SID Quiz/100 Proj/100 Diary/10 Final/100 9342133 63.44 65.00 4.00 61.80 5701295 66.31 65.00 6.00 65.09 4670523 74.10 66.00 7.00 70.05 5799236 60.19 66.00 6.00 62.78 9778292 70.85 65.00 5.50 66.63 6824803 78.74 65.00 6.50 71.18 4721934 92.28 65.00 6.00 76.78 6776973 76.79 66.00 6.50 70.75 6410383 60.00 65.00 6.50 62.75 5686768 56.11 66.00 6.50 61.45 6832407 49.43 65.00 6.00 57.49 6818536 63.16 65.00 5.00 62.67 5064961 63.25 66.00 6.50 64.66 9676007 54.16 65.00 6.00 59.62 7132557 46.27 66.00 7.00 57.52
The average mark was set to 6.5/10.
People lost marks if submissions were missing.
People lost marks if the requested information was not provided.
People lost marks for being too verbose.
People got higher marks for particularly clear diary entries with full information.
SID Diary1 Diary2 Diary3 Diary/10 9342133 n y y 4.00 5701295 y y y 6.00 4670523 y y y 7.00 5799236 y y y 6.00 9778292 y n y 5.50 6824803 y y y 6.50 4721934 y y y 6.00 6776973 y y y 6.50 6410383 y y y 6.50 5686768 y y y 6.50 6832407 y y y 6.00 6818536 y y y 5.00 5064961 y y y 6.50 9676007 y y y 6.00 7132557 y y y 7.00
Scaled to average of 65.0
Team Inc1 Inc2 Inc3 Total/100 Scaled/100 2 13.00 14.00 14.50 92.22 66.00 3 13.00 13.25 14.75 91.11 65.00
Team Total/15 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 14.5 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 14.75
Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.
On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 5 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.
On the scaled percentage, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.
SID Q2.1/20 Q2.2/20 Q2.3/20 Q2/60 Q2 scaled/100 9342133 6 9 5 20 68.79 5701295 6 6 7 19 65.63 4670523 7 7 9 23 78.25 5799236 4 5 8 17 59.32 9778292 7 5 8 20 68.79 6824803 7 9 9 25 84.56 4721934 8 12 7 27 90.86 6776973 5 7 8 20 68.79 6410383 5 6 4 15 53.01 5686768 6 7 8 21 71.94 6832407 4 4 5 13 46.71 6818536 5 7 5 17 59.32 5064961 5 7 6 18 62.48 9676007 6 5 5 16 56.17 7132557 1 7 3 11 40.40
Team Total/15 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 2 14 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 1 1 13.25
Marks are in the order:
Formatting and conformity of document (2.5)
Diagram clarity and correctness (2.5)
Clarity of explanatory text (2.5)
Completeness of document (2.5)
Structure of code (2.5)
Clarity of code(2.5)
code documentation (2.5)
Completeness of testing by unit tests (2.5)
Each part of the project requires a document as a deliverable (10%) and a source code deliverable (with unit tests) (5%).
Team Total/15 2 2 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 2 13 3 2.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 2 1 2.5 13
Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.
On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 5 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.
On the scaled percentage, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.
SID Q1.1/20 Q1.2/20 Q1.3/20 Q1/60 Q1 scaled% 9342133 9 3 5 17 58.09 5701295 6 5 9 20 66.99 4670523 7 8 6 21 69.95 5799236 5 6 7 18 61.05 9778292 8 7 7 22 72.92 6824803 8 7 7 22 72.92 4721934 11 10 8 29 93.69 6776973 9 7 10 26 84.79 6410383 6 5 9 20 66.99 5686768 5 2 4 11 40.28 6832407 5 6 4 15 52.15 6818536 9 2 9 20 66.99 5064961 9 4 6 19 64.02 9676007 8 2 5 15 52.15 7132557 6 6 3 15 52.15