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Transform Calculus and Partial Differential Equations (ENGR 311)
Teacher: Rolf Wüthrich
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Prerequisite: ENGR 233. Elements of complex variables. The Laplace transform: Laplace transforms and their properties, solution of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Further theorems and their applications. The Fourier transform: orthogonal functions, expansion of a function in orthogonal functions, the Fourier series, the Fourier integral, the Fourier transform, the convolution theorem. Partial differential equations: physical foundations of partial differential equations, introduction to boundary value problems.
Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week. NOTE: Students who have received credit for EMAT 311 or MECH 333 may not take this course for credit. Students have to access this course through their myconcordia portal. |
Numerical Methods (ENGR 391)
Teacher: Rolf Wüthrich
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Prerequisite: EMAT 213, 233; COMP 248 or COEN 243 or MECH 215 or BCEE 232. - Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations
- function approximation
- numerical differentiation
- numerical integration
- solution of simultaneous algebraic equations
- numerical integration of ordinary differential equations.
Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: one hour per week.
NOTE: Students who have received credit for EMAT 391 may not take this course for credit. Students have to access this course through their myconcordia portal. |
Probability and Statistics (ENGR 371)
Teacher: Rolf Wüthrich
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Prerequisite: EMAT 213, 233. - Axioms of probability theory.
- Events
- Conditional probability
- Bayes theorem
- Random variables
- Mathematical expectation
- Discrete and continuous probability density functions
- Transformation of variables
- Probabilistic models, statistics, and elements of hypothesis testing (sampling distributions and interval estimation). Introduction to statistical quality control.
- Applications to engineering problems.
Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: one hour per week. Students have to access this course through their myconcordia portal. |