wind-driven rain: CFD models
General procedure (steady-state of Choi)
1) CFD simulation of wind flow pattern around building
2) raindrop trajectories
3) catch ratios
4) water amount for specific rain
Choi started numerical simulation, steady-state.Choi, E. C. C, 1999, Wind-driven rain on building faces and the driving-rain index
Choi, E. C. C., 2001, Wind-driven rain and driving rain coefficient during thunderstorms and non-thunderstorms;; Choi, E. C. C., 2000, Variation of wind-driven rain intensity with building orientation;; Choi, E.C.C., 1992, Simulation of wind-driven-rain around a building
Blocken and Carmeliet, transient driving rain loads (based on multiple runs of steady-state model over weather data, with algorithms for time scale integration)
Blocken, B. and Carmelie, J, 2001, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on buildings: numerical simulation and experimental verification;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2000, Driving rain on building envelopes ¨C I: numerical estimation and full-scale experimental verification;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2002, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on a low-rise building;; Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2000, Driving rain on building envelopes ¨C II: representative experimental data for driving rain estimation
Van Mook, Hangan, experimental verification of steady-state conditions. van Mook, F., 1999, Measurements and simulations of driving rain on the main building of the TUE;;
Blocken and Carmeliet - verifying transient method Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2002, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on a low-rise building
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Research on wind, rain and driving rain at the TUE site
- "the measurements with CFD simultations of wind and driving rain at the same site"