Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research |
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| Essay:Mold Cross Contamination or Mould Cross Pollution"One mould-infested area can spread mould [cross contaminate or cross-pollute with mould spores or mould growth colonies] from one mould-infected area to a previously mould-free or uncontaminated area. Mould cross contamination is usually made possible by one or more of the following methods:
Airborne mould spores [which are generated by growing mould colonies as part of the mould's reproductive process, and which are extremely light in weight and thus easily carried through out a home, office, or any other type of building by hvac---heating, ventilating, and air conditioning] air movement, fans, mould-laden breezes coming into windows and doors, and ordinary room and house air flows.
Mould spread by direct colony growth and expansion. If mould spores or existing mould colony infestation have a water source such as high humidity, a roof leak, or a slow water leak inside a wall, ceiling, or floor, the mould infestation can spread rapidly from the origin to adjacent, ever-expanding areas [such as growing and expanding though out and INSIDE or OUTSIDE entire walls, ceilings, and floors]. A small mould occupation, if supplied by adequate exposure, can infect and occupy huge areas in just a week!!!
Transportation of mould spores or mould colony growth by being carried by clothing, skin and hair of humans and pets, personal possessions, stored food, truck cabs, inside cars, and any other physical movement that can carry mould spores or mould growth to new locations. For example, a person or a family can carry mould on their clothing, hair, and clothes from a mould contaminated home or office to a previously uncontaminated home or apartment [your own, your friends, your neighbors, etc.]. It is very common that families who escape from a mould-polluted residence cross-contaminate their new place of residence to which they move themselves, and their mould-laden clothing, pets, and personal possessions [such as upholstered furniture].
Improperly-done mould removal and remediation procedures. Many do-it-yourself mould remediators and many allegedly-professional mould remediation companies expose previously uncontaminated areas of a home or other building to airborne mould levels that are thousands of times greater than the previous mould levels in the formerly uncontaminated areas." More info of this article can be found on the web at: ![]() |