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Publications, Articles, and Technical Reports by Current and Former Members of the DEC Laboratory


Kharma, N., & Ward, R. (2000). "A Novel Invariant Mapping Applied to Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition", in Pattern Recognition, 34(11), August 2001. [PostScript]

Kharma, N., & Ward, R. (1999). "Character Recognition Systems for the Non-expert", in IEEE Canadian Review, 33, Autumn 1999.

Kharma, N., Hussein, F. & Ward, R. "Using Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Weighting in Character Recognition Systems, Review and Study", (submitted to) Evolutionary Computation, August 2001.

Kharma, N., Caro, L., & Venkatesh, V. "MagicBlocks: a Construction Kit for Learning Digital Logic", (submitted to) Computer Applications in Engineering Education, August 2001. [PostScript]

Hongjian, S., Kharma, N., & Ward, R. "Set-Theoretic Interpretations of Linguistic Hedges", (submitted to) Information Science, April 2001.

Ahmad, M., Ward, R., & Kharma, N. (2001). "A Knowledge-base System for Recognizing and Solving Mathematical Problems", in the 1st IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, (to be held in) Cairo, Egypt, December 28-30 2001. [PostScript]

Hussein, F., Kharma, N., and Ward, R.  (2001). "Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Weighting", in the Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR'01, to be held in Seattle, Washington, September 10-13 2001.

Hongjian Shi, Rabab Ward, and Nawwaf Kharma (2001). "Expanding the definitions of linguistic hedges", in the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference 2001, Vancouver, BC, August, 2001.

Kharma, N., & Ward, R. (1999). "A Novel Invariant Mapping Applied to Hand-written Arabic Characters", in the Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR'99, Bangalore, India.

Kharma, N., & Ward, R. (1999). "A New Comprehensive Database of Hand-Written Arabic Words, Numbers, and Signatures used for OCR Testing''. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Edmonton, Canada. [PostScript]

Kharma, N. (1998). "An Evolutionary Approach to the Optimisation of a Machine Learning Mechanism", in the International Conference on Systems, Signals, Control, Computers, held in Durban, South Africa. [PDF]

Kharma, N., & Alwan, M. (1996). "An Incremental Machine Learning Mechanism for Autonomous Agents", in the Fourth IEEE Australian & New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Systems, Australia. [PostScript]

Kharma, N. (1996). "An Incremental Learning Algorithm for Automatic Rule Generation", in the Growing Mind Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.

Alwan, M., & Kharma, N. (1994) "A Three-Layered Hybrid Architecture for Planning in Autonomous Agents", in the Second IEEE Australian & New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Systems, Australia. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1991). "Issues in the Design of an Object Oriented Programming Language", Structured Programming, 12(1), pp. 1-15, January 1991. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1995). "Dee Reference Manual", Technical Report, April 1995. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1995). "Dee: Syntax and Semantics", Technical Report, April 1995. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Cheung, Benjamin (1992). "A Semantic Browser for Object Oriented Program Development", Proceedings 25th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Volume II, pp. 38-45, January 1992. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Santas, Philip (1993). "Equality and Assignment in Object Oriented Languages", EastEurOOPe'93, November 1993. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Chalin, Patrice (1994). "Copying, Sharing, and Aliasing", Colloquium on Object Orientation in Databases and Software Engineering (ACFAS'94), Montreal, Quebec, May 1994. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Gargul, Mark (1994). "A Graph Model for Object Oriented Programming", SIGPLAN Notices, July 1994, pp. 21-28. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1994). "Designing for Change", Invited Workshop Presentation at CASCON'94, November 1994. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1999). "The Evolution of Programming Languages", Course Notes prepared  for the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, August 1999. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter (1999). "Navigating C++ Streams: How to Paddle Softly and Avoid the Alligators", Unpublished Notes, September 1999. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Sakkinen, Markku (2000). "A View and Interface Generator for C++", Unpublished Technical Report, January 2000. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Sakkinen, Markku (2000). "Copying and Comparing: Problems and Solutions", European Conference on Object Oriented Programming, June 2000,     pp. 226-250. [PostScript]

Grogono, Peter & Sakkinen, Markku (2000). "Why One Source File Is Better Than Two", Expanded version of a paper presented at Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2000), November 2000. [PostScript]