In order to enable the analysis of library/API classes you should attach to each library class the corresponding source code.
For Java API the source code is attached as follows:
First, download the JDK 5.0 JRL Source or JDK 6.0 JRL Source according to the installed Java Runtime Environment version.
Windows Users
1. Open Eclipse preferences (Eclipse menu -> Window -> Preferences)
2. From the menu of Preferences dialog navigate to Java -> Installed JREs as shown below:
3. Select your installed JRE and press the Edit... button to open the dialog shown below:
4. Select the library corresponding to rt.jar (e.g., JAVA_HOME\jre6\lib\rt.jar) and press the Source Attachment... button.
5. In the Source Attachment Configuration dialog point to the location of the downloaded or file by clicking on the External File... button.
Mac OS X users
1. Open Eclipse preferences (Eclipse menu -> Eclipse -> Preferences)
2. From the menu of Preferences dialog navigate to Java -> Installed JREs as shown below:
3. Select JVM 1.5.0 (MacOS X Default) and press the Edit... button to open the dialog shown below:
4. Select the library corresponding to classes.jar (e.g., /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Classes/classes.jar) and press the Source Attachment... button.
5. In the Source Attachment Configuration dialog point to the location of the downloaded file by clicking on the External File... button.