Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Mold, a poltergeist

Wemhoff, P.
Home Energy, January/February, pp 19-23
mould, odour, moisture, wall, water leakage, ventilation strategy

Wemhoff, P., (2001), "Mold, a poltergeist", Home Energy, January/February, pp 19-23.
Case study of a severe mould-odour problem in the bedroom of a house in Jacksonville, Florida. The room had been sealed shut by the owners to prevent the odour penetrating the rest of the home. The remedy covered relocation of garden sprinklers, elimination of a negative indoor pressure caused by ductwork supply leaks, correction of the air flow, creation of return air pathways, correction of the refrigerant charge of the air conditioner, provision of constant air flow to the troubled rooms, and application of a brick coating to reduce the water absorbancy of the brick. The problems subsequently cleared up completely.

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