Antipodal Fermi Tapered Slot Antennas

 Design of Wide-Scan Multi Sin-Corrugation Antipodal Fermi Tapered Slot Antennas (MSC-AFTSA)

Briqech, Zouhair

The AFTSA model presented in this section has a newly implemented corrugation design for antennas operating in the 60 GHz unlicensed band. A new multi sin-corrugation (MSC) is applied to increase the degree of optimization when the AFTSA antenna is loaded with a lens. Furthermore, the different patterns in the sin-corrugation enhance the radiation characteristic of the antenna. Thus, this model is able to enhance antenna directivity and matching, and reduces the sidelobe and backlobe levels.

Wide-Scan MSC-AFTSA Array-Fed Grooved Spherical Lens Antenna for Millimeter-wave MIMO Applications


 Design of 60 GHz Endfire Circularly Polarized AFTSA-SC with a Single Feed

Briqech, Zouhair

PCB – TSAs are forms of traveling wave antennas, in which the tapering structure topology creates only a linear polarization, or dual polarization achieved with single or dual feed. The circular polarization can be achieved with a dual TSA, one oriented horizontally and the other vertically, with a 90 degree phase shift required between the feeding ports. Single feed circular polarized TSAs were not reported anywhere to the best of the authors’ knowledge. This work presents a novel circularly polarized AFTSA-SC with single feed topology implemented design that is easy to fabricate. Furthermore, the CP-AFTSA-SC design can be constructed in RHCP and in LHCP, and the antenna is easy to be optimized to the desired characteristics.

60 GHz Endfire Circularly Polarized AFTSA-SC with a Single Feed
60 GHz Endfire Circularly Polarized AFTSA-SC with a Single Feed


 Design of 60 GHz Antipodal Fermi Tapered Slot (AFTS) Antennas

Briqech, Zouhair

Several profiles of antipodal Fermi tapered slot antennas designed to operate at 60GHz
Several profiles of antipodal Fermi tapered slot antennas designed to operate at 60GHz


 Design of 57-64 GHz, 1 x 16-element beam steering antenna arrays

Briqech, Zouhair

 An alternative power divider with a triangular-shaped feed which reduces the discontinuity caused by the feed line corners. The new concept presented splits the power in unequal division and enhances the distribution of the electric field with a high level of control at each feed line. A 1 x 16-element beam steering phased array designed with a 60 GHz  AFTSA-SC, and a single antenna designed to achieve a symmetric E-plane and H-plane radiation pattern, is then presented. The feed network design is surrounded by electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures to reduce the surface waves and coupling between feed lines. The design of circularly polarized 1 x 16-element beam steering phased array with and without EBG structures, is presented. These analytical results aid toward the development of new 60 GHz arrays for MMW applications which provide significant enhancements on system performance.
57-64 GHz, 1 x 16-element beam steering antenna arrays
57-64 GHz, 1 x 16-element beam steering antenna arrays


1 x 16 E-Plane Beam-Steering Phased Array with Circularly Polarized AFTS-SC Antenna and EBG Structure
1 x 16 E-Plane Beam-Steering Phased Array with Circularly Polarized AFTS-SC Antenna and EBG Structure


 Design of 30 GHz Beamforming Arrays

Briqech, Zouhair

1 x 4 30 GHz Beamforming Array and 1 x 16 30 GHz H-Plane AFTSA-SC with PET Phase Array
1 x 4 30 GHz Beamforming Array and 1 x 16 30 GHz H-Plane AFTSA-SC with PET Phase Array