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Allergens in the home: a review

Short, S.
Proc. of Healthy Buildings, August 6-10, 2000 in Espoo, Finland, vol. 1, pp.269
allergen, dust mites, pets, fungi, residential

Short, S., (2000), "Allergens in the home: a review", Proc. of Healthy Buildings, August 6-10, 2000 in Espoo, Finland, vol. 1, pp.269.

This review provides an overview of exposure, health effects and control measures for the major biological allergens that people may encounter in the home (house dust mites, fungi, bacteria, domestic pets and cockroaches). The major health effects associated with allergens are asthma (the focus of most research), atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. Complete eradication of allergens from the home is impossible but, for high risk people in particular, it is important to reduce exposure as much as is practicable. Efforts can be made before sensitisation occurs but all methods are applicable whether pre or post sensitisation. The general approach (except for domestic pet allergens) is to make the home less habitable to the allergen source organism. This should involve combined, repeated and rigorous efforts to remove and then impede the return of the organism.

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