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- Calculation of heat and moisture transfer in exposed building components, by KščNZEL, H.M. and Kiessl, K., 1997
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- Determination and validation of the microclimate load: Driving rain and solar radiation, by Adl-Zarrabi, B. and A. H?gberg, 2002
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- Keeping roofs on and working, by Paroli, R. and Baskaran, A., 1996
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- On-site exterior wall monitoring methods for air leakage, condensation and rain penetration control problems, by Quirouette, R., 1999
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- Requirements for Exterior Walls, by Hutcheon, N.B, 1963
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- Solar energy fundamentals and modeling techniques - atmosphere, environment, climate change and renewable energy, by Sen, Z., 2008
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- Solar Radiation Maps, by Atlas of Canada website, 2006
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- Spectrally selective glazings, by Lee, E.S., 1998
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- The influence of various condensation phenomena on the indoor cooling by cold walls radiation technique: the case of quality of air, by Decamps, E., A., Royer, G., Queneudec, M. and J. R. Givri, 1995
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- The solar envelope: its meaning for energy and buildings, Building form and environmental performance: archetypes, analysis and an arid climate, by Knowles, R. L., Ratti, C., Raydan, D. and Steemers, K., 2003
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- Thermal degradation of fire-retardant-treated plywood, by Winandy, J. E., 2002