
NezhatZaman Naraghi


Znaraghi at chamran.ut.ac.ir


Bio Highlights:

  • Born on 26 Mordad 1325 (17/8/1946) in Kashan

            Married to Mohammadvali Valizadeh 1350 (1971)

            Two children:

            Pouya (1353) Professor of Electrical Engineering, Canada

            Pegah (1357) PhD in Biology


Career and Educational Highlights:

  • B.Sc. of Geology 1348 (1969)
  • Mandatory military service, 1348-1350 (1969-1971), and concurrent employment at the X-ray laboratory of Geological Survey of Iran and beginning the M.Sc. studies at the University of Tehran.
  • M.Sc. of Geology, Ordibehesht 1352 (1973)
  • Employment as Instructor of Geology, 5/4/1353 (1974). Department of Irrigation and Reclamation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.


Teaching and Research Responsibilities:

·         Geology for undergraduate students, Department of Irrigation 1353-1384.

·         Geology Laboratory for undergraduate students, Department of Irrigation 1353-1384.

·         Teaching Geology for the Environment Protection Agency of Iran 1356 (1977).

·         Collaborator with Faculty of Natural Resources on a project on identifying the environmental priorities of Yazd county 1359 (1980).

·         Teaching Geology in the reeducation program for the secondary school science teachers of Karaj 1359, 1360, 1361 (1980, 1981, 1982).

·         Teaching in the Experimental Sciences program of Ministry of Education 1362, 1363 (1983, 1984).

·         Geology for Master’s students of Iranian Ministry of Energy 1364 (1985).

·         Geology for Master’s students of Agriculture Engineering Institute of Ministry of Agriculture 1365 (1986).

·         Participation in an 8 months long Petrologic and Metallogenic study (i.e. Fluid intrusion in crystals and minerals) on mineral specimens from Iran in the Department of Geology, University College Cork, Ireland and participation in two conferences on Economical Geology in Cork and Tralee, Ireland, 1371-72 (1992-93).

·          Accepted into the “Daneshvari” program of University of Tarbiat-e Moallem, 1376 (1997), Completion of studies 1378 (1999).

·         Participation in a 9 months educational program at the Petrophysic and Tectonic Laboratory, University of Toulouse, France 1381-1382 (2002-2003).

·         Retirement Shahrivar 1384 (2005).







  • Crystallography, N. Naraghi, S. Alirezaee,and M.V. Valizadeh, Ser. No. 2253, Univ. of Tehran Pub. 1995.  (now in Fourth printing)

·         Translation of Principles of isotope geology, Gunter Faure, Shahroud Univ. Pub., 2006, By: M.V. Valizadeh, H. Ghasemi, N. Naraghi, and M. Sadeghian.

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·         Mineralogical study of some minerals of Alvand's igneous masses, Dept. of Geology, Fac. of Sciences, University of Tehran, 1973




نراقي نزهت زمان,"تشخيص سريع كانيها",رشد  زمین شناسی ,١٦ , بهار ١٣٦٨



نراقي نزهت زمان,"موارد استفاده عمده برخي از كاني ها و مواد معدني",رشد زمین شناسی , ١٧ , تابستان ١٣٦٨.



نراقي نزهت زمان,"رگه ها ، كانيهاي رگه اي و تجزيه آنها",رشد زمین شناسی, ١٨ , پاییز ١٣٦٨.



نراقي نزهت زمان,"الماس در متئوريت ها",رشد زمین شناسی,٢٣و٢٤ , ۱۳۶۹.



نراقي نزهت زمان,"بحث تاريخي كاني شناسي",رشد زمین شناسی, ٢٧و٢٨ ,۱۳۷۰۠۠.


A Favorite Poem to Remember:


زندگی صحنه یکتای هنرمندی ماست

هر کسی نغمه خود خواند و از صحنه رود

صحنه پیوسته به جاست

خرم آن نغمه که مردم بسپارند به یاد


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