On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance: A review of efficiency/power correlations
Skoplaki, E. and Palyvos, J. A.
2009 Solar Energy, 83(5): 614-624
Solar cell; Photovoltaic module; PV module efficiency; PV power rating methods; Temperature dependence
Skoplaki, E. and Palyvos, J. A., (2009), "On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance: A review of efficiency/power correlations", Solar Energy, 83(5): 614-624.
A brief discussion is presented regarding the operating temperature of one-sun commercial grade silicon-based solar cells/modules and its effect upon the electrical performance of photovoltaic installations. Suitable tabulations are given for most of the known algebraic forms which express the temperature dependence of solar electrical efficiency and, equivalently, solar power. Finally, the thermal aspects of the major power/energy rating methods are briefly discussed.
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