Info on bacteria could be found from: MicroBioNet: "to provide microbiological information on a timely basis to a global reader base and has been created for anyone interested in learning about Microbiology."
DSMZ:: "Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures), a comprehensive resource centre of microorganisms, plant, human and animal cell lines, and plant viruses in Europe offering industry and academic research authentic, genetically stable biological material."
DSMZ: German Collection
of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures
- "to the acquisition, characterization and identification, preservation and distribution of Bacteria, Archaea, fungi, plasmids, phages, human and animal cell lines, plant cell cultures and plant viruses."- good source also for media names
- microbiological information service on: Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology
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- Bacteria, molds, and toxins in water-damaged building materials, by Andersson, M. A., M. Nikulin, U. Ko Ljalg, M. C. Andersson, F. Rainey, K. Reijula, E.-L. Hintikka, And M. Salkinoja-Salonen, 1997
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- Characteristics of airborne actinomycete spores, by Reponen, T.A., Gazenko, S.V., Grinshpun, S.A., Willeke, K. and Cole, E.C, 1998
- bacteria consideration in building code
- Developments in performance-based building codes and standards, by Foliente, G. C., 2000
- bacteria as microbial contamination
- Microbial contamination of indoor air, by Miller, J.D., Mendes, N., 1992
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- Modeling moisture damage and its association with occupant health symptoms, by Haverinen, U. et al, 2001
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- Moisture damage in schools - symptoms and indoor air microbes, by Meklin, T., Husman, T. and Vepselainen, A., 2000
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- Mold, bacteria,dugs: a new tool for tracing microbiological problems hidden in building construction, by Lundin L. and Nodby, O. K., 2002
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- Surface properties of microbial cells probed at the nanometre scale with atomic force microscopy, by Boonaert, C. J. P., Rouxhet, P. G. and Dufrene, Y. F., 2000
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- Toxic-metabolite-producing bacteria and fungus in an indoor environment, by Peltola, J., M. A. Andersson, T. Haahtela, H. Mussalo-Rauhamaa, F. A. Rainey, R. M. Kroppenstedt, and R. A. Samson, 2002