Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Air leakage control

Lux, M.E. and W.C. Brown
Building Science Insight '86, An Air Barrier for the Building Envelope

Lux, M.E. and W.C. Brown, (1986), "Air leakage control", Building Science Insight '86, An Air Barrier for the Building Envelope.
The 1985 edition of the National Building Code added an important requirement for the proper performance of buildings constructed in Canada, that is, the control of air flow through the building envelope. To quote from the Code:

"...a building assembly...shall be designed to provide an effective barrier to air exfiltration and infiltration,...through

(a) the materials of the assembly,

(b) joints in the assembly,

(c) joints in components of the assembly, and

(d) junctions with other building elements."

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