SOEN 6461

Fall 2015 Section SS

Final Marks

ID is student ID
A/100 is scaled assignment mark /100. It becomes 30% of mark.
Qz/20 is sum of scaled quiz marks /20. It becomes 20% of mark.
F/100 is scaled final examm result /100. It becomes 50% of mark.
Total is the total mark /100.

ID		A/100	Qz/20	F/100	Total/100
27750676	47.72	11.32	56.90	54.09
27274181	59.01	17.39	99.50	84.84
40011623	59.01	11.62	38.90	48.77
27432615	70.31	13.71	71.30	70.45
27667280	81.61	15.04	58.70	68.88
27748132	59.01	11.28	67.70	62.84
40001621	70.31	13.34	76.70	72.78
40001839	92.90	13.41	71.30	76.93
27732104	59.01	10.39	42.50	49.35
27676727	81.61	10.80	65.90	68.23
27279906	53.36	15.56	73.10	68.12
40010105	64.66	12.44	62.30	62.99
26258476	64.66	13.29	62.30	63.84
40012289	59.01	14.11	62.30	62.97
27734107	59.01	12.51	80.30	70.37
40011556	64.66	11.51	55.10	58.46
27157517	70.31	16.16	82.10	78.30
27821964	59.01	11.59	71.30	64.94
40010613	70.31	11.99	62.30	64.24
27734069	81.61	12.33	65.90	69.76
27146957	53.36	14.56	69.50	65.32
40011904	70.31	13.97	60.50	65.31
40012655	53.36	11.32	49.70	52.18
27847238	53.36	13.81	49.70	54.67
26999921	42.07	15.01	69.50	62.38
40011042	53.36	7.57	42.50	44.82
27913907	75.96	11.17	53.30	60.61
29086897	64.66	17.76	67.70	71.01
27293895	64.66	17.09	80.30	76.64
27096542	81.61	13.78	80.30	78.41
40001134	64.66	16.64	78.50	75.29
27275188	70.31	14.86	83.90	77.90
40010447	70.31	12.29	49.70	58.23
27232144	53.36	14.45	69.50	65.21
27733240	87.26	11.88	62.30	69.21
40010075	92.90	13.08	71.30	76.60
27197055	64.66	15.38	62.30	65.93
26988490	53.36	15.08	65.90	64.04
27822200	53.36	14.04	53.30	56.70
27162375	47.72	14.78	53.30	55.75
27344325	36.42	12.85	96.50	72.02
26855830	42.07	9.84	71.30	58.11
27742916	87.26	13.63	62.30	70.96
27744676	87.26	9.20	58.70	64.73
27249772	70.31	8.72	58.70	59.16
25275865	64.66	13.59	55.10	60.54
23565300	70.31	9.35	56.90	58.90
40000261	81.61	13.81	71.30	73.95
27840179	64.66	12.29	55.10	59.24
26870120	47.72	14.19	82.10	69.56

Final Exam Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

ID		F.1/10	F.2/20	F.3/20	F.4/20	F.5/30	F/100	F scaled/100
27750676	7	4	1	5	1	18	56.90
27274181	8	3	12	10	9	42	99.50
40011623	7	1	0	0	0	8	38.90
27432615	8	10	3	5	0	26	71.30
27667280	9	4	3	2	1	19	58.70
27748132	7	2	5	4	6	24	67.70
40001621	7	6	7	4	5	29	76.70
40001839	7	8	5	4	2	26	71.30
27732104	9	1	0	0	0	10	42.50
27676727	8	3	2	7	3	23	65.90
27279906	5	5	5	3	9	27	73.10
40010105	8	5	4	2	2	21	62.30
26258476	9	3	4	5	0	21	62.30
40012289	8	6	4	3	0	21	62.30
27734107	6	3	2	7	13	31	80.30
40011556	7	1	3	2	4	17	55.10
27157517	7	7	10	3	5	32	82.10
27821964	7	5	4	5	5	26	71.30
40010613	9	2	5	4	1	21	62.30
27734069	5	5	1	5	7	23	65.90
27146957	7	5	4	5	4	25	69.50
40011904	8	3	6	3	0	20	60.50
40012655	7	2	3	2	0	14	49.70
27847238	6	3	0	1	4	14	49.70
40011042	8	0	0	2	0	10	42.50
26999921	8	13	2	2	0	25	69.50
27913907	7	5	0	4	0	16	53.30
29086897	8	5	8	2	1	24	67.70
27293895	7	5	5	5	9	31	80.30
27096542	7	7	5	6	6	31	80.30
40001134	7	6	9	7	1	30	78.50
27275188	7	10	10	6	0	33	83.90
40010447	4	2	4	4	0	14	49.70
27232144	7	6	4	5	3	25	69.50
27733240	8	0	6	6	1	21	62.30
27822200	7	2	2	2	3	16	53.30
26988490	9	5	3	5	1	23	65.90
27197055	9	3	1	3	5	21	62.30
40010075	9	7	4	3	3	26	71.30
27162375	7	3	2	3	1	16	53.30
27344325	9	11	9	7	4	40	96.50
26855830	5	5	7	4	5	26	71.30
27742916	9	2	3	2	5	21	62.30
27744676	8	2	4	3	2	19	58.70
27249772	9	5	1	4	0	19	58.70
25275865	4	4	3	2	4	17	55.10
23565300	8	3	2	1	4	18	56.90
40000261	8	3	1	5	9	26	71.30
27840179	7	8	0	2	0	17	55.10
26870120	7	9	5	4	7	32	82.10

Design Assignment Total Scaled Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

ID	Total/30	Scaled/100
23565300	23	70.31
25275865	22	64.66
26258476	22	64.66
26855830	18	42.07
26870120	19	47.72
26988490	20	53.36
26999921	18	42.07
27096542	25	81.61
27146957	20	53.36
27157517	23	70.31
27162375	19	47.72
27197055	22	64.66
27232144	20	53.36
27249772	23	70.31
27274181	21	59.01
27275188	23	70.31
27279906	20	53.36
27293895	22	64.66
27344325	17	36.42
27432615	23	70.31
27667280	25	81.61
27676727	25	81.61
27732104	21	59.01
27733240	26	87.26
27734069	25	81.61
27734107	21	59.01
27742916	26	87.26
27744676	26	87.26
27748132	21	59.01
27750676	19	47.72
27821964	21	59.01
27822200	20	53.36
27840179	22	64.66
27847238	20	53.36
27913907	24	75.96
29086897	22	64.66
40000261	25	81.61
40001134	22	64.66
40001621	23	70.31
40001839	27	92.90
40010075	27	92.90
40010105	22	64.66
40010447	23	70.31
40010613	23	70.31
40011042	20	53.36
40011556	22	64.66
40011623	21	59.01
40011904	23	70.31
40012289	21	59.01
40012655	20	53.36

Design Assignment 3 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Problem Description (0,1,2)
Design Description (0,1,2)
Major Design Decisions (0,1,2)
Design Review (0,1,2)
Glossary (0,1,2)
Late Penalty

Total out of 10

Student ID	A3.1	A3.2	A3.3	A3.4	A3.5	A2/10
23565300	2	2	2	1	2	9
25275865	1	1	1	1	2	6
26258476	2	2	1	1	2	8
26855830	2	2	1	0	2	7
26870120	1	2	1	1	1	6
26988490	2	2	1	1	2	8
26999921	2	1	1	1	2	7
27096542	2	2	2	1	2	9
27146957	2	2	2	1	1	8
27157517	2	2	2	1	2	9
27162375	2	2	1	1	2	8
27197055	2	2	1	1	2	8
27232144	2	2	1	1	2	8
27249772	2	2	2	1	2	9
27274181	2	2	1	1	2	8
27275188	2	1	1	1	2	7
27279906	2	1	1	1	2	7
27293895	2	2	2	1	2	9
27344325	2	1	1	1	2	7
27432615	2	2	1	1	2	8
27667280	2	2	1	1	2	8
27676727	2	2	2	2	2	10
27732104	2	2	1	1	2	8
27733240	2	2	2	1	2	9
27734069	2	2	2	1	2	9
27734107	2	2	1	1	2	8
27742916	2	2	2	1	2	9
27744676	2	2	2	1	2	9
27748132	2	2	1	1	2	8
27750676	2	2	0	0	2	6
27821964	2	2	2	1	2	9
27822200	2	2	1	1	2	8
27840179	2	2	1	1	1	7
27847238	2	1	2	2	1	8
27913907	2	2	1	1	2	8
29086897	0	2	1	1	1	5
40000261	2	2	2	1	2	9
40001134	2	2	1	1	2	8
40001621	2	2	1	1	2	8
40001839	2	2	2	1	2	9
40010075	2	2	2	1	2	9
40010105	2	2	2	1	2	9
40010447	2	1	1	1	2	7
40010613	2	2	2	1	2	9
40011042	2	2	1	1	2	8
40011556	2	2	2	1	2	9
40011623	2	2	1	1	2	8
40011904	2	2	1	1	2	8
40012289	2	1	1	1	2	7
40012655	2	1	1	1	1	6

Quiz 2 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 6-8 out of 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 6 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.

On the scaled percentage, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe low B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

You should score around 15 or better on the True/False Question 1. If you score much less then you either have trouble with the material or you have trouble with English.

I set Question 3 (a) and (b) as the simplest possible design issues that arise in Design Assignment 2: the Pattern class to represent one k-mer; and the use of the Iterator for set difference/merge sort. Note the Pattern class stores one k-mer, and only the k-mer. It is the basic unit of information. It does not store count and locations. It does not have an iterator. It does not store or reference the genome. It is not the collection of statistics about all the k-mers that occur in the genome. A Pattern object represents a single k-mer, and only that.

As a class, you did very poorly on Question 3.

Everybody should learn how to describe a class: class name and purpose/responsibility; data attributes - name, type, description; list of methods - name, signature, contract, maybe description; and implementation of methods in terms of data attributes and collaborating objects.

Everybody should practice their programming skills.

Everybody should learn how to describe an invariant for a loop.

Student ID	Q2.1/20	Q2.2/20	Q2.3/20	Q2/60	Q2 scaled/100
27750676	12	4	0	16	46.70
27274181	20	7	5	32	94.38
40011623	13	4	0	17	49.68
27432615	18	5	1	24	70.54
27667280	18	7	0	25	73.52
27748132	14	1	0	15	43.72
40001621	17	4	7	28	82.46
40001839	18	3	2	23	67.56
27732104	16	3	0	19	55.64
27676727	14	2	0	16	46.70
27279906	15	5	5	25	73.52
40010105	17	8	0	25	73.52
26258476	16	4	0	20	58.62
40012289	14	7	0	21	61.60
27734107	13	7	0	20	58.62
40011556	15	1	5	21	61.60
27157517	15	6	6	27	79.48
40010613	18	2	0	20	58.62
27734069	14	3	5	22	64.58
27146957	20	6	0	26	76.50
40011904	18	6	0	24	70.54
40012655	13	3	0	16	46.70
27847238	14	4	2	20	58.62
40011042	11	2	0	13	37.76
26999921	17	7	0	24	70.54
27913907	16	3	0	19	55.64
29086897	18	5	5	28	82.46
27293895	18	6	7	31	91.40
27096542	11	4	4	19	55.64
40001134	16	9	0	25	73.52
27275188	16	6	5	27	79.48
40010447	14	7	0	21	61.60
27232144	16	6	1	23	67.56
27733240	12	5	0	17	49.68
27822200	20	6	0	26	76.50
26988490	20	6	0	26	76.50
27197055	20	7	0	27	79.48
40010075	18	6	4	28	82.46
27162375	20	3	2	25	73.52
27344325	14	8	0	22	64.58
26855830	13	5	0	18	52.66
27742916	17	5	0	22	64.58
27744676	13	2	0	15	43.72
27249772	11	5	0	16	46.70
25275865	16	3	2	21	61.60
23565300	13	4	2	19	55.64
40000261	13	6	1	20	58.62
27840179	16	3	2	21	61.60
26870120	16	8	6	30	88.42

Design Assignment 2 Marks

Marks are in the order:
Problem Description (0,1,2)
Design Description (0,1,2)
Major Design Decisions (0,1,2)
Design Review (0,1,2)
Glossary (0,1,2)
Late Penalty

Total out of 10

Student ID	A2.1	A2.2	A2.3	A2.4	A2.5	late	A2/10
23565300	2	2	2	1	2	-1	8
25275865	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
26258476	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
26855830	2	1	1	1	2	0	7
26870120	2	1	2	1	1	0	7
26988490	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
26999921	2	1	2	1	1	-1	6
27096542	2	1	2	1	1	0	7
27146957	2	1	2	0	1	0	6
27157517	2	2	1	0	2	0	7
27162375	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27197055	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27232144	2	1	1	0	1	0	5
27249772	2	1	2	1	1	0	7
27274181	2	2	1	1	1	-1	6
27275188	2	1	2	1	2	0	8
27279906	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27293895	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27344325	2	1	1	0	1	-1	4
27432615	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27667280	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27676727	2	2	0	1	2	0	7
27732104	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27733240	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
27734069	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27734107	2	2	2	0	1	-1	6
27742916	2	2	1	2	1	0	8
27744676	2	2	1	1	2	0	8
27748132	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27750676	2	1	1	0	2	0	6
27821964	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27822200	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27840179	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27847238	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27913907	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
29086897	2	2	1	2	1	0	8
40000261	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
40001134	2	2	2	2	1	-1	8
40001621	2	2	1	2	2	0	9
40001839	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
40010075	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
40010105	2	2	1	1	0	0	6
40010447	2	1	2	1	2	0	8
40010613	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
40011042	2	2	1	1	0	0	6
40011556	2	2	1	1	2	0	8
40011623	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
40011904	2	2	1	1	2	0	8
40012289	2	2	1	0	1	0	6
40012655	2	1	1	1	1	0	6

Quiz 1 Marks

Note that marks were also scaled to an average of 65.0% and an sd of 13.5%.

On the raw mark scale per question, scoring 6-8 outof 20 is satisfactory while more than 12 out of 20 is very good to excellent. If you consistently scored below 6 out of 20 then you should seriously consider dropping the course.

On the scaled percentage, the scaled average of 65.0 would rank as a B (maybe low B+) as a grade; 50.0 would be C or below.

You should score around 15 or better on the True/False Question 1. If you score much less then you either have trouble with the material or you have trouble with English.

I set Question 3 as the simplest possible design issues that arise in Design Assignment 1: the Pattern class to represent one k-mer; and the use of the Iterator for iterating over patterns sequentially in the Genome.

As a class, you did very poorly on Question 3.

Everybody should learn how to describe a class: class name and purpose/responsibility; data attributes - name, type, description; list of methods - name, signature, contract, maybe description; and implementation of methods in terms of data attributes and collaborating objects.

Everybody should know how to describe an Iterator class.

Student ID	Q1.1/20	Q1.2/20	Q1.3/20	Q1/60	Q1 scaled/100
23565300	0	5	4	9	37.90
25275865	16	2	5	23	74.31
26258476	16	5	2	23	74.31
26855830	7	4	1	12	45.70
26870120	9	4	2	15	53.50
26988490	15	7	1	23	74.31
26999921	15	10	0	25	79.51
27093659	11	3	0	14	50.90
27096542	12	8	6	26	82.12
27146957	15	6	0	21	69.11
27157517	15	10	1	26	82.12
27162375	16	6	1	23	74.31
27197055	17	5	1	23	74.31
27232144	12	9	3	24	76.91
27249772	9	1	0	10	40.50
27255454	9	3	2	14	50.90
27274181	17	7	1	25	79.51
27275188	13	5	3	21	69.11
27279906	17	8	1	26	82.12
27293895	10	10	5	25	79.51
27344325	13	6	0	19	63.91
27432615	15	5	0	20	66.51
27667280	18	6	0	24	76.91
27676727	13	5	0	18	61.31
27732104	11	2	0	13	48.30
27733240	12	6	3	21	69.11
27734069	11	5	1	17	58.71
27734107	11	8	1	20	66.51
27742916	14	7	1	22	71.71
27744676	10	2	1	13	48.30
27748132	12	6	3	21	69.11
27750676	13	3	4	20	66.51
27821964	11	2	2	15	53.50
27822200	16	3	0	19	63.91
27840179	13	4	1	18	61.31
27847238	15	9	1	25	79.51
27913907	13	2	1	16	56.10
29086897	15	6	8	29	89.92
40000261	13	7	5	25	79.51
40001134	16	7	6	29	89.92
40001621	10	4	0	14	50.90
40001839	8	3	9	20	66.51
40010075	10	2	1	13	48.30
40010105	12	2	0	14	50.90
40010447	13	4	1	18	61.31
40010613	15	3	0	18	61.31
40011042	9	0	0	9	37.90
40011556	13	0	2	15	53.50
40011623	16	4	0	20	66.51
40011904	16	5	0	21	69.11
40012289	13	10	2	25	79.51
40012655	13	3	4	20	66.51
40012662	8	2	0	10	40.50

Design Assignment 1 Marks

Marks are in the order:
problem Description (0,1,2)
Design Description (0,1,2)
Major Design Decisions (0,1,2)
Design Review (0,1,2)
Glossary (0,1,2)
Late Penalty

Total out of 10

These marks are generous. Do not take them as an indication that you can design or communicate a design well.

Do better in Design Assignment 2.

Student ID	A1.1	A1.2	A1.3	A1.4	A1.5	late	A1/10
23565300	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
25275865	2	2	1	2	1	0	8
26258476	2	2	1	1	0	0	6
26855830	2	1	1	1	0	-1	4
26870120	2	2	1	1	0	0	6
26988490	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
26999921	2	1	0	1	1	0	5
27093659	2	1	2	2	1	0	8
27096542	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
27146957	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27157517	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27162375	2	1	1	0	1	0	5
27197055	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27232144	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27249772	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27255454	2	2	1	1	2	-2	6
27274181	2	1	1	1	2	0	7
27275188	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27279906	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27293895	2	2	1	1	1	0	7
27344325	2	1	1	1	1	0	6
27432615	2	2	1	1	2	0	8
27667280	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
27676727	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
27732104	2	1	1	1	0	0	5
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Last modified on 2 November 2015 by