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JDeodorant goes open-source PDF Print E-mail
Written by Nikolaos Tsantalis   

The source code of JDeodorant has been made available on GitHub (August 30, 2014).

JDeodorant has completed 7 years of research and development history, since the July of 2007.

I would like to thank all those that contributed to JDeodorant over the years:

  • Marios Fokaefs (Detection of Extract Class refactoring opportunities)
  • Theodore Chaikalis (Detection of type-checking code smells)
  • Giri Panamoottil Krishnan (AST matching for the refactoring of clones)
  • Kimberly Dextras-Romagnino (Visualization of Feature Envy and God Class code smells)
  • Raphael Stein (Visualization of clone differences)
  • Zackary Valenta (AST matching for the refactoring of control structure variant clones)

Kim, Raphi and Zack have been funded with an Undergraduate Student Research Award from NSERC. Giri has been funded by NSERC and the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at Concordia University.

JDeodorant @ PLOW PDF Print E-mail

The second PLOW installment will host a tutorial on Code Smell Refactoring.

Please follow the installation guide to install and configure JDeodorant.

Please download and import in Eclipse the Code Smell Projects for the tutorial session.


The agenda

Room: L4812 4th floor — Pavillons Lassonde, MacKay-Lassonde, École Polytechnique de Montréal

March 4, 2014

9:00-10:30 JDeodorant and Code Smell Refactoring – Nikolaos Tsantalis

11:00-12:30 JDeodorant and Code Smell Refactoring – Nikolaos Tsantalis

March 5, 2014

9:00-10:30 Code Smells an Overview of the History and Research Directions – Nikolaos Tsantalis

11:00-12:30 JDeodorant and TXL Challenges

14:00–15:30 JDeodorant and TXL Challenges

16:00–17:00 JDeodorant and TXL Challenges

PLOW Refactoring Challenge handout
PLOW Refactoring Challenge project

Refactoring of the Clones PDF Print E-mail

JDeodorant supports JLS 4 and Eclipse Juno PDF Print E-mail

JDeodorant supports the Java Language Specification 4 (Java 7) and Eclipse Juno. One of the major changes in the syntax of Java 7 is the try-with-resources statement.

The new try-with-resources statement affects the construction of the Control Flow and Program Dependence graphs (used for slicing purposes), since it can declare resources (objects that must be closed after the program is finished with them). The declared resources affect the data flow dependencies of the program, as it can be observed from the screenshot below.

The new version of JDeodorant (5.0) will be distributed through Update Site and is compatible with Eclipse 3.7.x, 3.8.x and 4.2.x.

The old version of JDeodorant (4.0.x), supporting JLS 3, will be distributed through Update Site and is compatible with Eclipse 3.5.x and 3.6.x.

JDeodorant in headless mode PDF Print E-mail

After several requests, the JDeodorant team presents a new feature allowing to execute JDeodorant in batch processing mode without requiring any interaction with the User Interface of Eclipse.

The new batch processing mode enables the analysis of all open Java projects in an Eclipse workspace without any user interaction. The results are printed in the Console in the same way that are reported in the Eclipse views.

You can find more information and instructions about using this new feature in this guide.

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