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Review of thermal energy storage technologies based on PCM application in buildings

Pomianowski, M., Heiselberg, P. and Zhang, Y.
Energy and Buildings, Volume 67, December 2013, Pages 56-69

Pomianowski, M., Heiselberg, P. and Zhang, Y., (2013), "Review of thermal energy storage technologies based on PCM application in buildings", Energy and Buildings, Volume 67, December 2013, Pages 56-69.
Keywords: PCM; Latent heat; Thermal energy storage; Heat transfer; Building envelope

Thermal energy storage systems (TES), using phase change material (PCM) in buildings, are widely investigated technologies and a fast developing research area. Therefore, there is a need for regular and consistent reviews of the published studies. This review is focused on PCM technologies developed to serve the building industry. Various PCM technologies tailored for building applications are studied with respect to technological potential to improve indoor environment, increase thermal inertia and decrease energy use for building operation. What is more, in this review special attention is paid to discussion and identification of proper methods to correctly determine the thermal properties of PCM materials and their composites and as well procedures to determine their energy storage and saving potential. The purpose of the paper is to highlight promising technologies for PCM application in buildings with focus on room application and to indicate in which applications the potential is less significant.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Pomianowski, M.
Heiselberg, P.
  1. Experimental study of buoyancy driven natural ventilation through horizontal openings
  2. Zero Energy Building - A review of definitions and calculation methodologies  
Zhang, Y.
  1. An Overview of Room Air Motion Measurement: Technology and Application
  2. An Overview of Room Air Motion Measurement: Technology and Application
  3. Comparative experiment study on photovoltaic and thermal solar system under natural circulation of water
  4. Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method
  5. Mathematical solutions and numerical models employed for the investigations of PCMs' phase transformations
  6. Measurement of airflow patterns in ventilated spaces using particle image velocimetry  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,