Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev
Related Concept
  • CFD - computational fluid dynamics
  • wind
  • wind driven rain

  • Related Articles
  • Alan G. Davenport Wind Engineering Group
  • Laboratory of Building Physics- Leuven, Belgium

  • Concept:

    wind-driven rain: CFD models

    General procedure (steady-state of Choi)

    1) CFD simulation of wind flow pattern around building

    2) raindrop trajectories

    3) catch ratios

    4) water amount for specific rain

    Choi started numerical simulation, steady-state.Choi, E. C. C, 1999, Wind-driven rain on building faces and the driving-rain index

    Choi, E. C. C., 2001, Wind-driven rain and driving rain coefficient during thunderstorms and non-thunderstorms;; Choi, E. C. C., 2000, Variation of wind-driven rain intensity with building orientation;; Choi, E.C.C., 1992, Simulation of wind-driven-rain around a building

    Blocken and Carmeliet, transient driving rain loads (based on multiple runs of steady-state model over weather data, with algorithms for time scale integration)

    Blocken, B. and Carmelie, J, 2001, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on buildings: numerical simulation and experimental verification;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2000, Driving rain on building envelopes ¨C I: numerical estimation and full-scale experimental verification;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2002, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on a low-rise building;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2000, Driving rain on building envelopes ¨C II: representative experimental data for driving rain estimation

    Van Mook, Hangan, experimental verification of steady-state conditions. van Mook, F., 1999, Measurements and simulations of driving rain on the main building of the TUE;;

    Blocken and Carmeliet - verifying transient method Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2002, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on a low-rise building

    also see:

    Web Links (3): Notes
      This link was checked on Dec. 2006CFD Online
      "Resources: A comprehensive collection of annotated links to information related to CFD; Jobs Database: A forum where companies and universities can advertise open positions in CFD; News and Announcements: Use this forum to announce CFD news. Books Guide; Discussion Forums; and CFD Events Calendar "

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006
      " a news/support/information clearinghouse ¡­ developments in CFD technology, read about interesting applications, post questions, and generally help each other out."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Research on wind, rain and driving rain at the TUE site
      "the measurements with CFD simultations of wind and driving rain at the same site"

    Related References (16)
    A review of wind-driven rain research in building science, by Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2004
    Driving rain on building envelopes II: representative experimental data for driving rain estimation, by Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2000
    Full-scale measurements and numeric simulation of driving rain on a building fasade, by van Mook, F., 1999
    Measurements and simulations of driving rain on the main building of the TUE, by van Mook, F., 1999
    Prediction of driving rain intensities using potential flows, by Hagentoft, C. and H?gberg, A., 2002
    Quantification of driving rain as a boundary condition for water flow modelling in building parts, by Blocken, B., 2004
    Simulation of wind-driven rain and wetting patterns on buildings, by Inculet, D. and D. Surry, 1995
    Simulation of wind-driven-rain around a building, by Choi, E. C. C., 1992
    Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on buildings: numerical simulation and experimental verification, by Blocken, B. and Carmelie, J., 1999
    Variation of wind-driven rain intensity with building orientation, by Choi, E. C. C., 2000
    Wind, rain and the building envelope: studies at the Laboratory of Building Physics, KULeuven, by Blocken, B., Desadeleer, W. and Carmeliet, J., 2002
    Wind-driven rain and driving rain coefficient during thunderstorms and non-thunderstorms, by Choi, E. C. C., 2001
    Wind-driven rain as a boundary condition for HAM simulations: Analysis of simplified modelling approaches, by Janssen, H., Blocken, B., Roels, S., Carmeliet, J., 2007
    Wind-driven rain distributions on two buildings, by Karagiozis, A., Hadjisophocleous, G. and Cao,S, 1997
    Wind-driven rain on building faces and the driving-rain index, by Choi, E. C. C., 1999
    Wind-driven rain studies. A C-FD-E approach, by Hangan, H., 1999

    CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,