Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Application of infrared thermography and geophysical methods for defect detection in architectural structures

Meola, C., Maio, R., Roberti, N. and Carlomagno, G. M.
Engineering Failure Analysis, 12(6): 875-892

Meola, C., Maio, R., Roberti, N. and Carlomagno, G. M., (2005), "Application of infrared thermography and geophysical methods for defect detection in architectural structures", Engineering Failure Analysis, 12(6): 875-892.
The scope of the present study was a multi-methodological approach to non-destructive evaluation of architectural structures. Three different techniques such as infrared thermography, ultrasonics and electric-type geophysical methods were analysed to acquire information for a synergic use of the different methods, which may be useful for the estimation of the buildings degradation sources. The investigation was carried out in laboratory by considering specimens, which were made of a plaster layer over a support of marble, brick, or tuff to simulate masonry structures. Air bubbles were intentionally created inside specimens to simulate detachments. Examples of in situ applications are also reported. In particular, infrared thermography was used for the inspection of the status of the tiles covering the walls of a building.

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