Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Containing noxious mold

Post, N. M.
ENR, 242 (17), 32

Post, N. M., (1999), "Containing noxious mold", ENR, 242 (17), 32.

Mold growth in buildings can be abetted by a number of factors, alone or in combination, including faulty design, construction, inspection, commissioning, operations and maintenance. Natural disasters - floods and storms - and freak accidents like sewage leaks, which are nearly impossible to protect against, can also trigger mold growth. Indeed, buildings are perfect habitats for mold growth. They have lots of sources of food and they have the appropriate temperature range. Mold also loves HVAC systems. Ductwork and ceiling plenums, aided and abetted by fresh air intakes and fans blowing air around a building, are tailor-made conduits for microbes - not to mention bacteria. Other aspects of indoor air quality are discussed.

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