

Sofiene Tahar, received in December 1987 his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and in October 1990 his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering both from the University of Darmstadt, Germany. In December 1994, he received his Ph.D. (with Distinction) in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.

Dr. Tahar has previously worked as research assistant at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, and as research associate at the University of Montreal, Canada. In 1996 he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, as Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2000 and to Professor in 2006.

Dr. Tahar's research interests include Hardware Specification and Verification, Formal Methods, VLSI Design Automation, Communications Hardware and Protocols. He is founder and director of the Hardware Verification Group (HVG) at Concordia, which focuses on the development of methodologies, algorithms and tools for formal and semi-formal verification of hardware and embedded systems.

Dr. Tahar is recipient of a Canada Foundation for Innovations (CFI) Researcher Award in 1998. In 2001, he has been appointed Tier 2 (junior) Concordia University Research Chair (equivalent to CRC Tier 2) in Formal Verification of Microelectronics Systems. In 2006, he was awarded the 2007 Concordia University Research Award in the established/senior category and became a Concordia University Research Fellow. In 2007, he has been appointed Tier 1 (senior) Concordia University Research Chair (equivalent to CRC Tier 1) in Formal Verification of System-on-Chip. In 2010, he was recipient of an NSERC Discovery Accelerator award for being among the top 100 researchers in Engineering and Natural Sciences in Canada.

Dr. Tahar has been involved in various international conference program committees as well as national research grant selection committees. He has served several years on the executive committee of ReSMIQ. Dr. Tahar is a Professional Engineer in the Province of Quebec (OIQ). He is Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Communications Society.

Concordia University ENCS Faculty ECE Department Sofi?e Tahar

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