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Home FAQs Which actions are required to enable the analysis of library/API classes?
Which actions are required to enable the analysis of library/API classes? PDF Print E-mail

In order to enable the analysis of library/API classes you should attach to each library class the corresponding source code.

For Java API the source code is attached as follows:

First, download the JDK 5.0 JRL Source or JDK 6.0 JRL Source according to the installed Java Runtime Environment version.

Windows Users

1. Open Eclipse preferences (Eclipse menu -> Window -> Preferences)

2. From the menu of Preferences dialog navigate to Java -> Installed JREs as shown below:

Eclipse Preferences

3. Select your installed JRE and press the Edit... button to open the dialog shown below:

4. Select the library corresponding to rt.jar (e.g., JAVA_HOME\jre6\lib\rt.jar) and press the Source Attachment... button.

Edit JRE

5. In the Source Attachment Configuration dialog point to the location of the downloaded jdk-1_5_0-src-jrl.zip or jdk-1_6_0-src-jrl.zip file by clicking on the External File... button.

Source Attachment Configuration


Mac OS X users

1. Open Eclipse preferences (Eclipse menu -> Eclipse -> Preferences)

2. From the menu of Preferences dialog navigate to Java -> Installed JREs as shown below:

3. Select JVM 1.5.0 (MacOS X Default) and press the Edit... button to open the dialog shown below:

4. Select the library corresponding to classes.jar (e.g., /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Classes/classes.jar) and press the Source Attachment... button.

5. In the Source Attachment Configuration dialog point to the location of the downloaded jdk-1_5_0-src-jrl.zip file by clicking on the External File... button.

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