economical requirement of building envelope
The requirement for economy is almost always present. The number of buildings that can be designed without regard for cost are so few that they need not be considered in this discussion. Both initial and operating costs, then, become an important but complex overall consideration in most designs. The designer may often be required, as part of the design problem, to vary the proportion of anticipated initial to operating costs to suit the economies of a particular venture. Initial costs may be reduced by selecting lower quality components at the expense of increased maintenance or reduced service life, or compromises may be adopted in other directions. Insulation may be reduced at the expense of heating cost or a simpler wall or window arrangement, with some sacrifice in function, may be adopted.
BTC - Buildings Technology Center
- "to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for analysis, well-characterized experiments, technology development, and market outreach. "
Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap- BETR
- ˇ°DOE releases Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap, and reports on progress fulfilling Window Industry Technology Roadmap.
- the online library of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Web book on environments and sustainability by West Virginia University
- a douzen online books with "materials are for use in introductory learning environments for upper division undergraduates, graduate students, and practitioners"