Yi-Nan Zhang

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Yi-Nan Zhang
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Full nameYi-Nan Zhang
Room #EV13.163



01/2008 - 12/2010: Master Degree of Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Thesis title:"Investigation of the Equilibrium Ca-Mg-Zn System Using Diffusion Couples and Key Alloys"
Supervisors: Prof. M. Medraj and Prof. P. Chartrand.

09/2003 - 07/2007: Bachelor Diploma (highest thesis honor), Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China.
Thesis title:"Effects of the Addition of Nd Element in the Mg-6Al-xSr Alloys on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties"
Supervisors: Prof. Y.F. Wu and Prof. W.B. Du.

09/2000 - 07/2003: High School Diploma, High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Beijing, China.

Research Fields and Skills

Research Fields: Development of magnesium, aluminium alloys for automotive applications, particularly on Mg-Ca-Zn, Al-Ca-Zn, Mg-Ca-Zn-Y, Mg-Ca-(Y,Nd), Mg-Zn-Zr and Mg-Al-Sr-Nd alloy systems
Development of Mg-based metallic glass for biocompatible materials
Laser additive manufacturing for aerospace applications: Inconel 718, Waspaloy
Development of friction stir processing for manufacturing Al-based metal matrix composites
Experimental determination of phase diagrams, equilibria and phase relationships
Computational thermodynamics
Crystallography, Rietveld analysis
Diffusion analysis and calculation
Research Skills: Manufacturing process: Laser cladding, Additive manufacturing (3D printing), Friction Stir Welding and Processing (FSW/P), Casting, Injection molding, Melt-spinning, Arc melting, Induction melting.
Characterization: ICP, SEM, EPMA/WDS, XRD, DSC, EBSD, TEM, Electrical Resistance.
Mechanical property tests: Hardness, Room and elevated temperature tensile, Creep, Smooth and notch rupture tensile, Fatigue.

Research Experience

Jan.2011-present:   RA. Project: "Development of Mg-based Matallic Glassy Material for Biocompatible Implants".
Collaboration with Mcgill University.
Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Supervisor: Prof. M. Medraj.

Jan.2011-present:   RA. Project: "Development of the Advanced Mg and Al Alloys for Automotive applications".
Supported by General Motors and NSERC. Collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Montreal.
Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Supervisors: Prof. M. Medraj and Prof. P. Chartrand.

April.2010-Present:    RA. Project: "Develop Direct Laser Deposition (DLD) Process Parameters and Perform Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for a Repair of Engine Components Manufactured from Inconel 718 and Waspaloy".
Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre, Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada.
Supervisor: Dr. X. Cao and Dr. P. Wanjara.

April.2010-Present:    RA. Project: "Friction Stir Welding and Processing on Development of Al-based Metal Matrix Composites".
Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre, Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada.
Supervisor: Dr. X. Cao and Dr. P. Wanjara.

Jan.2008-Dec.2010: RA. Project: "Investigations of the Equilibrium Ca-Mg-Zn System Using Diffusion Couples and Key Alloys".
Supported by General Motors and NSERC. Collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique Montreal.
Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Supervisors: Prof. M. Medraj and Prof. P. Chartrand.

Sep.2006-Dec.2007: RA. Project: "Effects of the Addition of Nd Element in Mg-6Al-xSr Alloys on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties".
Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (No.2007CB613706).
Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, beijing, China.
Supervisors: Prof. Y.F. Wu and Prof. W.B. Du.

Feb.2006-Jul.2006:   RA. Project: "Investigation of Nano-Grained Materials and Their Microstructures Using Spark Plasma Sintering Technique and Transmission Electron Microscope".
Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, beijing, China.
Supervisor: Prof. X.Y. Song.

Honors and Awards

2012                      1st place finish, represents Young Chinese Professional Association (YCPA). 4th edition, Soccer tournament, held by JCCH and RJCCQ, Montreal.
2012                      Presentation Excellence Prize, 1st student seminar by Advance Study Committee FOCHAPEE.
2012                      Become Junior Engineer, Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.
2011                      Nominated by VP of Concordia University as an candidate for NSERC Innovation Challenge Award.
2010                      CALPHAD-STT scholarship for CalphadXXXIX international conference, Jeju, Korea.
2008-2009              Concordia University Partial Tuition Fee Remission Award.
2007                      Best bacholar thesis in the material science and engineering department.
2006                      Group First Prize, Personal First Prize, material mechanical properties speech competition.
2005                      Group Second Prize, Personal First Prize, university English drama competition.

Personal Life

Astrophile, Advanced member of Beijing Skywatchers Association. (facilities: Newtonian reflector 114 mm caliber, 1000 mm focus, several ocular, equatorial telescope)
Photographic amateur
Sports: soccer (in Red Dragon SC club, representative of Young Chinese Professional Association (YCPA) for matches), basketball, volleyball, gymnastics...
Chess: international chess(trained for 2 years in primary school, chinese chess, gobang, chinese checkers...
Others: tongue twister, singing(trained bel canto for 2 years in university)...


Journal Articles

[12] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, “Elevated Tension, Creep, Smooth and Notch Rupture Tension, Fatigue Properties of Fiber Laser Deposited Inconel 718 Using Filler Wire”, (to be submitted, 2013).

[11] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara and M. Medraj, “Room Temperature Tension Properties of Fiber Laser Deposited Inconel 718 Using Filler Wire”, (to be submitted, 2012).

[10] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, P. Wanjara, M. Opris and E. Kane, “Fiber Laser Deposited Inconel 718 Using Filler Wire”, (to be submitted, 2012).

[9] Y.N. Zhang, G.J. Rocher, B. Briccoli, X.D. Liu, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, “Crystallization kinetics of the Ca-Mg-Zn metallic glass”, (to be submitted, 2012).

[8] Y.N. Zhang, X.D. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, “Characterization of Nano-scale Ternary Precipitates in Crystallized Ca4Mg72Zn24 Metallic Glass”, (to be submitted, 2012).

[7] Y.N. Zhang, G.J. Rocher, B. Briccoli, D. Kevorkov, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, “Crystallization characteristics of the Mg-rich metallic glasses in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (Accepted, October 2012).

[6] D. Kevorkov, Y.N. Zhang, K. Shabnam, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the phase equilibria of the Al-Ca-Zn system at 623 K”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 539, 97-102 (2012).

[5] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, S. Larose and P. Wanjara, “Review of tools for friction stir welding and processing”, special issue on Advances in High Temperature Joining of Materials, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 3, 250-261 (2012).

[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, X.D. Liu, F. Bridier, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, “Homogeneity range and crystal structure of the Ca2Mg5Zn13 compound”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 523, 75-82 (2012).

[3] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Experimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system using diffusion couples and key alloys”, Journal of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Vol. 12, No. 8, rec.No. 025003 (2011).

[2] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Determination of the solubility range and crystal structure of the Mg-rich ternary compound in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Intermetallics, Vol. 18, No. 12, 2402-2411 (2010).

[1] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, Z.H. Wang, “Creep mechanism of as-cast Mg-6Al-6Nd alloy”, Rare Metals, Vol. 29, No. 5, 538-541 (2010).

Refereed Conference Proceedings

[5] S. Konica, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov and M. Medraj, “The Ca-rich corner of the Al-Ca-Zn system”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 409, 51-56 (2012), THERMEC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (Augest 1-5, 2011).

[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, “Morphological and Crystallographic Characterization of Ca-Mg-Zn Intermetallics in Ternary Diffusion Couples”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 409, 387-392 (2012), THERMEC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (Augest 1-5, 2011).

[3] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xSr (x=0,2,3) alloys”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 284-286, 1564-1567 (2011).

[2] Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du, Y.N. Zhang, T. Y. Zuo, “Microstructure and Creep property of as-cast Mg-6Al-xNd (x=2,4,6) alloys”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 146-147, 1702-1707 (2011).

[1] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Experimental Determination of the Phase Equilibrium in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, TOFA 2010, Porto, Portugal, (September 12-16, 2010).

Master thesisExperimental investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key experiments”, Yinan Zhang, MASc, Concordia University, 2010.

Oral and Poster Presentations

[11] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao and P. Wanjara, Fiber Laser Deposition of Aerospace Superalloys, AeroMat Conference and Exposition, April 02-05, 2013, Washington, USA. (Oral)

[10] G.J. Rocher, Y.N. Zhang, X.B. Liu, Z. Altounian and M. Medraj, Mg Based Biodegradable Metallic Glass Implants, 1st student seminar by Advance Study Committee, FOCHAPEE, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Oral)

[9] Y.N. Zhang, X. Cao, M. Guerin, S. Larose, P. Wanjara, Tools for Friction Stir Welding and Processing: A Review, Innovations in Joining of Advanced Materials, COM, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Oral)

[8] S. Konica, Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov and M. Medraj, The Ca-rich corner of the Al-Ca-Zn system, THERMEC, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[7] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, F. Bridier and M. Medraj, Morphological and Crystallographic Characterization of Ca-Mg-Zn Intermetallics in Ternary Diffusion Couples, THERMEC, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

[6] M. Medraj, D. Kevorkov, Y.N. Zhang, M.N. Khan, M. Aljarrah, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, Combinatorial Approach to the Development and Application of Multicomponent Thermodynamic Database for the Mg Alloy Systems, MS&T'10, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, (invited). (Oral)

[5] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and M. Medraj, “Experimental Determination of the Phase Equilibrium in the Ca-Mg-Zn system”, Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys, TOFA, 2010, Porto, Portugal. (Poster)

[4] Y.N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi, M. Medraj, Experimental Investigation of the Ca-Mg-Zn system via diffusion couples and key experiments, CalphadXXXIX, 2010, Jeju, Korea. (Oral) [3] M. Medraj, Sk. Wasiur Rahman, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqui, Y.N. Zhang, S. Konica and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Investigations of the (Mg,Al)-Ca-Zn Systems, CalphadXXXVIII, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral)

[2] Y.N. Zhang, M. Medraj, D. Kevorkov, J. Li, E. Essadiqi and P. Chartrand, Experimental investigation of the Mg-Zn-Ca system using diffusion couples and key experiments, CalphadXXXVIII, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. (Poster)

[1] Y.N. Zhang, Y.F. Wu, W.B. Du and M.Medraj, Effects of addition Nd element in AJ62Lx alloy on the microstructure and mechanical properties, American Society of Metals (ASM) symposium, 2008, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Poster)

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