Sorption isotherms: a catalog and a data base
Hansen, K. K.
1996 Water Vapor Transmission Through Building Materials and System: Mechanisms and Measurement, ASTM STP 1039, H. R. Trechsel and M. Bomberg, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-delphia, pp. 28-32
moisture content, relative humidity, sorption isotherms, adsorption, desorp-tion, data base, water vapor transmission, testing
Hansen, K. K., (1996), "Sorption isotherms: a catalog and a data base", Water Vapor Transmission Through Building Materials and System: Mechanisms and Measurement, ASTM STP 1039, H. R. Trechsel and M. Bomberg, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-delphia, pp. 28-32.
Abstract: |
In the catalog, sorption isotherms are plottcd for more than 100 materials. Measured sorption values from different sources are put into a data base, and for each set of values the best curve through desorption and adsorption measuring points are fitted using the extended Posnow equation. A page of the catalog shows both data values and a figure with data points and approximated curves. An IBM PC has been used to build up the data base that is stored on a diskette marked SORPTION. The necessary data input and plotting pro-grams for the data base as well as programs for curve fitting of data points are also stored on the diskette. The programs have been discussed in a separate report where the execution of the programs is also described.
Appears in Trechsel, H. R. and Bomberg, M., (Eds), 1996, Water vapor transmission through building materials and system: mechanisms and measurement |
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