greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide and water vapor. Other: nitrogen dioxide, methane, sulfur hexafluriode, chlorofluorocarbons, etc.
"The recent rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over a relatively short period of time far exceeds the natural variability deduced from ice cor measurements."
"Residential and commercial buildings contribute directly to Canada's greenhouse gas emissions through the combustion of fossil fuels to meet water and space-heating requirements. This contribution adds up to approximately 13% of Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the residential and commercial sectors contribute, indirectly through electrical consumption, such as lighting work places. In all, the residential sector contributes the equivalent of 69 Mt of CO2, while the commercial sector contributes another 47 Mt. The total of 116 Mt represents approximately 25% of Canada's overall greenhouse gas emissions. " -- Canada, 1995, National Action Program on Climate Change.
CO2 Levels: pre-industrial = 265 to 290 ppm, 1958 = 315 ppm, 1994 = 358 ppm.
The EIA forecast for total world fossil energy consumption, rises from 340 Quads in 1995 to 645 Quads in 2015. The latest projections for total world fossil energy range from 380 Quads in 1997 to 606 Quads 1n 2020, which amounts to a 60% increase in this 23 year period, or 2.1% average increase per year (see also the current EIA page and many thanks to Ingrid for this updated pointer).
The Fossil fuel related total world emissions are as follows (1995)
Total CO2 emission: 25,100 Million Tons
Total human population: 5,250 Million
Total Land Surface: 114 Million Km2
CO2 kg/capita: 4,780
CO2 Ton/km2.year: 220
Greenhouse Gas Emission Graphics - http://www.grida.no/db/maps/collection/climate6/index.htm
Building Green
- "a loosely defined collection of land-use, building design, and construction strategies that reduces these environmental impacts."
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- "is an independent federal body, accountable to Parliament through the Minister of the Environment. The Agency works to provide Canadians with high-quality environmental assessments that contribute to informed decision making, in support of sustainable development."
Climate Change Action Fund -- CCAF
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
- excellent site. covers nine areas: The Earth , Principles of Sustainable Development , The Environment, Natural Resources , Society , The Economy , Indicators of Sustainable Development , Action for Sustainable Development , Doing Our Bit for Sustainable Development,
Experimental Studies Division (ARQX) of the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)
- "areas of research interest: Space Studies, Ozone and UV Radiation Monitoring, Solar Radiation Studies and Field Experiments which include the management of the Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Observatory, Eureka, Nunavut in the high Arctic"
- "a summary of news on sustainable building design and related government and business issues published every two weeks by email"
IISBE - International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
- "To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations."
PAN - Prarie Adaptation Network, Canada
- Excellent publication list for Clearinghouse for climatic impact, adaptation and mitigation information, on Reports, journal articles, literature reviews & bibliographies (not updated frequently)
USGBC - United States Green Building Council
World Energy Outlook
- "a global energy survey, including detailed long-term projections of energy demand, energy supply and CO2 emissions. The "WEO" looks from 20 to 30 years into the future, and its projections are based on the World Energy Model "
- ".. formed in 1999 with the goal of coordinating and advancing the work of national green building organizations, supporting the development of standards, technologies, products and projects."
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- A stochastic framework for embodied greenhouse gas emissions modelling of construction materials, by Shipworth, D., 2001
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- Building environmental assessment methods: applications and development trends , by Crawley, D. and Aho, I., Hinks, J. and Cook, G., 1999
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- Climate change 2001: synthesis report, by Watson, R.T. et al., 2001
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- Comparative life cycle costs for new steel portal frame building systems, by Gurung, N., Mahen Mahendran, 2001
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- Greenhouse gas emissions: the capital and revenue carbon costs of residential developments , by Martin, V., Cavanagh, J., Carswell, F., Turney, I. and Gordon, R., 2001
- COP7
- Report of the global environment facility to the conference, note by the secretariat, by UNFCCC, 2001
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- Vital climate graphics, by UNEP/GRID-Arenda, 2002