks (Attendance, Assignments, project) were scaled to mean of 65.0 and sd of 13.5

Attendance (out of 10)
Assignments (out of 15)
Project (out of (25)
Raw practical mark (out of 100)
Scaled practical mark (out of 100)

ID		Att	Assts	Proj	Pract	Scaled
25991714	9	14.81	20.00	87.63	69.85
26250580	9	14.81	23.00	93.63	82.46
26498159	10	14.44	22.00	92.88	80.89
27067380	10	14.06	22.00	92.13	79.31
27206151	10	15.00	15.00	80.00	53.81
27223064	6	14.63	17.00	75.25	43.82
27485395	9	13.13	22.00	88.25	71.16
27739443	9	12.75	16.00	75.50	44.35
27755473	10	14.63	15.00	79.25	52.24
29113401	10	14.63	18.00	85.25	64.85
40000060	10	14.63	20.00	89.25	73.26
40000797	10	14.44	16.00	80.88	55.65
40003112	8	14.06	16.00	76.13	45.66
40009336	10	14.63	16.00	81.25	56.44
40018692	10	14.06	20.00	88.13	70.90
40020755	10	14.63	24.00	97.25	90.09
40022595	10	14.63	18.00	85.25	64.85
40030603	10	14.81	18.00	85.63	65.64
40032864	10	14.81	19.00	87.63	69.85

Project Marks -- Raw

Raw project marks

Preliminary submission (out of 5)
Presentation (out of 10)
Project notebook (out of 10)
Total (out of 25)

ID		Prelim	Pres	Proj	Total
25991714	4	8	8	20
26250580	4	9	10	23
26498159	5	8	9	22
27067380	4	9	9	22
27206151	4	6	5	15
27223064	5	7	5	17
27485395	4	10	8	22
27739443	3	6	7	16
27755473	3	7	5	15
29113401	5	6	7	18
40000060	5	8	7	20
40000797	4	6	6	16
40003112	4	6	6	16
40009336	5	6	5	16
40018692	3	9	8	20
40020755	5	9	10	24
40022595	4	7	7	18
40030603	5	7	6	18
40032864	4	8	7	19

Lecture Attendance

ID		Lec1	Lec2	Lec3	Lec4	Lec5	Lec9	Lec10	Lec11	Lec12	Lec13
25991714	P	P	P	P	P	P	A	P	P	P
26250580	P	P	P	P	P	P	A	P	A	P
26498159	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27067380	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27206151	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27223064	P	P	A	A	P	A	P	P	A	P
27485395	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	A	P
27739443	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27755473	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
29113401	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000060	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000797	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40003112	A	A	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40009336	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40018692	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	A	P	P
40020755	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40022595	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40030603	A	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40032864	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P

Lab Attendance

ID		Lab2	Lab3	Lab4	Lab5	Lab6	Lab7	Lab9	Lab10	Lab11
25991714	P	P	P	P	P	P	P		P
26250580	P	P	P	P	P	P	P		P
26498159	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27067380	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27206151	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27223064	P	P	A	P	A	P	A	P	A
27485395	P	A	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
27739443	P	A	P	P	P	P	P		P
27755473	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
29113401	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000060	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000797	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	A
40003112	P	A	P	P	A	P	P	P	P
40009336	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	A
40018692	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40020755	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40022595	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40030603	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P
40032864	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P	P

MidTerm Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

Many of you were very imprecise about terminology, so make sure that you know the definitions of all words in the course, and the different ways that the same term is used.

On the scaled percentage, as an approximation, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

ID		Q1/15	Q2/20	Q3/15	MT/50	Scaled/100
25991714	13	16	2	31	78.12
26250580	11	14	6	31	78.12
26498159	9	12	1	22	49.67
27067380	13	10	5	28	68.64
27206151	6	12	1	19	40.18
27223064	10	16	8	34	87.61
27485395	8	14	2	24	55.99
27667345	10	12	5	27	65.47
27739443	12	12	2	26	62.31
27755473	11	14	2	27	65.47
29113401	9	10	5	24	55.99
40000060	11	10	2	23	52.83
40000797	12	10	3	25	59.15
40003112	8	10	3	21	46.50
40009336	11	16	4	31	78.12
40018692	11	12	2	25	59.15
40020755	12	12	1	25	59.15
40022595	12	14	4	30	74.96
40030603	11	14	4	29	71.80
40032864	10	16	9	35	90.77

Asst Marks

ID		A1/10	A2/10
25991714	9.75	10.00
26250580	9.75	10.00
26498159	9.25	10.00
27067380	9.00	9.75
27206151	10.00	10.00
27223064	9.75	9.75
27485395	8.75	8.75
27667345	0.00	0.00
27739443	8.00	9.00
27755473	9.75	9.75
29113401	9.50	10.00
40000060	9.50	10.00
40000797	9.25	10.00
40003112	8.75	10.00
40009336	9.50	10.00
40018692	9.00	9.75
40020755	9.50	10.00
40022595	9.50	10.00
40030603	10.00	9.75
40032864	9.75	10.00

Lecture Attendance To Date

ID		L1	L2	L3	L4	L5
25991714	P	P	P	P	P
26250580	P	P	P	P	P
26498159	P	P	P	P	P
27067380	P	P	P	P	P
27206151	P	P	P	P	P
27223064	P	P	A	A	P
27485395	P	P	P	P	P
27667345	A	A	A	A	A
27739443	P	P	P	P	P
27755473	P	P	P	P	P
29113401	P	P	P	P	P
40000060	P	P	P	P	P
40000797	P	P	P	P	P
40003112	A	A	P	P	P
40009336	P	P	P	P	P
40018692	P	P	P	P	P
40020755	P	P	P	P	P
40022595	P	P	P	P	P
40030603	A	P	P	P	P
40032864	P	P	P	P	P

Lab Attendance To Date

ID		L2	L3	L4	L5	L6	L7
25991714	P	P	P	P	P	P
26250580	P	P	P	P	P	P
26498159	P	P	P	P	P	P
27067380	P	P	P	P	P	P
27206151	P	P	P	P	P	P
27223064	P	P	A	P	A	P
27485395	P	A	P	P	P	P
27667345	A	A	A	A	A	A
27739443	P	A	P	P	P	P
27755473	P	P	P	P	P	P
29113401	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000060	P	P	P	P	P	P
40000797	P	P	P	P	P	P
40003112	P	A	P	P	A	P
40009336	P	P	P	P	P	P
40018692	P	P	P	P	P	P
40020755	P	P	P	P	P	P
40022595	P	P	P	P	P	P
40030603	P	P	P	P	P	P
40032864	P	P	P	P	P	P

Last modified on 04 June 2019 by