COMP442/6421 final project demonstrations schedule - winter 2018

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  1. read ALL the instructions on this page carefully
  2. select free time slots in the schedule below
  3. send an e-mail to with subject "COMP442/6421: project demonstration scheduling", and with the following information in the body of your e-mail (ALL this information is NECESSARY) :
    1. your full name and student ID
    2. the list of ALL free time slots given in decreasing order of preference
  4. I will allocate time slots in a first-come-first served basis and give you a confirmation by e-mail
  5. Evening time slots (i.e. after 18h00) are reserved for students that work during the day, and requesting them must be accompanied by a proper justification. Failure to provide a justification will result in rejection of the time slot request.

Other useful information

  • plan your presentation to last between 30 and 45 minutes
  • if your application is not working, you have to make sure that you can effectively demonstrate what is currently working
  • presentation of separate non-integrated parts will incur major grade deductions
  • the grading sheet is provided on the course web page
  • you are responsible to provide test cases that demonstrate the features listed in the guidelines
  • it is your responsibility to make sure that your project can be demonstrated in the laboratory
  • any request for a time slot outside of the proposed schedule will be disregarded
  • only the first request is processed, any further request from the same student is discarded

Schedule (Monday to Thursday April 16-19, 2018)

time Mon Apr 16th Tue Apr 17th Wed Apr 18th Thu Apr 19th
8h00 Jeremiah Witt
11h00 Eric Davies Ulan Baitassov
12h00 Praveen Joshva
13h00 Gia Khanh Nguyen Jaydeepkumar Patel
14h00 Karanbir Singh Christopher Paslawski Arun Varghese
16h00 Philippe Laferriere Lance Lafontaine Rikil Desai Manohar Gunturu
17h00 Bobak Ansari Richard Puth Venkata Surya Kasyap Vedantam
18h00 * Nicola Polesana Dimitre Bogdanov Zakiya Jafrin
19h00 *
20h00 *

*: Evening time slots are reserved for students that work during the day, and requesting them must be accompanied by a proper justification.