Web Resources - List of all
The following contains a list of organized web links in alphabetic order. Many other links are imbedded into the text and are not included. Please be noted that most of the descriptions for the web sites were taken from the sites, and therefore some may contain self-prompting phrases.
The links are prefixed with a tiny icon. Three different icons are used: internet explorer icon - the link is ok, IE with question mark - the link has not be checked by computer after insertion, and IE with cross mark - the link was broken.
A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home - EPA
- "Guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth. "
A building revolution - Roodman and Lenssen (1995)
- A paper you must read. Roodman and Lenssen (1995), "A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction", Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, March.
- Web site for "American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults."
- Full list of programs/sites for assessment methods for environmental impact.
ACGIH - American Conference of Industrial Hygienists
- "a member-based organization and community of professionals that advances worker health and safety through education and the development and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge"
Achieving Healthy Indoor Environments in Canada
- "cross-Canada, multi-stakeholder consultation, strategy development and alliance building process for achieving healthy indoor environments in Canada"
Advanced Buildings
- Excellent: A building professional's guide to more than 90 environmentally-appropriate technologies and practices.
AEI - Architectural Engineering Institute
- ".. a place to examine issues and exchange views and information with one another, .. to facilitate the crucial communication among these members of the building team, both on a technical basis and in the professional arena.... technical literature, professional advocacy, and educational opportunities."
Aerobiological Engineering
- Extensive information and links to Aerobiological Engineering -- "the art and science of designing buildings and systems for the control of airborne pathogens and reduction of respiratory infections in indoor environments."
Aerobiology- Fungal Populations in Indoor Air by Megan Hargreaves
- A nice article about fungal stuff in indoor, toxin, and health
- "promotes, protects, and enhances industrial hygienists and other occupational health, safety and environmental professionals in their efforts to improve the health and well being of workers, the community, and the environment"
Air Quality by DEFRA
- details of developments to control and manage ambient air quality across the UK, including European and international air quality issues.
Air Quality Sciences AQS
- An IAQ company "To evaluate and maintain acceptable air quality in indoor spaces,...". With good background information.
Air Sampling Guides
- Links to Guide to NIOSH, OSHA and ASTM Air Sampling Methods; Guide to EPA Air Sampling Standards; Guide to HSE Air Sampling Standards;
Passive (Diffusive) Sampling Guide. Other aerosol sampler information
Airborne Allergens - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease's
- an online chapter on allergens
- designed and is maintained by Fee Warner. Excellent on intro info, with many color images
AIVC publications
- "include journals and technical publications as well as a bibliographical and a numerical database in electronic format, and proceedings from previous AIVC conferences."
AIVC--Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
- IEA Annex 5, "to provide a high quality international technical and information forum covering the areas of ventilation and air infiltration in the built environment with respect to efficient energy use, good indoor air quality and thermal comfort"
"AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database ¡ of articles and publications related to energy efficient ventilation ¡ about 15000 references" since 1979.
"Air Information Review (AIR) is a quarterly newsletter"
Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
- "list of over 170 reference materials concerning the design, construction, and maintenance of the building envelope applicable to the context of British Columbia including references specific to the coastal climate"
ANSI-- American National Standards Institute
- "a private, non-profit organization (501(c)3) that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity."
Apparatus and method for heat flow measurement
- Article on "A method for accurate, on site heat flow measurement through a substrate surface using surface mounted heat flow sensors and an apparatus for on site calibration of surface mounted heat flow sensors are presented. "
Architectural record
- Very good. descriptions of many projects on building designs
ASHRAE-American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
- "the sole purpose of advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration for the public's benefit through research, standards writing, continuing education and publications."
Ask Energynie
- Energy news for home owners and small business operators information they can use to make their homes and commercial buildings more energy efficient. 1994-
- "provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services"
Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme website
- "to disseminate information, without advocacy or bias, on the causes, effects of and controls on air pollution and climate change, within the framework of national legislation and international discussion."
Australian LCA Network
- "Through building an LCA network it is hoped that those who wish to work in the field will be able to build on each others experience and support one another where possible. "
AWC - American Wood Council
- "the wood products division of the American Forest & Paper Association. AWC's mission is to increase the use of wood by assuring the broad regulatory acceptance of wood products, developing design tools and guidelines for wood construction, and influencing the development of public policies affecting the use of wood products. "
balanced solutions by John Straube and Chris Schumacher
- "solve building performance problems and help designers create high performance buildings, by combining a detailed understanding of the technical issues and the socio-economic context of the built environment."
BC Housing - Web links
- "provides hyperlinks to a number of related housing web sites as a public service. Following is a list of categories of the hyperlinks found on this and other pages. " by
BC Housing
BCE--Dept. of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- "The programs offered include the following: B.Eng. (Bldg.) and B.Eng. (Civil). M.Eng., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D., and graduate certificates. "
BDCMag- online magazine Building Design & Construction
- a "magazine published for the building team ¡ª architects, engineers, contractors, building owners and facilities managers involved in design and construction of nonresidential buildings"
BEG--Building Engineering Group
- "the building engineering group at the University of Waterloo, a multi-disciplinary research group that undertakes research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) for the building industry"
- "This software demonstrates a system to support decision makers concerned with Urban sustainability. The system is composed of 4 modules: the Protocol module, the Assessment Methods Module, the Advisors module and the Glossary."
Betec-building Environment & Thermal Envelope Council
- a NIBS Council focusing on effective cooperation among public and private interests seeking energy efficient and environmentally responsible homes and buildings.
BFRL- Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- "studies building materials; computer-integrated construction practices; fire science and fire safety engineering; and structural, mechanical, and environmental engineering...
Meet the measurement and standards needs of the Building and Fire Safety communities."
Bioaerosols, Fungi and Mycotoxins, Ed. by Johanning, E.
- "papers presented at the September, 1998 Third International Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York. clinical and epidemiological studies and technical reports on an emerging public health topic affecting people in indoor environments at work and at home."
- Online journals
- "is a leading provider of web based solutions that
enable Corporate Real Estate and Property Management
professionals to achieve greater efficiencies and costs savings in the management of the entire life cycle of commercial buildings and facilities"
- "...to promote all aspects of fungi by publications, meetings, forays, and other means, including affiliations. "
BS online
- British Standard
BTC - Buildings Technology Center
- "to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for analysis, well-characterized experiments, technology development, and market outreach. "
Buildcore - Building product information for Canada
- " the Canadian standard in construction and building product information - helping the Canadian building and design community leverage its time and expertise to develop accurate construction documents", 12,000 building products available in Canada
Builder Online
- news, trends, building products, marketplace, and resources
Building Energy Databook - DOE
- "provide a current and accurate set of comprehensive buildings- and energy-related data."
Building Envelope theory by Foam-Teck
- good intro and tips on insulating envleop;
Building Examples
- Descriptions, photos, and drawing of example buildings for school, recreation, office and condos. by CWC
Building Green
- "a loosely defined collection of land-use, building design, and construction strategies that reduces these environmental impacts."
Building Group,CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC).
- "deliver Energy-efficient building design and retrofit software, Technology brokerage services and technical assistance, Linkage to a global network of contacts, Marketing support for eco-efficient building technology and tools, and Seamless integration with your organizational structure
" to develop and deploy building technologies and innovations that will help reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with marked economic, environmental and social benefits.
Building Physics and Materials - Technical University of Denmark
- "to improve the basic understanding of materials¡® properties with the aim of establishing better modelling tools and of providing a basis for the development of better materials, better production techniques and better methods for maintenance and repair."
Building Science .com
- "rovides objective, high-quality information about buildings. This resource combines building physics, systems design concepts, and an awareness of sustainability to promote the design and construction of buildings that are more durable, healthier, more sustainable and more economical than most buildings built today."
Building Science Insights
- A series of publications arising from a series of seminars offered by
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction between 1982 and 1992. Each deals with a specific topic and provides scientific and technical information of a practical nature for construction professionals, on: Windows, roofs, walls, fire safety, noise transmission, sealants, coatings and protection systems, lighting, general.
Building techynologies program - EERE
- research, publications,
list of software
- At Harvard, with nice flash intro
Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap- BETR
- ¡°DOE releases Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap, and reports on progress fulfilling Window Industry Technology Roadmap.
Cambridge journals
- Cambridge journals, searchable
Can Do
- "aimed at industrial and institutional buildings and home air quality, including proper maintenance of furnaces and air conditioners.
Canadian Architect
- "a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada.
Canadian Home Builders' Association, BC (CHBA-BC)
- "offers technical support services, reference materials and government information for the benefit of all its members. "
Carleton University fungal metabolite research laboratory
- damp housing and health, endophytic fungi in conifer needles and toxins in food ("the role of fungal metabolites in determining population structure"), by Dr. J. David Miller
Case studies
- cases of building projects which have used Life Cycle techniques in Australia
Caulking and Weatherstripping - Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
- complete information on Caulking and Weatherstripping
- "240 of the 250 Canadian Building Digests published between 1960 and 1990 by NRC's Institute for Research in Construction. The topics reflect the diversity of the industry and cover virtually every aspect of design and construction in Canada."
CCA- Canadian Construction Association
- Information and statistics about the canadian construction industry
CCE - Canadian Consulting Engineer
- "a magazine for professional engineers working as consultants in the construction field. Published since 1957, it is the only national engineering magazine in Canada that covers all engineering disciplines and all geographic regions"
CE and CEC by Kevin Altria
- Basic information about Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and Capillary Electrochromatography (CEC)
CEETB - European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry
- "Functions and tasks: To promote the technical contractors; To ensure professional representation within European Community bodies. etc."
Center for the Built Environment, U of Berkeley
- mission is to improve the design, operation, and environmental quality of buildings by providing timely, unbiased information on building technologies and design techniques.
Centre for Built Environment at University of G?vle
- "Its main activities are scientific research and postgraduate training in the fields of building materials, indoor environment, real estate management, housing, architecture and physical planning."
CIB - International Council for Building
- "to provide a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction in support of an improved building process and of improved performance of the built environment."
"CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated French (former) name: "Conseil International du Batiment" (in English this is: International Council for Building). In the course of 1998, the abbreviation has been kept but the full name changed into: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION
- "To explore the phenomena of heat, moisture and air transfer in buildings, components and materials; ? To formulate laws governing the physics involved; ? To define, measure and discuss the hygrothermal properties of materials and building components; ? To apply the acquired knowledge to the design, execution and maintenance of buildings " By
CiteSeer scientific literature digital library
- "CiteSeer is a scientific literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness."
Cladding- a course by Dr. Heng Li
- "An understanding of the basic concept of claddings."
Claddings Institute of New Zealand
- "to promote quality performance of building envelopes."
CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- List of technical series sponsored/managed by CMHC, free for download
CMHC's Best Practice Guides
Code check:
- Assorted tidbits/lists on building code (Construction Codes
COMIS Multizone Air Flow Model Conjunction Of Multizone Infiltration Specialists
Common Questions and Answers about Mold
- What is mold? How do molds get into the indoor environment and how do they grow? Is mold happening now because buildings are too tight? The homeowner had a water leak - what is the potential for growing mold in the leak area? What about moisture in the crawl space? At what moisture content should someone be worried about mold? ...
Computer Codes Used in Building Envelope Research at ORNL
- descriptions of several computer codes used at Building Envelope Research: ORNLPROPOR DOE-2 MOIST MATCH HEATING EQV-WALL
Concordia University
- "Real Education for the Real People" (How about that!)
Construction and Maintenance Codes
Construction Codes in Canada
- List of Canadian code at IRC
Construction Resources
Construction Specifications Canada (CSC),
- "published six times a year to provide a forum for specifiers, contractors, architects and engineers involved in design and construction, with emphasis on meeting the needs of specification writers." - abstract only, subscription for full access.
Construction Specifier
- "news and the issues that will make, change, and affect your facility management business. "
Construction Technology Updates
- "..Practical 4-6 page publications for architects, engineers, specification writers, property managers, builders and building officials. " by IRC/NRC
Construction Terminology and Explanations
- Simple explanation of parts in a house with cut-view images.
COST -- European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research
- "an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility."
CRD - Collaborative Research and Development Grants
- Research program. "to give companies operating from a Canadian base access to the special knowledge, expertise and educational resources at Canadian postsecondary institutions and to offer opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations that result in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. "
CSA-Canadian Standards Association
- "a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities... 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. "
CSC - Construction Specifications Canada
- " a national association with chapters across Canada, a multi-disciplinary, non-profit association dedicated to the improvement of communication, contract documentation, and technical information in the construction industry"
CSIRO Built Environment
- Built Environment Sector of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) provides leadership through innovations delivering major research, technologies, products and services in Building, Construction and Engineering: Sustainable Materials Engineering, Thermal & Fluids Engineering, and Infrastructure Systems Engineering
CWC publications
CWC Sustainable Buildings
- info on Sustainable Buildings - Green by Design, Sustainable Building Case Studies, Forest Certification, Green Links
CWC-Canadian Wood Council
- "the national association representing Canadian manufacturers of wood products used in construction. ... codes and standards, technical information, education programs, and co-ordinating special programs"
CWCT - Centre for Window and Cladding Technology
- "information provider in the field of building envelopes and glazing, ... on education, training, publications, conferences and research."
Danish National Research Database
- "database with Danish research - publications, projects and institutions: Literature - Published research. References to periodical articles, books, chapters in books, reports, conferences; Projects - Research projects; and, Profiles - General descriptions of research carried out at institutes, laboratories or departments'
database of fungi collection
- of their own collection (28,000)
David D. Palmer Health Sciences Library!
- library search
Discussion forum by Toxic Mold
Division of Air Quality, DAQ
- protecting and improving outdoor, or ambient, air quality in North Carolina
DOE--Department of Energy
- "The Department of Energy's overarching mission is enhancing national security. Responsibility for accomplishing this mission is shared between four principal program lines."
DPPEA -- Pollution Prevention
- providing technical assistance on the elimination, reduction, reuse and recycling of wastes and pollutants
Dr. Fungi
- Extensive collection of non-technical info on fungi, 2000+ references. Emphasis on discausing species.
Dr. Fungi, list of 2000+ references
- a long list of 2220 references on fungi and mold related
DSMZ: German Collection
of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
- "to the acquisition, characterization and identification, preservation and distribution of Bacteria, Archaea, fungi, plasmids, phages, human and animal cell lines, plant cell cultures and plant viruses."- good source also for media names
EIFS Facts:
- extensive information about EIFS
Encyclopeadia Britannica
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
- excellent site. covers nine areas: The Earth , Principles of Sustainable Development , The Environment, Natural Resources , Society , The Economy , Indicators of Sustainable Development , Action for Sustainable Development , Doing Our Bit for Sustainable Development,
Energy Efficiency directory by DMOZ
- Web resources by Search engine category on energy efficiency by DMOZ.
Energy Efficient Building Case Studies:
- Many case studies on energy efficient in houses. Good images
Energy News
- "implement innovative environmental practices in new and existing buildings. B. E. S. T. provides consulting services on "green" design techniques, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmentally sound materials, and improving indoor environmental quality. "
Engineering Fundamentals
- "to create an online destination for the engineering community, where working professionals can quickly find a variety of information to aid in the solution of complex design problems. "
ENR-Engineering News-Record
- " business and technical news needed by anyone who makes a living in or from the construction industry."
Environmental Canada weather data
- information on the national climate and surface water (hydrometric and sediment) data archives for which Environment Canada has responsibility.
Environmental chamber of BCEE Concordia
- A multi-purpose building envelope test facility that can host full-scale wall specimens, at Centre for Building Studies, Concordia University
Environmental Effects of Building Materials
- "This paper uses recent scientific data to test the validity of the perceptions uncovered in the survey: wood was considered the most environmentally friendly building material (masonry ranked second, concrete third, and steel fourth). "
Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Inc. (EMLab)
- "commercial indoor air quality testing laboratory in North America"
Environmental Mould-Related Resources
- "EPA's mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment ¡ª air, water, and land ¡ª upon which life depends. "
EPA IAQ web site
- excellent site for IAQ related info, basics, and links.
ESRU's Web
- " home of high quality courseware and software for students and practitioners interested in design tools for building energy efficiency and new and renewable energy deployment appraisal."
European Aerobiology Information
- Detailed information on sampling principles and procedures, instruments, equipment and counting techniques
Experimental Studies Division (ARQX) of the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)
- "areas of research interest: Space Studies, Ozone and UV Radiation Monitoring, Solar Radiation Studies and Field Experiments which include the management of the Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Observatory, Eureka, Nunavut in the high Arctic"
Fact Sheet- Sick Building Syndrome / Ohio State University
- A short description about SBS by Joe E. Heimlich, 1997
Fact Sheets - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy- EERE
- U.S. Department of Energy's Office on worldwide information about energy efficiency and renewable energy
Facts About Mold by New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
- A short article with answers for a few questions
FAQ ¨C Mould - CWC
- Answers to several questions on molds related particular to wood
Finnish Research Programme on Environmental Health, SYTTY
- "to generate information for the assessment of connections between the environment and human health, to develope procedures, methods and techniques for the promotion of environmental health, ..."
Forest Products Lab
- "on pulp and paper products, housing and structural uses of wood, wood preservation, wood and fungi identification, and finishing and restoration of wood products."
Forest Products Society - conference and meeting abstracts
- Abstracts of many wood related conferences is available in .pdf, in the Conference section.
Forintek Canada
- "a world-class research organization committed to the ongoing prosperity of the Canadian wood products sector. "
Forthcoming Conferences
- in Energy and Environmental Matters in the Building and Urban Sector
FPL publications
- Large amount of searchable publication database, including
Dividends From Wood Research, Durability, and more.
- French site, Quebec
FRDA publiction Abstract Listing
- quite a selction: forestry, BC related
FSEC Home & buildings online publications
Fungal Biodiversity Center - Utrecht, The Netherlands
- has a
database (www.cbs.knaw.nl/DATABASE.HTML) of their own collection
fungal research group pub-abs
- More than 60 references with abstract on mold, house, and health, also see the
other half of the list
Fungal Research Group.com
- Few articles related to mold (by Dorctors)
Fungal Resources and Glossary - Univ. of Minnesota, Environmental Health & Safety
- Basics, images, in buildings, and A "Fungal Glossary" gives basic facts and references for five pages of genera & species.
Fungi in buildings - The University of Minnesota
- Intro, info, images of fungi. By Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS)
Fungi in indoor enviroments - Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS)
- focus "fungal biodiversity through the study of taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships, especially of filamentous fungi and yeasts"
Fungi properties and cassifications-Diversity of Living Organisms
- "at Kennesaw State University to provide information and links related to biological diversity"-brief
Fungi/mycology links
- some resourc links.
Future Fundations
- "This website is the first step in drawing out what the principles of Sustainable Construction might mean in practice. "
Green Building Information Council
- " is a Canadian non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about energy and environmental issues in the building sector from other sources and organizations around the world. "
Green Building Materials-A WATgreen / ERS 285 study
- "a cursory assessment of the need and feasibility for the integration of green building materials into current and future on-campus construction projects, specifically the residence building for which construction is scheduled to begin later this year"
Green Building Resource Guide
- "a database of over 600 green building materials and products selected specifically for their usefulness to the design and building professions, rather than merely their green material content"
Greening the building life cycle
- Hybrid Embodied Energy case studies, embodied energy case
Guide to Wood Design Information
- excellent "bibliography of technical wood design information available from the associations of the Wood Products Promotion Council and other cooperating organizations."- by Scott McVicker 1999
Habitat for Humanity International's Environmental Initiative
- "promotes energy-efficient, environmentally friendly construction, encouraging good stewardship of natural resources and raising awareness of the environmental impact of house building."
Health Canada
- "Health Canada" site by the Government of Canada, covers aspects of health for all that lives.
Health Related Papers at Indoor Air `99 ¨C What Is New and Interesting? An Overview
- "This paper summarizes important new contributions submitted among the many fine health-related papers presented at Indoor Air `99. "
- " a proactive tool to help Ontario school boards identify, prevent, and remediate indoor environment problems that could otherwise affect children's health and learning adversely"
Heat, Air and Moisture Interactions
- "Building Envelope and Environmental Control: Part 1- Heat, Air and Moisture Interactions" by M.T. Bomberg and W.C. Brown in Construction Practice
Help With Air Sampling
- Good, complete source of help from SKC for air sampling.
- Huge list of online journals on engineering, math, and computing.
Home Energy Advisor
- Excellent source for homeowers with many well written information
Home Energy Magazine
- "the magazine of home performance, since 1984, coverage of residential energy efficiency, comfort and safety." searchable article database
Home Energy Magazine Online
- "providing energy professionals with reliable, easy-to-read reporting on the latest energy-efficient technologies for the home--from weatherization, to heating and cooling systems, to lighting, windows, appliances, and indoor air quality."
HUD's Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor
- "Developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, this Web site will help you to successfully integrate energy efficiency into your rehab project."
IAQ glossary
- Indoor air quality glossary
IBP- The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics
- "research, development, testing, demonstration and consulting in all fields of building physics. These include energy saving measures, problems of indoor climate, emissions of building materials, moisture and weathering protection and preservation of buildings and historical monuments. "
IEA Annex 14: Condensation and Energy
- "provided architects, building owners, practitioners as well as researchers, with a better knowledge and understanding of the physical background of these phenomena (critical) conditions for mould growth, material characteristics related to the problems, it has also provided them with better computation models taking air, heat and moisture transfer into account in order to predict properly the phenomena of surface condensation and possible solutions to avoid it."
IEMB-Indoor Environment Management -EPA
ILO: International Labour Organization
- "UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights."
Indoor Air - Mold/Moisture
- Mold resources: basic, clean up, health, building, indoor air, Asthma.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) of EPA
- Information about IAQ, molds, Asthma, radon, etc.
Indoor Environment Connections
- "trade newspaper, and serving the indoor environmental marketplace", latest news.
Indoor Pollutants
- A very thorough essay on Indoor Pollutants; over 200 pages, Committee on Indoor Pollutants, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards,Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council, NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS,Washington, D.C. 1981
Indoor Pollutants -
- Complete research documents about "Indoor pollution in residences, public building, and offices "
Ingenta Select (former CatchWord)
- access to more than 5,000 electronic publications from over 190 publisher clients
Ingenta Select (former CatchWord) access to more than 5,000 electronic publications from over 190 publisher clients
International Building Physics Toolbox
- "a Library of Simulink blocks specially designed for HAM system analyses in Building Physics. "
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW)
- is the leading global union body working to protect workers in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors.
Internet Finite Element Resources
- excellent source for info on "FE software via the Internet, ... by Roger Young and Ian MacPhedran"
IPCC-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- "established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change..."
IRC Publications
- "IRCPUBS includes references to all the publications of IRC and its predecessor, the NRC Division of Building Research, since our founding in 1947."
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction
- "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "
IRG - International Research Group on Wood
- Many info and online publication on wood related issues
Is Indoor Mold Contamination a Threat to Health? by Harriet M. Ammann
- A good article of mold, health, toxin.
ISIAQ - International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
- "an international scientific organization whose purpose is to support the creation of healthy, productive, and comfortable indoor environments. .. by advancing the science and technology of the indoor environment, facilitating international communication and information exchange.
ISO: International Standards Organization
- "a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries, one from each country. to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity."
JCHS-Joint Center for Housing Studies
- "Harvard University's center for information and research on housing in the United States. analyzes the dynamic relationships between housing markets and economic, demographic, and social trends, providing leaders in government, business, and the non-profit sector with the knowledge needed to develop effective policies and strategies.
Jersey Balances
- "supplier of Analytical, Precision, Top-Loading, Moisture & Industrial Balances and scales - for weighing to the nearest 0.00001g up to several hundred metric tons"
Journal of Light Construction, JLC Online
- "unbiased coverage of products, materials, and building techniques as well as hands-on management advice". Good articles about all aspects of housing/buildings
Laboratory of Building Physics, Leuven, Belgium
- "...research and educational activities in the field of heat and mass transfer in building materials, building parts and buildings, the energy use in buildings, building installations and building acoustics. Also research in urban physics is part of our activities.
Lichee - LIfe Cycle House Energy Evaluation,
- by CSIRO Built Environment
List free e journals
- By Concordia University
List of Building codes online
- A large list of organizations related to building codes and standards. Maintained by Criterium-Stanton Engineers
List of computer tools:
List of journals by Dr. Fungi
Literature of INVENT technology programme
- abstracts of reports on current issues dealing with the industrial ventilation technology programme.
Mediators of inflammation
- "Home page of the journal Mediators of Inflammation which focuses on research into cytokines, biological response modifiers and the family of cell adhesion-promoting molecules. "
Medical Mycology
- formerly Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology, a bimonthly international journal publishing original work on all aspects of invasive fungal disease in humans and animals.
Mesan- an Operational Mesoscale Analysis System
- Global meteorological analysis
MEWS Publications at IRC
- Current publications on MEWS, downloadable .pdf files.
- "national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry. MHI serves its membership by providing industry research, promotion, education and government relations programs, and by building and facilitating consensus within the industry."
- microbiological information service on: Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology
Moisture Content Measurement
- An excellent, practical article on practical MC measurement.
mold and law
- an excellent site on issues of insurance, law and litigation issues of molds; links to molds in homes, schools, and buildings;
Mold help
- "mold website with complete information on toxic mold (stachybotrys, penicillium, aspergillus, fusarium, chaetomium, cladosporium). Complete with images, physicians list, symptoms, medical updates, descriptions, discussion board, and several topics."
mold info and articles by a law firm
- images of molds, article from law viewpoint, and many links to other sites
mold info at Environmental Testing & Technology
- "to provide an investigative and consulting service for indoor environmental problems in commercial and residential buildings"
mold info by McGregor Pearce, MPH
- short article on "mold biology, health, moisture, remediating and sampling"
Mold info-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/US)
- A tree of authentical articles on molds and diseases.
mold inspection, warranty service
- offers on-site mold inspection services, insurance of mold problems
Mold Links - PLRB
- by Property Loss Research Bureau -- a not-for-profit, national association at the leading edge of claims information.
Mold Report:
- The Mold Reporter is issued six times a year by Abbey Publications, Inc.
Mold Reporter
- "will cover the causes, remedies and nature of mold problems, providing news and reliable info", issued six times a year by Abbey Publications, Inc.
Mold Resources - EPA
- A great starting point for exploring.
MOLD RESOURCES-Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA)
- IAQA-promote uniform standards, procedures and protocols in the Indoor Air Quality industry.
Mold survivor
- Some articles on molds_health, with links.
Mold/Fungi links - EntertainmentMagazine Media Resources
- Links to some references and web sites
Mold: The Whole Picture - Abbey Newsletter
- A 4 series of articles on mold by Ellen McCrady: The Whole Picture Pt. 1; Pt. 2, Assessment of Mold Problems; Pt. 3, A Neglected Public Health Problem; Part 4: Effect of Mold on Schools, Homes, & Human Beings
Molds, Mycotoxins, and Human Health
- Discusion paper (long) by Michael R. Gray
Movement and Dispersal of Biota
Mycological Resources on the Internet
- internet resources of interest to mycologists (biologists who study fungi) of moderate size
Mycologue Publications - all about fungi, at mycolog.com
- "over 800 images of fungi online as an introduction to our compact mycological encyclopedia, The Fifth Kingdom. "
Mycology at Technical University of Denmark, DTU
- "a multi-disciplinary approach our fundamental research today covers all aspects of fungal evolution, secondary metabolism, mycotoxin production, physiology and ecology."
Mycotoxin List
Mycotoxins in water damaged buildings
- for many fungal species and chemical composition "Determination of the mycotoxins actually produced in water-damaged buildings can most adequately be done by analyzing contaminated building materials."
NAHB - National Association of Home Builders
- "a trade association that helps promote the policies that make housing a national priority. "
- LE FONDS NATURE ET TECHNOLOGIES, formerly FCAR, Quebec university funding agency
National Energy Raters Association
- "to promote energy conservation, industry ethics and consumer satisfaction through adoptive cost-savings measures"
NBC- National Building Code of Canada
- info only "the "bible" of the construction industry, designed to ensure that buildings are structurally sound, safe from fire, free of health hazards, and accessible"
NBI- Norwegian Building Research Institute
- "technical and sociological research and development relating to buildings and the built environment."
NewJour - Electronic Journals & Newsletters
- Internet list for new journals and newsletters available on the Internet
NIEHS -National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- "to reduce the burden of human illness and dysfunction from environmental causes by understanding each of these elements and how they interrelate."
- National Institute of Standards and Technology Established by US Congress to develop and apply technology
Northwest Eco Building Guild
- "protect human health encourage sustainable resource usage foster long-term economic vitality"
NSERC - National Science and Engineering Research Canada
- Funding agency " NSERC's role is to make investments in people, discovery and innovation for the benefit of all Canadians. "
- "an international organisation helping governments tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalised economy"
Office of Applied Economics (OAE)
- OAE, Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BFRL) at NIST, focus on improving the life-cycle quality and economy of constructed facilities. Building Science Series (NIST BSSs); research, publications.
Office of Building Technology:
- Building technology site for Homeowners, Commercial Building Owners and Operators, Builders and Designers Researchers
Office of Energy Efficiency - NCAN-Canada
- energy efficiency and alternative fuels information, Natural Resources Canada
Office of Research
- "to providing the professional services required to support and encourage the development, evolution and expansion of funded research and scholarly activities at Concordia University"
Oikos Green Building Source
ORNL -- Building Envelopes Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- "building envelope research, which focuses on the structural elements that enclose a building (walls, roofs and foundations), and materials research, which concentrates on the materials within the envelope systems (such as insulation)."
PAN - Prarie Adaptation Network, Canada
- Excellent publication list for Clearinghouse for climatic impact, adaptation and mitigation information, on Reports, journal articles, literature reviews & bibliographies (not updated frequently)
pathogenic fungi database - Institute of Medical Mycology (TIMM)
- The database includes list of 1631 species related to toxic fungi
Portable Rotorod
PPRC-- Topical Reports for Green Construction
- "a guide to green building for project developers and for the design, construction, and facility operation professionals"
Projects at Laboratory of INDOOR AIR AND Occupant Health - U of Kuopio
- some collaborative projects on mold-moisture-health
Publications as IBP
- Publications at IBP
publications at Building Materials and Wood Technology
- 2 dozens of online publications on wood related issues.
Publications at HPO (Homeowner Protection Office)
- Extensive publications to many home related issues and research (HPO publications and
Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
Publications at Interactive Resources
- Articles about Architectural Practice, Building Codes, Construction Litigation, Construction
Publications at PBSRG - Performance based studies research group
- Abstracts and purchase option for many publications (related to facility managers)
R-2000 Standard (2001 Edition)
- "The R-2000 Standard presents the criteria that a new house must meet to be eligible for R-2000 certification. The technical requirements of the R-2000 Standard include measures for the efficient use of energy, improved indoor air quality and better environmental responsibility in the construction and operation of a house."
RCI-Mercury - Resource for Roofing and Waterproofing Information
- Excellent "online roofing and waterproofing document resource. " on Coatings Codes, Associations, Standards, Wood Expansion Joints, etc.; ...technical journal of the Roof Consultants Institute.
RealPaper -- how to cite publications
- more than 25,000 example papers to download; to properly cite journal articles using the APA & MLA styles
Regional Climate Development
Under Global Warming - Multiinstitutional Norwegian Project
- Results on: "to estimate probable changes in the regional climate in Northern Europe, ... to quantify uncertainties in these estimates.."
Residential Energy Code - Seattle
- 10 Chapter, HTML format, interlinked.
Rocky Mountain Institute
- "a nonprofit research and educational organization whose goal is to foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security."
- A good introduction and description on bioaerosol sampling.
Abstract of a Poster presentation given at MICRO 98: International Microscopy Conference and Exhibition in London in July, 1998
Sampling methodology for fungal bioaerosols and amplifiers in cases of suspected indoor mold
- an article on sampling
- SBCCI publishes the International Codes? and provides editions of its original codes, the Standard Codes (International Building Code?, International Residential Code?,International Fire Code?, International Plumbing Code?, International Private Sewage Disposal Code?, International Fuel Gas Code?, International Zoning Code?, International Energy Conservation Code?, International Property Maintenance Code?, International Mechanical Code?, and the ICC Electrical Code)
School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene - UBC
- "research programs into five broad areas: Acoustics, Environmental bioaerosol exposure methods development, Exposure assessment and epidemiology, Occupational and environmental policy, Occupational and environmental respiratory disease.. ". (
Research publications
Science and Tech review - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- to communicate, to a broad audience, the scientific and technological accomplishments, particularly in the core mission areas of the Laboratory
- Cover many journals. Abstract and full-text available to subscribers
Seattle Energy Code
- "This site contains the entire text of the Energy Code in effect in Seattle: The 2002 Seattle Energy Code (2001 Washington State Energy Code plus Seattle amendments). "
Seattle Report
- "35 walls were evaluated for their hygrothermal response to environmental loads present in the greater Seattle area"
Sick Building Syndrome - Facts by EPA
- A description of SBS in Indoor Air Facts No. 4 of EPA
SICK BUILDING SYNDROME: Causes, Effects and Control
- An online book on SBS
SimaPro: The LCA Software Tool
- A program to "a tool to collect, analyse and monitor environmental information for products and services. " commercially available, with limited demo version. Very good for general product analysis.
Simulation Research Group
- "We specialize in creating building energy simulation software. ", host of EnergyPlus, DOE-2, GenOpt, etc software.
- the online library of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- " an internationally recognised format for the collection and exchange of data on all environmental impacts, including embodied energy"
SRA - Society for Risk Analysis
- "an open forum for ... risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk."
SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- "promotes and supports university-based research and training in the social sciences and humanities."
Statistical Analysis of Science, Technology and Industry
- "manages databases of internationally comparable statistics in the areas of science, technology and industry"
Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture
- Some good info on sustainability
Sustainable Building Info by R.Rovers
- Now, a site with lists of many useful resources.
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
- A reknowned site
Sustainable Building Sources
Sustainable Communities Network
- "to encourage development that serves the economy, community and the environment."
- "Sustainable businesses offer products and services that fulfill society's needs while contributing to the well-being of all earth's inhabitants."
SWST: Society of Wood Science and Technology
- "a technological and professional organization for scientists and engineers working in academia, government, consulting, and the forest products industries. We are dedicated to providing education and expertise in finding better ways to use and produce wood products. "
Systematic Botany and Mycology databases
- Searchable of fungi
Technical Manual - construction and building design
- An Australia site "show how to design and build a more comfortable home that has less impact on the environment."
technical papers by Morrison Hershfield
- Over 50 excellent reports by the company on building related investigations.
- -- A Guide to Find Building Codes, Regulations and Standards in 15 following countries:
- Good source for news, articles, symptoms, testing, remedy, litigations related to molds
Timber Framing web resources by DMOZ
DMOA list of internet resource links related to timber and wood.
Timber Trade Journal (formerly WorldWideWood)
- "Up-to-the-minute news from around the World as it breaks; A comprehensive online buyer's guide with full address details; A fully searchable archive of news, articles and features" (Free subscription as of Nov/2002)
Timeline of mold research
- An artile by Everette Lee Herndon, on mold awareness, litigations, policies, etc.
- "is the home building industry's technical information resource. It is a service of the NAHB Research Center, funded by private industry and HUD through the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) program"
Topical Reports Green Construction
- "... a comprehensive compilation of resources, mostly web-based, as a starting point that will help you "green" your building, home, or site."
Toxic Mold Legal Network
- An online mold litigation resource
Types_of_Mold - by a home inspector
- About mold and owning your home. Site also has selling tips, Buying Tips, Newsletters, etc.
UDI - Urban Development Institute - Pacific Region
- "a national non-profit association (with international affiliations) of the development industry and related professions."
Wall Thermal Performance Calculator
- "an on-line, interactive method for determining the whole-wall R-value for a variety of wall systems and house plans. " byOak Ridge National Laboratory
Walls and Infrastructure
- excellent introductory info on building envelope (Foundations Wall Structures Roof Structures), as Structural System, a course suplment.
Weather data viewer
- "Design conditions were determined for 509 US, 134 Canadian, 339 European, 293 Asian and 169 other worldwide locations for a total of 1444 locations. Thirty-three years of hourly weather data were used for approximately 1/2 of the US and all of the Canadian locations. Twelve years of data were used for the other locations. "
Weatherize Your Home-Caulk and Weather Strip
- Nice lists of Caulk and Weather Strip, and some web links
WMO - World Meteorological Organization
- "... coordinates global scientific activity to allow increasingly prompt and accurate weather information and other services for public, private and commercial use, including international airline and shipping industries."
Wood Durability web site
- "offering up-to-date information to help wood users get the most life out of wood construction products", provided by the Canadian Wood Council and Forintek Canada Corp.
wood frame house construction manual
- "a step-by-step guide to the erection of our Winter Panel Home shells. The techniques presented here have been tested in the field on many houses. "
Wood movement as it effects joinery
- Effect of moisture, isothermal, shrinkage of various wood specias
- A complete, concise table of insects to wood
World Energy Outlook
- "a global energy survey, including detailed long-term projections of energy demand, energy supply and CO2 emissions. The "WEO" looks from 20 to 30 years into the future, and its projections are based on the World Energy Model "
World Resources Institute
- "WRI is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the earth and improve people's lives. provides information, ideas, and solutions to global environmental problems.
- ".. formed in 1999 with the goal of coordinating and advancing the work of national green building organizations, supporting the development of standards, technologies, products and projects."
Worldwatch Institute
- "a non profit public policy research organization dedicated to informing policymakers and the public about emerging global problems and trends and the complex links between the world economy and its environmental support systems."
Building Environment & Thermal Envelope Council