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Review of Anemometer Calibration Standards

Coquilla, R. V.
Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Coquilla, R. V., (2009), "Review of Anemometer Calibration Standards", Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Anemometer calibration defines a relationship between the measured, signals from a test anemometer to a simultaneously collected reference, wind speed generated in a controlled test facility. There are three published, standards that present test protocols for rotating anemometers: ASTM D, 5096-02, ISO 17713-1, and IEC 61400-12-1. For sonic anemometers, two, published standards are referenced: ASTM D 6011-96 and ISO 16622. A, common requirement from all of these standards is that anemometer, calibration is to be conducted in a steady state wind tunnel, in which local, conditions would isolate the performance of the sensor from disturbances, such as vibrations and off-angle winds. Procedures in IEC 61400-12-1 also, specify that the wind tunnel reference speeds are to be measured using a, Pitot tube system. Requirements in ASTM D 5096-02, ISO 17713-1, ASTM D, 6011-96, and ISO 16622 allow the possibility of incorporating other types of, reference wind measurement systems. This paper is a supplement for the, poster presented in CANWEA 2009 and provides a review and comparison, of current anemometer calibration standards as a guide for instrument, manufacturers, distributors, and end users in defining appropriate test, protocols for certain types of anemometers.,

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