Common insulation for wood frame wall: blanket, batt, loose-fill, reflective and rigid organic insulation, cellulose fiber, other plant fibers, and animal wool very hygroscopic
Three basic types of insulation used in residential construction are rock wool, fiberglass and cellulose. Insulation is available as a batt or loose fill. Batts are either fiberglass or rock wool spun together to form a continuous piece of insulation. Insulation is rated by its R-Value, which determines the resistance to the flow of heat. The higher the R-Value the greater the insulating efficiency. Insulation ranges in R-Value from R-11 to R-38. Loose fill insulation includes any of the above substances and is blown into ceilings or stud walls.
Exterior Stud Wall Insulation
Exterior stud wall insulation comes as fiberglass or rock wool batts. Another popular option is blowing fiberglass, cellulose or spray foams into wall cavities. These products are denser than batts and slow the flow of heat and air infiltration. Remember, the higher the R-Value the greater the insulation efficiency. See EIFS
Ecological insulation: such as cellulose fibre
Kehrer, M., Kunzel, H. and Sedlbauer, K., 2003, Ecological insulation materials - does sorption moisture affect their insulation performance?
Spray Insulation
Case study by Foam-Teck, lots of photos
Vacuum Insulation
"a technology with the potential to improve the thermal performance of housing. A Vacuum Insulated Panel consists of a core material sealed in an evacuated envelope of some impermeable material. It can yield an insulation value approximately six times that of fiberglass batts. This technology is currently being used in applications outside the home building industry. by HUDUser
Zero-Cavity approach
"filling the cavity with an air and water permeable fibrous insulation (semi-rigid glass fibre) to reduce the effect of mortar droppings and mortar dams on the cavity" -- (http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/publications/en/rh-pr/tech/96209.htm)
Insulation fact sheet at ORNL is a great short course on issues relation to insulation: "Find the recommended insulation values for a new or existing home, and learn how to buy and install insulation." (for US application mainly)
"Insulation is a material designed to slow down the flow of heat. Common insulation materials, their properties and typical applications are described in the table. In the building envelope, the primary function of insulation in most countries is to keep the heat in, but insulation also plays an important role in keeping heat out during the summer months and in hot climates.- "Insulation types
"¡cavity insulation, whether it is cellulose or fiber glass, plays virtually no role in blocking air infiltration through the walls of a home." -- Online source
A summary table of insulation by Building Technology-ATLAS
Insulation Materials, Testing, and Applications, 1990 By D. L. McElroy, Joseph F. Kimpflen, Ronald S.
Insulation Materials By Andr¨¦ O. Desjarlais, Robert R. Zarr , 2002
Table of R-value of common insulations
A good example of use of foam insulation in houses
Loose-Fill Insulations
Buildcore - Building product information for Canada
- " the Canadian standard in construction and building product information - helping the Canadian building and design community leverage its time and expertise to develop accurate construction documents", 12,000 building products available in Canada
Building Envelope theory by Foam-Teck
- good intro and tips on insulating envleop;
- "240 of the 250 Canadian Building Digests published between 1960 and 1990 by NRC's Institute for Research in Construction. The topics reflect the diversity of the industry and cover virtually every aspect of design and construction in Canada."
- vapor transport through insulation
- A study of water vapor transmission through insulation under steady state and transient conditions, by Glicksman, L.R. and Katsenelenbogen,S, 1996
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- Airborne environmental endotoxin: a cross-validation of sampling and analysis techniques, by Walters, M., Milton, D., Larsson, L. and Ford, T., 1994
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- Airborne glass fiber concentrations during installation of residential insulation, by Jacob, T. R., Hadley, J. G., Bender, J. R. and Eastes, W., 1992
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- An improved model of heat and moisture transfer with phase change and mobile condensates in fibrous insulation and comparison with experimental results , by Fan, J., Cheng, X., Wen, X. and Sun, W., 2003
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- Apparatus for studying transient heat and moisture transfer in fiberglass batt insulation, by Couvillion, R.J. , J.S. Hawisa, and G.J. Tatge, 1992
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- ASTM C991-03 Standard Specification for Flexible Glass Fiber Insulation for Metal Buildings, by ASTM, 2003
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- Building envelope design, Part 2: estimating field performance of thermal insulation, by Bomberg, M. T. and Kumaran, M. K., 1993
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- C1060-90(1997)e1 Standard Practice for Thermographic Inspection of Insulation Installations in Envelope Cavities of Frame Buildings, by ASTM, 1997
- water retention of insulation
- C1134-90(2001) Standard Test Method for Water Retention of Rigid Thermal Insulations Following Partial Immersion, by ASTM, 2001
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- C168-01 Standard Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulating Materials, by ASTM, 2001
- cellulosic fiber insulation
- C209-98 standard test methods for cellulosic fiber insulating board, by ASTM, 1998
- fiberglass insulation in HVAC
- Colonization of fiberglass insulation used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, by Price D. L. ; Simmons R. B. ; Ezeonu I. M. ; Crow S. A. ; Ahearn D. G., 1994
- detoriation process
- Combined effect of temperature and humidity of the detoriation process of insulation materials in ETICS, by Holm, A. and K¨¹nzel, H.M, 1999
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- Convection in highly insulated building structures, by Okland, O., 1998
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- Convective processes in loose-fill attic insulation--metering equipment, by Lawton, M. D., 1998
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- Dynamic insulation in multistorey buildings, by Taylor, B. J. and Imbabi, M. S., 1999
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- Ecological insulation materials - does sorption moisture affect their insulation performance? , by Kehrer, M., Kunzel, H. and Sedlbauer, K., 2003
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- Effect of interior and exterior insulation on the hygrothermal behaviour of exposed walls, by Kunzel, H. M., 1998
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- Effect of relative humidity on fungal colonization of fiberglass insulation, by Ezeonu, I. M., Noble, J. A., Simmons, R. B., Price, D. L., Crow, S. A. and Ahearn, D. G., 1994
- cellulose
- Essai sur les toits plats isol¨¦s ¨¤ la fibre de cellulose, by Fazio, P., Derome, D. and Athienitis, A. K., 1998
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- Experimental investigation of the effect of natural convection on heat transfer in mineral wool, by Dyrbol, S., Svendsen, S. and Elmroth, A., 2002
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- Experimental investigation of the hygrothermal performance of insulation materials, by Hansen, K. K., Rode, C., and Hansen, E., 2001
- EIFS insulation damage
- Exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS): problems, causes and solutions, by Mattock, C., 1991
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- Fungal growth on different insulation materials exposed to different moisture regimes , by Klamer, M., Morsing, E. and Husemoen, T., 2004
- mold
- Fungal production of volatiles during growth on fiberglass , by Ezeonu, I. M., Price, D. L., Simmons, R. B., Crow, S. A. and Ahearn, D. G., 1994
- gas-filled insulation
- Gas-filled panels: an update on applications in the building thermal envelope, by Griffith, B. T., Arasteh, D. and T¨¹rler, D., 1996
- molds in fiberglass insulation, a literature review
- Growth of mold on fiberglass insulation materials--a review of the literature, by Van Loo, J. Robbins, C. Swenson, L. and Kelman, B., 2004
- heat transfer measurement
- Heat transmission measurements in thermal insulations, by ASTM, 1974
- impact of added insulation
- Impact of added insulation on air leakage patterns, by Derome, D., Fazio, P., Desmarais, G., 2000
- vapor transport through insulation
- Influence of material properties on the hygrothermal performance of a high-rise residential wall, by Karagiozis, A.N. and M.Salonvaara, 1995
- exterior basement insulation.
- In-Situ performance evaluation of exterior insulation basement systems (EIBS) - spray polyurethane foam: summary report, by Swinton, M. C., Bomberg, M. T., Kumaran, M. K., Maref, W., Normandin, N. and Marchand, R. G., 2000
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- Insulation materials, testing, and applications, by Mcelroy , D. L., Kimpflen , J. F., Graves , R. S. and Wysocki, D. C., 1990
- cellulose in flat roof
- Large scale testing of two flat roof assemblies insulated with cellulose, by Derome, D. and Fazio, P., 1998
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- Measurements and simulations of natural and forced convection in loose-fill attic insulation , by Wahlgren, P., 2002
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- Measuring and modeling vapor boundary layer growth during transient diffusion heat and moisture transfer in cellulose insulation, by Simonson, C. J., Salonvaara, M., Ojanen, T., Walker, I. and Levin, H., 2004
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- Modeling heat and moisture transfer through fibrous insulation with phase change and mobile condensates, by Fan, J. and Wen, X., Johansson, P., Samuelson, I., Ekstrand-tobin, A., Mj?rnell, K., Sandberg, P. I. and Sikander, E., 2002
- Modelling settling
- Modelling settling of loose-fill insulation in walls, part ii determination of coefficients, by Rasmussen, T. V., 2002
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- Modified cup for testing of water vapour transmission through thick, permeable materials, by Bomberg, M., Pazera, M., Haghighat, F. and Grunewald, J., 2002
- cellulose
- Moisture behavior of timber-framed external wall structures in Nordic climate, by Vinha, J.O., P. K?kel? and R. Lindberg, 2001
- moisture in celluose wall
- Moisture conditions in a north-facing wall with cellulos loose-fill insulation: construction with and without a vapor retarder and air leakage, by Hagentoft, C. E. and Harderup, E., 1996
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- Moisture dynamics in building envelopes, by Peuhkuri, R., 2003
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- Moisture in constructions with loose-fill insulation and no vapour barrier, by Levin, P., 2000
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- Moisture performance of leaky exterior walls with added insulation, by Desmarais, G., D. Derome and P. Fazio, 2001
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- Mold performance of some construction products with and without borates, by Fogel, J.L. and J. D. Lloyd, 2002
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- Monitoring the hygrothermal performance of a masonry wall with and without thermal insulation, by Maurenbrecher, A. H. P., Rousseau, M. Z., Said, M. N. and Shirtliffe, C. J., 1998
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- Optimization about multilayer laminated film and getter device materials of vacuum insulation panel for using at high temperature, by Araki, K., Kamotob, D. and Matsuokac, S., 2009
- good review on the non-hygroscopic insulation materials
- Organic insulation materials: effect on indoor humidity and necessity of a vapor barrier, by Rode, C., 1998
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- Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal insulation materials, by Al-homoud, M. S., 2005
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- Performance-based development of a thermally insulated pitched roof system, by Hens, H., 1998
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- Risk of indoor condensation related to thermal insulation standards, by Ponterio, L., Rizzo, G., Rodono, G., Scaccianoce, G., 1999
- spray applied polurethane
- Study of the reduced impact of thermal bridges in two sprayed-applied polyurethane wall assemblies, by Derome, D., Desmarais, G., Rao, J., Athienitis, A. and Fazio, P., 1997
- fiberglass, cellulose
- Temperature and moisture performance of wall assemblies with fiberglass and cellulose insulation, by Rose, W. B. and McCaa, D. J., 1998
- cellulose biber in wood frame roof
- Testing of flat roofs insulated with cellulose fiber, by Fazio, P., Derome, D., Gebasi, D., Athienitis, A., Depani, S., Kovacevic, P., 1998
- Dynamic insulation
- The application of dynamic insulation in buildings, by Taylor, B. J. and Imbabi, M. S., 1998
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- The building envelope as an air filter , by Taylor, B. J., Webster, R. and Imbabi, M. S., 1999
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- The effectiveness of thermal insulation in different types of buildings in hot climates, by Al-homoud, M. S., 2004
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- Thermal diffusion of water vapor through glass fiber insulation, by Stephenson, D. G., 2003
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- Thermal testing and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling vacuum isolation panels and phase c, by Ahmad, M., Bontemps, A., Sall¨¦e, H., Quenard, D., 2006
- cellulose
- Thermal transmittance of a cellulose loose-fill insulation material, by Nicolajsen , A., 2005
- exterior basement insulation systems
- Three-dimensional analysis of thermal resistance of exterior basement insulation systems (EIBS), by Maref, W., Swinton, M. C., Kumaran, M. K. and Bomberg, M. T., 2001
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- Vacuum insulation panels for building applications: A review and beyond, by Baetens, R., Jelle, B.P., Thue, J.V., Tenpierik, M. J., Grynning, S., Uvslokk, S. and Gustavsen, A., 2010
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- Variations of thermal conductivity of insulation materials under different operating temperatures: impact on envelope-induced cooling load, by Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A. and Al-homoud, M., 2002
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- Verification of density predicted for prevention of settling of loose-fill cellulose insulation in walls , by Rasmussen, T.V., Fluent Inc, 2003
- polyurathane and polyisocyanurate, vapor transmission
- Water vapor transmission and moisture accumulation in polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foams, by Schwartz, N. V., Bomberg, M., and Kumaran, M. K., 1996