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A review of recent and current initiatives on climate change and its impact on the built environment: impact, effectiveness and recommendations final report

Lowe, R.

Lowe, R., (2001), "A review of recent and current initiatives on climate change and its impact on the built environment: impact, effectiveness and recommendations final report", CRISP CONSULTANCY COMMISSION - 01/04, September.
Executive Summary

This report was commissioned by the CRISP Climate Change Task Group. The objective of the report was to:

бн identify and collate recent work on climate change and its impact on the built environment, form a view on its effectiveness and impact (or lack of impact), and the underly ing reasons.

The primary focus of the work was programmes relating to the UK construction industry, but it has been necessary to consider developments in the EU. A brief review of the situation in Holland has also been undertaken. The report is based on a literature search, on-line searches and interviews carried out in July and August 2001. Due to the volume of activity in the area, the rapid rate of development and the short time available for the work, this report is indicative, r ather than exhaustive.

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CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,