
There must be a reason...

Serguei Mokhov, PhD

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Part-time Faculty, CSE, ENCS
Systems Administrator, ENCS Network, AITS, ENCS

Concordia Unversity

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  • Intensional Cyberforensics
  • Forensic Lucid
  • Illimitable Space System
  • MARF
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  • COMP229


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Summer 2004




Winter 2004


Fall 2003


Summer 2003

Teaching and TA'ing

Winter 2003

TA Courses

Fall 2002


Please direct comments, bug reports, etc., regarding these web pages to the author, Serguei Mokhov, at: mokhov@{cs,cse,encs,ciise}.concordia.ca. You can also direct spam to this email address if you wish, but it simply might not reach me. If you really feel like spamming, please follow this link.

Research Interests

My research interests involve different aspects of the GIPSY system as well as MARF and various areas such as distributed and parallel computing, languages and models; AI, pattern recognition, NLP, and machine intelligence, computer graphics, and information-systems security. Publications and pre-prints.

Mini Geographic/Academic Bio

  • Born in Russia, in the city of Perm.

  • Since the age of 5 had lived in St-Petersburg (ex-Leningrad) and suburbs, mostly in the town of Sosnonvy Bor, where I finished my primary, secondary, and high schools.

  • Studied for 2 years in the Saint-Petersburg State Electro-Technical University at the Faculty of Electronics and then the Faculty of Automatics and Computers.

  • Moved to Montréal, Québec, Canada in September 1998.

  • Completed BCompSci, Software Systems, and COOP at Concordia University, Computer Science Department, January 1999 - May 2002.

  • Completed my MCompSci at Concordia, May 2002 - 2005, under supervision of Dr. Joey Paquet and mentorship of Dr. Peter Grogono.

  • Completed my MEng at CIISE in Information Systems Security at Concordia, September 2005 - May 2007.

  • Completed my PhD also at Concordia, Septmber 2005 - 2013, under co-supervision of Dr. Joey Paquet and of Dr. Mourad Debbabi.
    Dissertation: Intensional Cyberforensics

  • Presently an Affiliate Assistant Professor at CSE, Part-time Faculty; and AITS System Administrator, ENCS Network. Continuing research in my areas of interest, working on interdisciplinary projects, and developing a new curriculum together with Dr. Song, Mudur, and Grogono on Entertainment Technology.

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Maintained by Serguei A. Mokhov, mokhov@cs.concordia.ca
Last modified: Friday, 05-Nov-2021 11:59:38 EDT