weather data and issues
Weather Data Sources at LBL offers very good web resources, for free and for purchase.
ASHRAE Standard 169P - Weather Data for Building Design Standards: This standard provides recognized weather data for use by designers in building design and related equipment standards.
ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.2, Weather Information: TC 4.2 is concerned with identification, analysis and tabulation of weather data for use in analysis and design of heating, refrigeration, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Promotion of effective use of weather information in these applications in also included. TC 4.2 (www.ashrae.org/TECHCOMM/tc42.htm)
Lecture notes on Climatic Design of Buildings - An Overview
AES (woudc.ec.gc.ca/)
Environmental Canada weather data (www.msc-smc.ec.gc.ca/climate/index_e.cfm?), Environment
Weather data viewer (www.eren.doe.gov/buildings/tools_directory/software/WeatherDataViewer.html)
Standards (From Online source)
- * ISO, 1997. International Standard ISO 6243: Climatic Data for Building Design: Proposed System of Symbols, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. [RP 720.47 C6],
- * ISO, 1995. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 6397: Climatic Data for Building Design: Calculation and Presentation of Accumulated Time-temperature Differences, for Assessing Energy Use in Space Heating, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. [P 720.47 I6],
- * ISO, 1995. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 6397: Climatic Data for Building Design: Calculation and Presentation of Winter External Design Temperatures, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. [P 720.47 I6 c],
- * ISO, 1995. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 6399-1: Solar Radiation. Part 1, Sunpath Diagrams, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. [P 720.47 I6 cs],
- * ISO, 1995. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 6399-2: Solar Radiation. Part 2, Formats for Tabular Presentation, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. [P 720.47 I6 cf,
Environmental Canada weather data
- information on the national climate and surface water (hydrometric and sediment) data archives for which Environment Canada has responsibility.
Experimental Studies Division (ARQX) of the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)
- "areas of research interest: Space Studies, Ozone and UV Radiation Monitoring, Solar Radiation Studies and Field Experiments which include the management of the Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Observatory, Eureka, Nunavut in the high Arctic"
Mesan- an Operational Mesoscale Analysis System
- Global meteorological analysis
Weather data viewer
- "Design conditions were determined for 509 US, 134 Canadian, 339 European, 293 Asian and 169 other worldwide locations for a total of 1444 locations. Thirty-three years of hourly weather data were used for approximately 1/2 of the US and all of the Canadian locations. Twelve years of data were used for the other locations. "
WMO - World Meteorological Organization
- "... coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries."
Related References (17) |
- MI index
- A moisture index to characterize climates for building envelope design, by Cornick, S. and Dalgliesh, W. A., 2003
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- Analysis of Montreal 30-year weather data to select loading conditions for large-scale tests on wall panel systems, by L, C. and H, D. D., 2006
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- Builder's guide: cold climates, by Lstiburek, J., 2004
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- Comparison of methodologies for TMY generation using 20 years data for Athens, Greece, by Argiriou, A., Lykoudis, S., Kontoyiannidis, S., Balaras, C. A., Asimakopoulos, D., Petrakis, M. and Kassomenos, P., 1999
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- Cross-correlations between weather variables in Australia, by Guana, L., Yang, J. and Bell, J. M., 2007
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- Defining climate regions as a basis for specifying requirements for precipitation protection for walls, by Cornick, S. M., Chown, G. A., Dalgliesh, W. A., Djebbar, R., Lacasse, M. A., Nofal, M., Said, M. N., Swinton, M. C. and Tariku, F., 2001
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- Determination and validation of the microclimate load: Driving rain and solar radiation, by Adl-Zarrabi, B. and A. H?gberg, 2002
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- Environmental boundary conditions for long-term hygrothermal calculations, by Djebbar, R., van Reenen, D. and Kumaran, M.K, 2001
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- Estonian climate analysis for selecting moisture reference years for hygrothermal calculations, by Kalamees, T. and Vinha, J., 0
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- Hygrothermal criteria for design and simulation of buildings, by Kalamees, T., 2006
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- Indoor and outdoor weather analysis tool for hygrothermal modelling, by Djebbar, R., Reenen, v. and Kumaran, M. K., 2001
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- Simulating climatic variables by using stochastic approach, by Y¨ıreklia, K., Simseka, H. and Cemek, B., Karamana, S., 2007
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- Simulation of building energy and indoor environmental quality - some weather data issues, by Hensen, J., 1999
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- The synthetical reference outdoor climate, by van Paassen, A. H. C. and Jong, A. G., 1979
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- Weather Data, by Tenwolde, A. and Colliver, D.G., 2001
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- Weatherability of coated fabrics as roofing material in tropical environment , by Razak, A., C. S. Chua and Toyodab, H., 2004
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- WYEC2 Software, by ASHRAE, 2001