If you are interested in Pictorial Janus, you can learn more about the language in a paper on formal semantics or you can jump directly to the section describing Pictorial Janus' computational model.

If you think Pictorial Janus is interesting, please check out Ken Kahn's work on ToonTalk.

Appending 2 lists

Quicktime movie (210K)

MPEG movie (670K)

A race between 2 appends

Quicktime movie (333K)

MPEG movie (1.3M)

Comparing length of 2 lists

Quicktime movie (93K)

MPEG movie (400K)

A distributed queue

Quicktime movie (287K)

MPEG movie (1.5M)

Reversing a list

Quicktime movie (183K)

MPEG movie (640K)

Partitioning a list

Quicktime movie (698K)

MPEG movie (2.4M)

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