standards: CSA
Canadian Standard Association has standards concerns Construction Products and Materials in the following categories:
Building Materials and Masonry
Forest Products
Industrialized Building Construction
National Construction Codes
Offshore Structures
Plumbing Products and Materials
Structures (Design)
Web Site: CSA (www.csa.ca)
- "provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services"
CSA-Canadian Standards Association
- "a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities... 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. "
ISO: International Standards Organization
- "a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries, one from each country. to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity."