Yi-Nan Zhang
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Contents |
Research Fields
Magnesium, aluminium alloys development
Metallic glass
Experimental determination of phase diagrams using SEM/EDS, EPMA/WDS, XRD, EBSD, TEM
Diffusion analysis and calculation
Casting, mechanical tests
2011 Nominated by VP of Concordia University as an candidate for NSERC Innovation Challenge Award.
2010 CALPHAD-STT scholarship for CalphadXXXIX international conference, Jeju, Korea.
2008-2009 Concordia University Tuition Fee Remission Award.
2007 Best bacholar thesis in the material science and engineering department.
2006 Group First Prize, personal First Prize, material mechanical properties speech competition.
2005 Group Second Prize, personal First Prize, university English drama competition.
Personal Life
Astrophile, Advanced member of Beijing Skywatchers Association. (facilities: Newtonian reflector 114 mm caliber,1000 mm focus, several ocular, equatorial telescope)
Sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics...
Chess: international chess(trained for 2 years in primary school, chinese chess, gobang, chinese checkers...
Others: tongue twister, singing(trained bel canto for 2 years in university)
Journal Articles
[3] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key alloys”, Journal of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Vol. 12, No. 8, rec.No. 025003 (2011).
[2] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Determination of the solubility range and crystal structure of the Mg-rich ternary compound in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Intermetallics, Vol. 18, No. 12, 2402-2411 (2010).
[1] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, Z.H. Wang, <a href=":File:Creep mechanism of as-cast Mg-6Al-6Nd alloy.pdf">Creep mechanism of as-cast Mg-6Al-6Nd alloy</a>, Rare Metals, Vol. 29, No. 5, 538-541 (2010).
Referred Conference Proceedings
[6] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, M. Guerin, S. Larose and P. Wanjara, “Tools For Friction Stir Welding and Processing: A Review”, Innovations in Joining of Advanced Materials, accepted by COM, 2011, Montreal, Canada, (October, 2-5, 2011)
[5] S. Konica, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov and M. Medraj, “The Ca-rich corner of the Al-Ca-Zn system, accepted by THERMEC”, 2011, Quebec, Canada, (August 1-5,2011).
[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Morphological and Crystallographic Characterization of Ca-Mg-Zn Intermetallics in Ternary Diffusion Couples”, accepted by THERMEC, 2011, Quebec, Canada, (August 1-5,2011).
[3] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “<a href=":File:Microstructure and creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-XSr(x=0, 2, 3) alloys.pdf">Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xSr (x=0,2,3) alloys</a>”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 284-286, 1564-1567 (2011).
[2] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “<a href=":File:Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xNd(x=2,4,6) alloys.pdf">Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xNd (x=2,4,6) alloys</a>”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 146-147, 1702-1707 (2011).
[1] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Experimental Determination of the Phase Equilibrium in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys”, TOFA 2010, Porto, Portugal, (September 12-16, 2010)
Oral Presentation
[3] M. Medraj, D. Kevorkov, Y.N. Zhang, M.N. Khan, M. Aljarrah, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, Combinatorial Approach to the Development and Application of Multicomponent Thermodynamic Database for the Mg Alloy Systems, MS&T'10, 2010 (invited).
[2] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi, M. Medraj, Experimental Investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key experiments, CalphadXXXIX, 2010, Jeju, Korea.
[1] M. Medraj, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqui, Y.N. Zhang, S. Konica and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Investigations of the (Mg, Al)-Ca-Zn Systems, CalphadXXXVIII, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.