Intro: "ANUMBER OF questions, which have gained importance lately, require a more detailed consideration of the moisture buffering of the building envelope. These questi ons include:
- How do different envelope components react to the variable indoor air conditions in buildings with temporary occupation?
- What humidity control strategies should be employed to preclude mould formation on the internal surfaces of the building envelope?
- Can vapour absorbing finishing materials reduce energy consumption and improve conditions of human comfort?
- What happens to the building envelope when the indoor environment of an old building is dramatically changed e.g. by opening a restaurant?"
Rode C.[1]; Holm A.[2]; Padfield T.[3]
[1] Department of Civil Engineering Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, Email: [2] Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) Postfach 11 52 D-83601 Holzkirchen, Germany [3] May Cottage, Old Road, Harbertonford, Devon, UK TQ9 7TA |