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The influence of design on drying rates in wood-frame walls under controlled conditions

Hazleden, D.G. and P.I. Morris
Proceedings for Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII: Integration of Building Envelopes, December 2-7, Clearwater Beach, Florida
Walls, Drying, Durability, Parametric models.

Hazleden, D.G. and P.I. Morris, (2001), "The influence of design on drying rates in wood-frame walls under controlled conditions", Proceedings for Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII: Integration of Building Envelopes, December 2-7, Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Construction practices for multi-unit wood frame residential buildings in British Columbia, Canada are changing in response to a large number of envelope failures experienced in the period from 1985 to 1999. The new design approach includes the use of enhanced deflection and a drained cavity. While this approach will manage a large portion of the exterior moisture load, we have to assume that some moisture will enter the wall during the life of the building, consequently designs also need to incorporate enhanced drying capabilities. A research program conducted at Forintek Canada Corp.'s western lab in Vancouver, Canada has evaluated the relative drying rates of wall assemblies under controlled laboratory conditions. The research ranks test wall panels in terms of their relative drying capacities, identifies potential wall locations at greater risk of slow drying (thus requiring enhanced material durability) and derives baseline data which can be used to improve parametric models of wall performance.

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    "a world-class research organization committed to the ongoing prosperity of the Canadian wood products sector. "

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Hazleden, D. G.
President, HouseWorks Building Science Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada
  1. Designing for durable wood construction: the 4 Ds
  2. Envelope Drying Rates Experiment, Final Report  
Morris, P. I.
Wood Preservation Scientist, Composites and Treated Wood Products, Forintek Canada Corp., Vancouver, BC, Canada
  1. Criteria for unacceptable damage on wood systems
  2. Designing for durable wood construction: the 4 Ds
  3. Evaluation of vapour diffusion ports on drying of wood-frame walls under controlled conditions
  4. Limiting conditions for decay in wood systems
  5. Understanding biodeterioration of wood in structures  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,